
Saving Money on Coffee

March 14, 2011

Roasted Coffee BeansMy daughter taught me this tip about saving money on coffee costs. She worked in a fancy coffee shop and they taught her tons about coffee, even though she is not a coffee drinker.


Grind your coffee very fine (espresso grind) and it will go much further. Only use half your normal amount of scoops to get the same or even darker pot of coffee. You may need to use a double filter in your drip coffee maker so no grounds get through.

We have been doing this for awhile now and are very pleased with the results. And, our coffee costs are going down so we are even able to purchase socially responsible coffee also.

By Suzanne from Bainbridge Island WA

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 166 Posts
August 23, 2012

I love my coffee, but the prices continue to go up so I am sharing some things that have helped me save $$ on my coffee.

Saving Money on Coffee


When I want that great flavor coffee, but can't afford the high cost, I buy one jar of my favorite and one cheap jar on sale then mix them together.


May 5, 2008

Bottled coffee drinks are better if the coffee is from home. Wash out any single-serving size plastic bottle and allow to dry upside down in a dish rack.


I personally prefer 1-liter bottles but any size will do.


April 29, 2011

If you are spending $3 for a cup of cappuccino every morning, this adds up to $21 a week or $1092.00 a year.


April 8, 2013

Good coffee is expensive, but cheap if you use it correctly. I purchase good quality ground coffee. When I make a 12 cup pot of coffee, I immediately pour the whole thing into a reused plastic juice bottle.


September 4, 2019

For all of us that work hard and have to hurry to make it out the door every morning, we always need a little pick me-up during the day. For me, that's getting a coffee and, although that Starbucks coffee gives me the energy to finish the work day, it does add up.


I have learned that by making my coffee myself before I leave, I have saved over a hundred dollars each month!

A coffee pot next to a stainless steel travel mug.


Fisher Swanson
May 28, 2006

Do you purchase a latte every day on your way to work? Ordering a latte every weekday adds up to $650 over the course of a year.


April 28, 2008

Sometimes we don't realize how much money we spend on take out coffee. If you buy two cups a day, 5 days a week it can cost you approximately $60 a month.


That's $720 a year on just coffee. Yikes! Here are a few solutions to cut down your Java costs.


November 14, 2010

I really like to drink coffee. I drink it any time of the day. My favorite homemade specialty coffee is so simple and so delicious! Just take a cup of coffee and add a instant packet of hot cocoa mix.


April 6, 2010

I drink a lot of coffee and hate to waste it. Sometimes (often), I will get busy and come back and it is cold. Instead of throwing it out, I pour it back in the pot. I come back in a few minutes and have a hot cup.


August 31, 2011

As coffee prices rose, I started using less, but it didn't taste as good. Now I have started to experiment with espresso.


I added it a little at a time, until I got a great smelling, tasting, flavorful cup that is satisfying.


October 16, 2004

I enjoy gourmet, fresh roasted coffee but the price isn't so much fun. I find mixing the ground gourmet about half and half with less expensive coffee still gives me a fresh roasted flavor but costs much less. By Lynn


February 4, 2020

I encountered a little problem when someone came to visit me who drank as much coffee as I do, and man alive, do I ever drink a lot of coffee! What was the problem? I couldn't make a pot of coffee last very long at all!

A coffee pot, thermos, sugar and cream for a cup of coffee.

October 29, 2007

For those of you that like to frequent coffee shops, whether on your daily commute or just when you're out and about, think about purchasing a commuter mug. Some coffee shops will discount your beverage purchase.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 104 Posts
December 27, 2011

The price of coffee has gone over the roof. I was drinking Folger's Black Silk before it went to nearly $11.00 at WalMart for a can weighing a little over 22 ounces. Then I discovered a brand of coffee by the name of Java something. I can't remember the second word. It is excellent coffee for $4.50 a bag about the same ounces as the Folger's can. The problem is Big Lots doesn't keep it in stock all the time.

I've tried Walmart's brand of coffee and do not like it. I like Kroger's brand of coffee that I drank at a friend's, but there is not a Kroger where I live. Though less expensive Folger's classic and breakfast blends are too weak for my taste and Maxwell House is no less expensive that Folger's.


Using coupons doesn't help as the only coupons I see for coffee are no more than 25 cents and no store here doubles. I'm hoping my ThriftyFun friends can come to my rescue again and recommend a less expensive coffee.

By Betty from Lubbock, TX


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
December 27, 20110 found this helpful

I would, if I were you, buy a really quality coffee, like Duncan Donuts French Vanilla coffee, it comes in a bag and it is like 7 dollars... (could be more or less).

Then I would mix half of that with a really cheap kind of coffee that you like. These are the kind of coffees that you put in a coffeemaker.

Also there was a tip on here where a lady made her own coffee bags. She would staple coffee filters together that had a little coffee in them. This saved her money and time, since she would just have to dunk them into the coffee cup. I did this, but I didn't use a staple, I just twisted the coffee filter after I put some coffee into it, about a couple of teaspoons maybe, more or less. I would dunk the coffee in the water until it was dark. Then I would put the bag on a little plate or saucer, and use it again later, if it still had enough in it.

When I did this I would have to hold the top of the coffee bag with tongs. because the twisted top of the coffee filter would get hot. But it was soo good! I did this a lot in the summer time because I don't use my coffeemaker as much in the summer as in the winter.

I have never ordered coffee online, but is that an option?

Blessings, Robyn

December 28, 20110 found this helpful

Now is a really great time of year to buy specialty coffee at discount prices - get the Christmas blends - available at Gordmans, TJ Max, etc.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
December 28, 20110 found this helpful

If you have Safeway grocery stores in Texas you might really like their brand of ground French Roast that is about $9.00 or $10.00 for a two pound (33 ounce) can and they often have it on sale for a couple of dollars less than that. You can always try the smaller can first to make sure you like the flavor.

December 28, 20110 found this helpful

Chock Full O Nuts is a decent coffee though not very strong. It is inexpensive and I believe it is a national brand.

January 1, 20120 found this helpful

The Kroger Company owns lots of stores under different names so it is possible that there is a Kroger near you but called something else. Here is a link to company information. I hope this helps you.

January 3, 20120 found this helpful

There is a coffee company called Boca Java that you can order coffee from online only also Eight O'Clock coffee is wonderful. They have coupons on their website also. I buy mine from Amazon when they have specials or Sam's Club and Walmart also carries it.

July 7, 20160 found this helpful

I buy more of the Big Lots coffee and freeze them; especially when they have their 20% off sales.

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June 18, 2018

The use of the plastic single-serving coffee pod has been adopted in many homes and offices due to the convenience and variety but they can be costly. Ground coffee is cheaper but it can be messy and can require brewing an entire pot. This is a page about using Kuerig K-cups vs. ground coffee.

A bag of ground coffee beans and a refillable pod next to a box of Keurig coffee pods.

August 8, 2017

If you want to make more than one pot of coffee from you ground coffee, it is best to do it within the same day or the grounds can get moldy very quickly. This is a page about using coffee grounds more than once.

A coffee filter full of used coffee grounds.

April 13, 2013

This is a page about using reusable Kuerig pods. Using a Kuerig coffee maker is a convenient way to make a single serving of your favorite coffee, but the small brewing cups are an expensive way to buy coffee.

Using Reusable Kuerig Pods


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

March 14, 2011

Tips for saving money on coffee. Post your ideas below.

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