
Propagating Grape Vines from Cuttings?

We have a grapevine that has been out back for over 50 years. It started in my backyard before I was born, then my parents gave it to the next-door neighbor who later moved away. After a 2nd owner came and went, the house had no occupant this summer.


This year's crop was especially delicious and I was able to harvest a lot of grapes before the birds got to them. I shared them with friends and neighbors.

I would like to take cuttings of the vines and propagate the vines for myself and anyone who is interested. Would you please help me with tips on how this can be done?

By Cheryl Crockett from Washington, DC

Large round purple grapes.

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May 15, 20142 found this helpful

If you choose, you can get very technical about rooting grape cuttings. A simple approach works well for me. After the vine has entered dormancy and lost all its leaves in late Fall to early Winter, take a long hardwood cane and cut it into six to eight inch pieces. Ideally, each piece will have a node at the bottom, and the stem will have two or more nodes. Bury these cuttings vertically to half their height near the base of the parent plant and hope for the best. Obviously, you will want to make sure the upper end of the cuttings are in the up position.


The picture below shows the results I obtained from using this method. In early January, I cut a cane into six pieces and buried them in a bundle beside the parent plant. In late March, I noticed buds forming on the cuttings. By mid April, leaves had formed. In early May, I lifted the cuttings. Two were dead and four had developed healthy roots. I potted the rooted cuttings and they are thriving.

If you want detailed information, you can find it, here:

August 7, 20171 found this helpful

My 30 year old grape vine kinda propagated itself. A couple of years ago I noticed that the parent vine was laying atop the soil and was pulled down to the soil. I wanted it to go up the trellis so I tried to pull it up. I found that it was firmly affixed to the soil. I have heard of people pegging a vine onto the soil. They leave it there until it roots and then they cut it above the new roots. Unfortunately this can take a year or more.


I propagate all hardwoods, grapes included, by cutting a piece about 8 inches, dip it in rooting hormone and then put it in a plastic bottle with a couple of inches of water and just let it sit in a shady spot. Within a few weeks you can see roots forming. I give away what I do not want to use. I get cuttings from neighbors and friends. I think it is the fastest and surest way to multiply your plants. I have never had a failure with this method and people will give you all the cuttings you want in spring when they prune their trees. My latest batch of cuttings was from a fig. I had 8 cuttings and all have their first roots. They will soon be ready for planting.


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