
Insect Repellents Safe for Use Around Pets

October 30, 2008

Dog in GrassI need a way to rid of roaches. I can't use any sprays because I have my birds to think about and my neighbor's cat. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks from Yellow Tail and Chatter Box and of course Cat.


Linda from Century, FL


By Linda (Guest Post)
October 31, 20080 found this helpful

I can't remember exact name of product, but it is Max something. There is 12 discs in box, they are black, about 2 to 2 1/2 inches square each. The roaches go into the disc, and take poison back to their nest. I used up one box, putting one disc each in kitchen drawers, in kitchen cabinets, in the four corners of a room. One box was enough for me cause I lived in a small apartment. You may need more than one. Write down somewhere the date you put them out, and replace them about every 3 months. After awhile you won't need to replace them, or won't need to put so many out.

By Jeanine (Guest Post)
October 31, 20080 found this helpful

I like in Winter Haven, Fl and we make a 50/50 mix of plaster of paris and corn startch. Came across the recipe in a book called Joey Greens Magic Brands.


We are very pleased with the results. Put the mixture in an old soda bottle and sprinkle all areas.

By (Guest Post)
November 3, 20080 found this helpful

This sounds terrible, but we once lived in an apartment that had gotten infested with roaches before we moved in and we had to fight them ourselves until the landlord finally treated the complex.

I did it this way in order to save money, but it would also save the pets. I accidentally happened upon this solution. Leave out coffee that has been sweetened with sugar and coffee mate. Be sure that the rest of your home is clean, straight and dry before you go to bed.

When you wake up in the morning, it will creep you out to see how many roaches tried out the mixture overnight. Then just dump the cups out and clean them with soap and boiling water. Do the same thing until they are all gone. Sounds nutty, but it works!


Of course, you will need to hide the cups of coffee from the animals, but most pets don't like coffee, and even if they did, it wouldn't hurt them to drink a little during the night. Well except for them being a little wired from the caffeine!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 205 Posts
March 30, 20100 found this helpful

The best product I've found is Combat Platinum Roach Killing Gel. It's safe around pets because you don't have to put it where the pets can get at it (I have 2 small dogs and a cat). It works fantastic! And where I used to have a bad problem with them, I haven't seen one in my home now in several months.


I buy it at Wal-Mart in the household bug repellent section, where you find the Raid spray. I tried those Max roach traps and they don't do a thing. The roaches just walked around them and never went in. Huge waste of money!

July 7, 20100 found this helpful

My problem is that my cats come in and out and they stay on bug patrol. If they see a bug, they will kill it. I find it dead and sometimes half gone. So I don't want something that might poison them if they bite into a bug. Any suggestions?

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 26, 2011

This is kind of embarrassing, but we have a roach problem. Is there a quick solution to get rid of them? We spray and get them under control, but we are disabled and by the time we get around to moving out the fridge and stove they have got a hold again.

I know that there are people that have these just like we do, but it is still an embarrassing subject. We are not dirty people, we just can't get rid of them. I have been reading about diatomaceous earth, will this get rid of them? We also have 4 small furbabies in the house. Thank you in advance for your time and kindness and your input. Take care. God bless you and your loved ones.


By Cassie


May 26, 20110 found this helpful

I bought the "Roach Motels" at The Dollar General store ,it has to be the kind to prevent eggs . They are cheap and they do work. I put them in corners of every room, in cabinets and under appliances. Good Luck!

May 26, 20110 found this helpful

I have used powdered Boric Acid that I bought at Walmart, but I have seen it at many stores. It will work. Sprinkle it around baseboards and doorways and behind and under appliances. Good Luck!

May 27, 20111 found this helpful

I had some of the creatures last summer and tried various home remedies and things that you could buy in stores, and nothing worked, until I told the manager of our apartment complex and he had "pest control" come. That person set out tent shaped sticky things and then he had what looked like a large syringe that had some kind of stuff in it that he shot along the base of the cabinets,etc.


I am 71 years old and partially disabled so am unable to pull out the stove and refrigerator to clean in back and under them. I also can't afford to hire somebody to do it. Nobody ever told me it would be so painful to get old. lol

May 27, 20110 found this helpful

I too use the black flat roach 'hotels' made I believe by maxx. I change them every 3-4 months. I put a sticker with date on them when I change them, so my age and condition won't let me forget when the next time to change is. My homeworker helps with this cause I too am handicapped.

May 27, 20110 found this helpful

If your hardware store has a product called roach proof, buy it. Ive been using it for years and only have to use it maybe once or twice a year. It even gets the big tree roaches which we have a problem with in texas. This really works.

May 27, 20110 found this helpful

You don't have to be "dirty people" for the roach bugs to move in with you!
They can be carried into your house from the grocery store. They can hide in sacks of potatoes, canned soft drinks and other items.

Purchase any dry roach powder that has boric acid in it.It is found just about everywhere, Walmart, the hardware store, and the like. The powder can be put behind appliances, near the baseboards under the stove or 'fridge, under your kitchen sink, under the bathroom wash basin, places where they like to hide.

Boric acid is not good for your animals though, it is considered poisonous. That's why you put the powder behind, or under or inside cabinets. That way your little fur-babies cant reach it. But the roach-bugs can.

