This sandwich dressing is so delicious. It goes well with roast beef and cheese, corned beef and Swiss, turkey and cheddar, etc.
Yield: 1/4 cup
You can make this in a large quantity if you know you are going to be using it.
This not only goes well on cold sandwiches, but is terrific on hamburgers and cheeseburgers "hot off the grill". Try it on a hot dog. Try it as a steak sauce. Try this when cubing up a warm potato for potato salad. The uses are endless! This is spicy and sweet all at once.
This keeps well in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 weeks in a sealed container.
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I forgot about sandwich dressing. Years ago we used to use Kraft Sandwich dressing. Don't know if it is still made.
This sounds delicious, can't wait to try it, Thanks!!!
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