
June 23, 2021

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A little brownish bug on a white surface.

Little Brownish Bug?Can someone tell what this is?


A figurine of a woman with a child standing next to her.

Is This Part Of The Leonardo Collection?Hi. It is not stamped at the bottom. But has the label around the ornament. Where else would it be marked? Thank you


A textured wallpaper.

Anaglypta Wallpaper?I'm trying to find this wallpaper. It was put up in the mid 1980's, maybe anaglypta?


A small round blemish near a person's lip.

Is This Herpes?I think I might have herpes. Could somebody please let me know?


A small reddish bug on a white surface.

What Bug Is This?I found multiple of them crawling on my bathroom wall at night. Some of them are full grown and some are babies. Please help


An Old Dresser with Two Mirrors and Cabinet?

Old Dresser with Two Mirrors and Cabinet?I have had this dresser for a long time but I will not fit up the stairs in my new house so I am thinking of getting rid of it. I wanted to see how much it was worth first. It is in good condition with a few minor blemishes to the wood and no backing.


A dark wood colored figurine of a mother and child.

Name of Leonardo Collection Figurine?Hi. Does anybody know what this is called and how much it is worth? I can't find it online. It's a very heavy piece. Thank you


A tree with round reddish fruit.

What Is The Name Of This Fruit Tree?We moved to KY and this fruit tree is in our backyard. We would like to know its name. The fruit size is approximately 2 to 2 1/2" circumference and remains this size. It has a pit like a peach. We were told it is a variety of apple; it's white inside and the outer peeling is tough. The fruit comes on early and this picture was taken a couple days ago.


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