May 28, 20111 found this helpful

Roaches nest IN the walls. I got infested. Tried everything, including the professionals. Then I spent less then $4.00 on a can of Grant's ant and spider bait (from Walmart). I took off the light switch covers and electric switch covers in my kitchen and bathrooms and I put the stuff into the walls. I played around to find a way to get it in there, found a folded piece of paper worked best with a pencil to push it in. My roach problem was gone in 48 hours.

May 28, 20110 found this helpful

Raid Fumigators work for me. I use them twice a year like clock work wheather or not I see any (usually don't) and I live in South Texas.

May 28, 20110 found this helpful

You are not dirty people, but roaches are attracted to paper, crumbs on the counter, dirty dishes, and trash. You didn't say how often you clean, so please don't think I am trying to be insulting. Some of this stuff is not so obvious. To get rid of the roaches and stay rid of them, you have to be scrupulous. Take your trash out, vaccuum, sweep, and/or mop at least every other day. Don't leave any soda cans and things of the sort sitting around your house. Wash your dishes the moment you are done eating off of them. Also, get rid of any newspapers, old magazines, etc. that you are no longer using, as roaches eat paper. If you have recycle bins, you might want to keep those in a garage or other area not attached to your house. Be cautious about applying pesticides in your home.

May 28, 20110 found this helpful

I manage a mobile home park, and from time to time we run into this problem. We get the gel. It works.

May 29, 20110 found this helpful

I live in extreme South Georgia,and we got invaded by them when we moved into a home under Live Oak trees. we moved and didn't want to take them with us,so I read everything I could get my hands on,then came up with a drastic solution. Since roaches cannot live without water, we put everything we owned into a metal storage building place that was built on concrete and left it there for a little over a month. It worked.I bought the gel tube for the car, since they had gotten in there, too,and although it was expensive, it worked great.

I am disabled, too, so I know what you mean, but I have found the one trick is keeping food and water away from them. Take the dog's bowls up at night,and empty the water, leave the grate off the front of the fridge for easy access to the drain tray and keep it empty and dry,and unplug any microwaves, TV's, anything of that sort where current provides warm that night. Trim any overhanging tree limbs,clean out flowerbeds right up against the house, anything that could hold moisture.

I lived once where there was only sand around the perimeter of the house, and never saw a roach the whole time. If you cannot afford a storage building, and you have a good size yard,you can put everything out in the sun for a week or two in the summer, dishes, spices, clothes on hangers, everything! I did that once and spread the contents of my kitchen cabinets on a trampoline.

I may live where roaches abound, but I will not live with them! I know these are drastic steps, but your health is at stake!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
June 4, 20110 found this helpful

We have never had a roach problem until about 6 months ago. It turned out that we had a small leak under the kitchen sink (that we didn't know about). It kept a small area just damp, and the roaches loved the dampness. They unfortunately didn't stay there, but invaded our kitchen. I'd read that once you see roaches, you are have a serious problem of infestation that had to be met head-on. Well, once we found the leak and fixed the problem, the roaches left. We didn't have to do anything else, but allow everything to dry out. We've not seen one since. We didn't have to use anything. Hope your problem is as simple.

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June 15, 2011

I have a cat, but we just started to get gnats and were going to fog the house. We don't know what to do with our cat Davy. Help please!

By Tre


June 15, 20110 found this helpful

I've had to fog my house twice since we got cats (indoor only cats). We just put our cats into their carriers and took them out with us. We rode around, picked up some food, and did some yard work. They stayed in the yard with us (in their carriers) after we opened the windows to air out the house. After we let them back into the house, we just kept an eye on them for several days to see if they had any reactions, but both were fine.

Make sure you protect their food and toys. It has been many years since we fogged, but I think I either double bagged those things, or set them out in the garage while the house was being fogged.

June 15, 20110 found this helpful

To get gnats a non-toxic way. Spray the gnats with cheap hair spray! It must gum up their wings or something, but it does get rid of them without poisons!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
June 16, 20110 found this helpful

Pour some apple cidar vinegar with a couple of drops of dish washing liquid into a cup and leave them around where you see them. They will be attracted to the cidar, but drown. The DWL breaks the surface adhesion in the liquid, and they can't get out.

This is a sure cure, and safe for the pets.

June 16, 20110 found this helpful

Go for the first 2 suggestions as what you have is fungus gnats and they are after the cat food. Feed the cats only one time a day canned food and the only spray I know that will do away with fungus gnats is tat spray from family dollar stores or raid for flying insects. When my husband leaves the canned cat food out on the counter is when we get them and you can tell they are a little larger than an outdoor gnat. pesky things anyway.

as soon as they finish or a reasonable few minutes take up the excess food and clean the dish.

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August 1, 2011

We have spiders wanting to get into our house, and we have used so many sprays. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have two Dachshunds, so I have to be careful with them. Also, what can I spray in my yard that my dogs won't be allergic to?

By Bobbie Jo from Jeffersonville, IN

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September 13, 2010

With cooler weather the spiders and fleas (from my cats) are coming into the house. I vacuum at least every 2 days, but need something else to discourage these insects. Any suggestions that are safe around animals?

By Sharon Yool from Newark, CA

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February 15, 2017

Pet owners often search for less toxic solutions for pest control. Boric acid is often mentioned, while less toxic than some choices there can be problems if ingested or when it comes into contact with skin. This is a page about, "Is boric acid safe for pets?".

A happy dog with his tongue out.

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