
Shih Tzu Breed Information and Photos

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 858 Posts
May 1, 2006
Shih Tau  - with a bow in its hairBreed Description: Shih Tzus have compact, sturdy bodies with long flowing double coats and long facial hair. Considered a sacred animal in its native China, the nimble Shih Tzu was once described as having a lively gait 'like a goldfish.' Bright and expressive, this breed excels at what it was bred for-companionship.

Group: Toy Group

Purpose of Breed: Chinese court dog

Country of Origin: China

Average Size: Shih Tzus range from eight to eleven inches. Shih Tzus range from nine to sixteen pounds.

Color(s): All colors; a white blaze on the forehead and tail is highly prized.

Coat Type: Long, dense, and straight. Daily grooming is essential to keep the Shih Tzu's coat soft.

Grooming: Daily grooming is essential to care for this breed's coat, and the Shih Tzu needs bathing weekly. Wet hair should be carefully blown dry to avoid colds and hair over eyes can be pinned or clipped to aid in vision. Standard care is required for ears, pads, and nails. Eyes should be examined for problems often.

Exercise Needs: Shih Tzus are lively little dogs that easily adapt to apartment or condo life. Vigorous indoor activities may provide an adequate amount of exercise as well as short walks outdoors.

Temperament: The Shih Tzu is a gentle, but energetic, breed of dog that excels at being a loving companion. They are highly intelligent and love to learn new things. This breed is a good choice for the elderly or for families with older children that are not prone to roughhousing. Tzus enjoy traveling and will absorb and reflect the energy of whatever type of household they are a part of.


Common Ailments: Susceptible to kidney disorders, liver disease, eye problems, and umbilical hernias; teeth need regular veterinary attention

Life Expectancy: Can average from 10-18 years. Trivia: The Shih Tzu is often called "the chrysanthemum-faced dog" because of the way the hair grows around their face.

More Information: American Shih Tzu Club, Inc.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 2, 2015

I have two pure Shih Tzus, one is seven kgs and the other five kgs. Both are young and both are girls. The smaller one makes a weird noise when you pick her up. It seems to come from her throat, it's almost like grimacing deep in her throat. Neither snore. I have taken her to vet and she said she is fine. I'm not convinced. I'm worried sick. I can't lose her. They both mean the world to me.

By billiecharli


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
March 4, 20150 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have had dogs who did this. I always thought it was just the way their throats were made. When you pick them up air moves through their throats.


It seemed to be involuntary. They both lived to be over 15 years. I don't think it really means anything.

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February 25, 2014

Tricolored Shih Tzu.I have a Shih Tzu and he is 4 months old. I want to grow his fur out, but the fur on his face is too short to tie and it's like sticking out in front of his eyes. Is there a way that I could put anything in it to at least hold it down? Kinda like how people would use a hairspray or gel to hold their hair to a certain style.

By Angel L.


December 12, 20140 found this helpful

Do not use hairspray or gel! Use little clips and scrunchies. Ask your dog groomer or local pet store.

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November 6, 2009

Do shih tzus have to be groomed, and if so, how often? Also, do they grow up to be very big? Anyone know average weight and size, or height? Also, how cute are they as adults?

By Joy from Seattle, WA


November 6, 20090 found this helpful

I am a BIG fan of Shih-Tzu's and have had a few in my life time. My current Shih-Tzu is a beautiful 12 lb boy named Kooper. They do need to be groomed approx every 6-8 weeks. AND you need to comb them out at least every other day or their hair will mat up.


They are noted for being cuddly lap dogs but also playful at the drop of a hat. Very smart too. Another site is the American Kennel Club. They determine what is considered "standard" in the breed -- Good luck!

November 10, 20090 found this helpful

Ahhh, RowdyGirl, that's a great pic!

Joy, I had a wonderful Shih Tzu named Kiki, who lived to be 15. She was oversize despite purebred: about 25 lbs. Kik retained her playfulness & cute stubborn streak until her 1st stroke, about 1 yr before she died.


Tired of grooming bills, I'd bought Osterizer electric clippers I did the job myself. Not hard, though w/ my severe allergies the hair she didn't shed, when cut, ended up plastered to my face.

As with many purebred dogs, Kiki had some health problems, notably bladder infections throughout her earlier years, & Cushing's Disease later on. Healthy, though, in spite of this. I love Shih Tzus! The very best of luck with your puppy choices. NIca

November 10, 20090 found this helpful

Got my Shih-Tzu, Sarsi, when she was about a year old and a rescue, as a companion for my Belgian shepherd mix, Raven (52#). Adult Shih-tzus range from 9-16# and always seem to be a puppy.


