
Saving Money On Spa Treatments

A bowl of rose petals for soaking hands or feet.
Beauty services, such as manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, scrubs, body wraps and hair treatments, can cost a lot of money at a fancy salon or day spa. Here are ways to cut the costs down while still allowing yourself to be pampered. This is a page about saving money on spa treatments.

8 Solutions

This page contains the following solutions.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 108 Posts
December 4, 2006

A day at the spa can cost a lot of money but everyone needs to pamper themselves also. In this series of articles, I am going to try and help all of us to save some of that money but get the relaxation we need.

Woman Dipping Her Hands in Water With Rose Petals


September 27, 2011

Everyone needs a pick me up now and then. If you are in need of a little pampering, check to see if their is a beauty school nearby. You would be amazed at the services offered and how inexpensive they are.

I got a whole day of spa treatment complete with facial, cut, manicure, pedicure and deep conditioner for around $40, and the girls are so nice. They took their time which was nice, because it made me feel even more spoiled. In my town, a manicure alone would have cost more than I spent for the whole day.


By miche todd from Lawrenceburg, KY

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
January 29, 2012

Kids eating popciclesI have two girls, five and nine. My nine year old Dacoda, was always asking me if we could go to the spa. So I decided to surprise her with a home spa day.

I made little sandwiches with the crust cut off and made their favourite chocolate chip cookies. I made freshie, and put in fancy glasses. I rolled up the wash clothes and towels tied with a ribbon. We lit a scented candle. I put on music we all love, Celine Dion.



We started out with facials. I just use egg whites painted on with a small paint brush. We left it on for 10 minutes, washed it off, then put on moisturizer.


Then I put warm water into plastic buckets added some food colouring to colour the water. I put 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and half cup of epsom-salts. We soaked our feet for fifteen minutes. It gave us a chance to talk and spend quality time together. Then I dried their feet and allowed them to pick their nail polish colour. Hope decided on rainbow colours, one colour for each toe.


We did the same for our hands in smaller bowls. I used a scrub brush to scrub their nails,and then gently filed them. Then we painted their finger nails.

After we were done, we had our lunch.

Hair and Makeup:

I curled their hair with the curling iron and I let them do their own make-up! They loved the whole thing and want to do it again soon. It was time well spent together!

By coville123 from Brockville, Ontario

Kelly Ann Butterbaugh
May 23, 2008

On a routine trip to restock my medicine cabinet, I realized how much beauty products can cost. Just the basics like hair care, moisturizers, and cleaners can cost a small fortune. Instead, I experimented with some other alternatives to my usual products as well as alternative places to buy them.

Save Money By Doing Your Own Pedicures


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 108 Posts
December 11, 2006

Did you know that you can make your own shampoos and conditioners? With some natural ingredients bought at your favorite grocery store or the natural health food store, you can have hair that people just oooh and aaah over.

Homemade Haircare (Your Own Spa: Part 3 of 4)


February 7, 2018

This is a page about homemade body scrubs and wraps. Here are some great recipes for homemade body scrubs and wraps, so that you can have a spa experience at home.

Homemade Salt Scrub

February 6, 2018

This page contains homemade facial recipes. You don't have to spend a lot of money at a spa to enjoy a facial. Here are a number of different facial recipes for various skin types and needs.

Girl with Homemade Facial


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

March 14, 2011


Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

A good toner/astringent is witch hazel which is a very inexpensive alternative to the pricey products with cosmetic names. I use it with a mild inexpensive moisturizer such as Cetaphil daily, and I have a nice complexion because of it. (05/30/2001)

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Facial Masks: Just applying fresh fruit to your face is good. Your skin absorbs the vitamins and minerals. Leave on for 10 minutes or so, then wash off.


Honey Mint
1 T powdered mint
1 T Honey
1 T Olive Oil

Blend together well, apply to clean skin. Leave on for 10 minutes or so, then wash off.

Clay Mask
1 T potters clay
1 T lemon juice .

Mix the clay with the lemon juice in your hand and apply to your clean skin. It will absorb the oil and toxins. When dry, rinse off.

Healing Mask
1 T cucumber
1 T Yogurt
1 T parsley

Blend together well until mixture is fluffy. Apply to your clean skin. Rinse after 10 minutes or so.

For Moisturizers: Apply olive oil to your skin or vitamin E oil. You can make your own mayonnaise with olive oil, lemon and eggs and apply that to your face. Leave out salt or spices. (06/05/2001)

By ThriftyFun

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

I am also a big fan of facials and masks, so I went surfing. I came up with a whole list of masks and facials. Some of my favorites are:


For Normal-Oily skin - Cook 2-3 large carrots. Mash them, and mix with 4 1/2 Tbsp. honey.

