
Making Crushed Glass Art

June 23, 2009

Recycled colored glass wine bottles, crushed, sifted and glued onto sheets of framed glass to make beautiful pictures that resemble stained glass projects. Wine Bottle Glass Art


Approximate time: several days



  1. Find a working electric sink food waste disposer, a table to work on and start crushing glass bottles. Crush one color at a time and keep separate.
  2. Using several different size flour sifters, sift the crushed glass into granule sizes from small pea size down to facepowder size. These four or five sizes will be of different hues, for example, dark brown bottles when crushed will range from dark brown large granules to a light fawn beige facepowder size. The same applies to the other colors. Clear bottles when crushed become very white granules.
  3. Next, locate a good size picture frame with an unbroken sheet of glass that fits the frame. Place the glass over your paper pattern that you can purchase from any stained glass stores.
  4. Lay down your crushed glass on the sheet of glass as per pattern and colors that you wish to use and then apply your glue with a turkey baster to the crushed glass, which will be soaked up almost instantly.
  5. Allow the glass to dry, usually eight hours.
  6. Put the glass picture into your frame and hang it on a wall, or sell it.
Wine Bottle Glass Art

By Don from Winnipeg Canada

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December 21, 2015

This picture is made of recycled colored glass It is broken up in different textures of glass. Use a sifter to make powered glass, etc. The pictures are drawn out on white poster paper and outlined with colored braiding cord. Then they are filled in with the colored glass that is glued in with craft glue.

A gazebo scene made from powdered glass.


November 24, 2009

I placed the photo under a piece of glass out of a frame that I decided was the right size. I then built a crushed glass Santa beard and hat around his face on a black crushed glass background as you can see.

crushed glass Santa face



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March 3, 2013

What kind of glue do you use for crushed glass crafts?

By Reta G


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