They are typically very smart and trainable, if you can stop laughing at their antics. She's learned a lot from Raven, including how to heel; they walk together very well. They also rough and tumble and chase each other, with Sarsi often zooming underneath Raven. Clearly, Raven will never get used to that!

The Shih Tzu needs all of the people in the house to be pack leaders, with the rules of the house consistent and clear. If you allow your Shih-tzu to take over, they often become snappish, bitey, yappy and demanding.

Yes, they have to be groomed every 4-6 weeks. They don't shed but need brushed regularly. The grooming schedule may depend somewhat on the growth pattern of hair on the head and face. Some patterns put hair in the dog's eyes and they must be trimmed more often.

I never had much time for small dogs until my friend got a Shih-tzu. Now I wonder how I got along without her! She's also good with my cats, and often sleeps with Blackhawk--just her size at 13#. Many of Sarsi's movements are catlike as well.

My friend Marge has a Shih-tzu named Muggsy. Because of her back problems, she uses orange tent stakes, dropping them at the site where Muggsy does his business so her husband can find and clean up later. Muggsy quickly learned that the easiest way to announce he wanted out was to come to her with a tent stake in his mouth! My friend Gloria's little Abby learned to ring a small bell hung a few inches from the floor next to the door. My Sarsi goes to the door and sneezes to go out. No, I don't know why! Raven sneees on command. <g>

You will love this breed! These dogs are a constant source of entertainment, companionship, and love. -shoe

December 5, 20090 found this helpful

I have 2 purebreds, one is solid black, the other is gold & white. They are beautiful dogs with very sweet natures. Jessie, the black one (very rare for solid black) is two (19 lbs)and is kept in a puppy cut He was given to me when he was 7 mo. He knows where I am at all times...he's right there with me! Lil' Ms. Abagail (14 lbs)will be 1 in January.

I bought her from a pet store and she turned out to have Demadex (nickname red mange). Puppies get this diesease from their momma's. She had to have treatments to cure her skin and all her beautiful hair was shaven off. This cost a lot of money and several sleepless nights. She's fine now but I can never let her have puppies and she can get sick easier than Jessie.
They love everybody, they just love me more than anyone else! They hate for someone to walk past them without speaking!

They both are groomed daily. Jessie's is simple but because I'm letting Abbie's hair grow long she can take up a good bit of time every morning. Jessie does not shed but because of the Demadex Abbie's hair comes out a little easier.
They like a lot of company and will let you know when they think you're ignoring them. Abbie is truly a lap dog, Jessie not so much. Both love kids...very much so!

They are both my babies and I love them dearly. If you choose to buy instead of adopting just be very careful and do your homework. Speak with some good dog groomers in your area. I dealt with the BBB and the kennel club AFTER I bought Abbie. Should have started there! Check out the kennel club's websites concerning the breed...very interesting!

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Check out these photos.

August 18, 2019

Santa brought her for Christmas when she was 8 weeks old and was so tiny she could fit in one hand! Her favorite thing is to follow grandkids around the dining table for clean up.

Kloie (Shih Tzu) - dog with its tongue up licking its nose


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
January 6, 2019

Katie our 3 year old Shih Tzu and Tyson (in the photo), the dad, is 2. We bred them. Katie weighs about 5 pounds and Tyson is about 8 pounds. They gave us an early Christmas present of 5 healthy pups.

Puppies (Shih Tzu)  - 5 puppies


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
December 17, 2017

We just got this puppy about 2 weeks ago. Tyson likes to play with our other two Shih Tzus. He plays ball and chews anything he can get.

Tyson (Shih Tzu)


June 2, 2016

This is a page about house training a Shih Tzu. Some dog breeds seem more difficult to house train.

Shih Tzu laying on belly with chin on the ground looking at the camera.

September 14, 2017

This toy breed is thought to have originated in Tibet. They were bred to serve as companions to Chinese royalty. These loyal and affectionate dogs are a popular pet breed. This page contains Shih Tzu photos.

Photo of a well groomed shih tzu dog.

July 29, 2018

This is a page about best weight for a Shih Tzu. Each breed has its own ideal weight from puppyhood until it reaches its adult weight. The Shih Tzu's adult weight should be within the range of nine to 16 pounds (four to seven kilograms). Keeping your pet at its ideal weight helps to ensure good health.

Shih Tzu puppy on a kitchen scale.


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

January 22, 2009

We just recently got two female 6 week old Shih Tzu/Rat Terrier puppies.


November 6, 2009

My family and I are just about to get a Shih Tzu puppy, but I really would like more information about the breed. How big do they get? How long do they live?

Pets Dogs Dog Breeds Shih TzuMarch 17, 2013
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