
Keeping Cats Off of the Counters?

Can I use peppermint oil in a spray bottle with water to spray on my daughter's cat to deter him from getting on my counters?

By Nancy

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
September 7, 20111 found this helpful
Best Answer

Never, ever use pepper of any kind on or around cats or other animals. I used to work in a vet's office. Cats get the pepper in their eyes and it burns. We had a cat in our office that actually scratched it's eye out trying to get rid of the burning pain! We had to surgically remove what was left of the shredded eye. Poor kitty! Use a spray bottle with plain water in it. Don't yell or say anything to the cat. Just spray it when it jumps up on the counter. It will associate the counter with getting sprayed. Don't put anything in the water as the cat may get it in their eyes.

December 11, 20120 found this helpful
Best Answer

Buy a bottle of bitter apple spray in the pet department. I get mine at Petsmart but I understand Wallmart carries it also. It is recommended for dogs to prevent scratching, but it is nothing in it to harm cats and they hate it. Spray it where you do not want them to be and they will stay away. My daughter had a problem with her cat chewing on her electrical cords and also getting on counter tops. She sprayed them and it cured her cat from both problems. Hope this will help your problem.

September 6, 20111 found this helpful

You are much better off spraying the counter tops with hot pepper spray. The spray gets on their feet and they lick their feet. And/ or when their noses touch the counter top and they lick thier nose. They do not like this. Once or twice on the counter is usually all it takes. The spray on the counter, along with a firm NO! is good.

Easy to make up a batch using sprayer, water and cayenne pepper

Spraying animals with water is not really a good way to treat them. Makes them a bit people shy.

June 23, 20171 found this helpful

OMG that is cruel... never use hot pepper spray to detour any animal from being a place it is not...


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September 29, 2011

Orange tabby kitten in suitcase.I have a six month old kitten who keeps jumping on our counters and tearing into our bread or whatever is on the counter. I keep a spray bottle around and I say very firmly, "Ava no". She usually responds by getting off the counter when I'm around, but she will keep doing it even after I spray her. I don't know how to get her to stop. Please help!


By Shauna P


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
September 30, 20110 found this helpful

Aah! So cute! Try double sided sticky tape on the counter. Cats hate it! But don't listen to the people who tell you to use any kind of pepper as it get in their eyes and burns!

September 30, 20110 found this helpful

You have the right idea on the water trick. I had a cat that always went after another cat I had with a vengance. I bought a small water pistol and kept it on me. When ever the attaching cat would start to make a move towards the victim cat I would just pull out the water pistol and call the cats name for his attention.


He had been hit with it a few times and learned real quick that he did not want to get hit with the water. Just keep spraying her with the spray bottle. She'll eventually get it.

October 1, 20110 found this helpful

I read somewhere that take a metal container with lid, put pennies in it and close lid. Then when cat does something you don't like as getting on counter or sofa shake the container and it makes a big rattle noise and the cat will run away. A few tunes like that and it will be weaned from getting into mischief. I tried this and it works. I keep the rattle can by the couch and the cat sees it and doesn't go there. Hope that helps.

October 1, 20110 found this helpful

Try putting aluminum foil that has been scrunched up on the counter top.

October 1, 20110 found this helpful

While the water idea works, you do have to be there to see her before you can use it. I have had very good luck using duct tape. I turn over about 3 inches on each end to hold tape down and stick it with sticky side up on the counter. I put mine only about 2 inches apart and run strips both across and up and down.


Cats hate sticking to anything. It only took about 3 times before she decided she didn't like going on the counters anymore. It will also help if you move the bread or other edibles to a different location while the tape is down so she doesn't associate the counters with food. Good luck!

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