Oily, acne-prone skin - Mix 1 medium sized apple (grated) with 5 Tbsp. honey. smooth over skin, let sit for about 10 minutes, and then wash off with cool water. Also, try logging on to (07/16/2002)

By idreamofjeannie_91210

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Here are some of my favorites:

Mix 1 1/2 teaspoons honey, the juice from 1/2 of a lemon, and 3-tablespoon yoghurt. Stir in 1 whipped egg white. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.

Make a paste from a little oatmeal and water. Apply to face and let it dry. Then wash off with lukewarm water.

Mash half of an avocado and apply to entire face. Let set for about 20 minutes and then wash off.

Mash 1/2 banana and add 1-tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream. Apply to face and let set for about 10 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.

Two tablespoons of cornmeal mixed with enough water to make a thick paste makes a great inexpensive facial mask. Gently apply to face and wash off.

Soak 1 cup dried apricots in water until softened. Puree in blender or food processor with 2 tablespoons skim milk powder. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.

In a food processor or blender, combine 1/2 cucumber, 1-tablespoon yoghurt, a few strawberries, and 1-teaspoon honey. Apply to face and let it dry. Then wash off with lukewarm water.

To loosen blackheads, combine equal parts baking soda and water in your hand and rub gently on your skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse with warm water.


By me

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

A little peanut butter, butter, and some honey. Don't over do it though. All you have to do is get enough of it all to use on your face! (11/20/2004)

By Tiffany and Cara

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

1. Combine 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice and 2
tablespoons of uncooked oatmeal, apply to face
in a gentle, circular motion, then rinse well and add
your favourite moisturizer.

2. Add 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar to your regular
facial cleanser, use as usual, then rinse well and add
your moisturizer.

3.Combine 2 tablespoons of ground almonds with two
tablespoons of olive oil, apply to face in a gentle,
circular motion, rinse well, pat dry and add moisturizer.

By Kate

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Separate the white from an egg and whip it with a fork- apply to face and wait until it is dray and cracked, wash off with warm water. This will close your pores - great before a date! (05/18/2005)

By Melanie L.

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Day Moisturizer (makes 90g)
15ml Base Oil (eg mixture of any: apricot kernal, sweet almond, macadamia, safflower, advocado, wheatgerm, evening primose, rosehip, jojoba. Make sure cold pressed)
15ml Vege Emulsifying wax
70ml distilled water
5g/ml vege glycerine
(optional: essential oil drops approx 20 - 40 eg: lavender)

Heat oil (oil and wax)to 65 degree C, to melt solid ingredients. Heat water (water and glycerin) to 65 degree C. Gradually add water to oil, and constantly stir one minute. Use hand blender for 30 seconds (max) to form cream then add essential oil and hand stir for 2 minutes. Pour in jar while warm and allow to cool before capping. Has life of approx 3-6 months. Brilliant for most skin types.

Night Cream (90g)
60ml Base oil (as above)
4g Lanolin
40 ml distilled water
1/4 teaspoon Borax
(optional: essential oils 20-40 drops check OK for skin)

Heat oil (oil, beeswax, lanolin) 65 degrees Celsius, heat water (water, borax until dissolved) at 65 degree Celsius, gradually add water to oil, stirring constantly for approximately 5 minutes until smooth cream obtained. Add essential oil drops, continue to stir for 2 minutes, pour while warm, allow to cool before capping. Store in fridge if no preservative used.

Night cream bit greasy but brilliant for older skins or very dry skins. Some use for a cleanser - put on before shower, splash water, light pat with clean towel.

Preservative for both is natural grape seed extract approx 20 drops)

Comment. I have extremely sensitive skin and cannot use most products. I can use these with no problems.


By Dee

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

1. Rub lemon juice on your face, it gets rid of scars after a few weeks

2. If you rub cucumbers on your face it can lighten your complexion. But nowadays the tan look it really in!

3. Squeeze the juice out of an orange and put it into a bowl. Use a piece of cotton and put it on your face. It helps in firming skin and gives it a smooth look.

4. You can put ice cubs on newly forming pimples. It will stop them from getting any bigger. Plus this also helps circulate your blood. (12/01/2005)

By Kate

Good Stuff

Okay here are a few that really worked for me.

Avocado Creamed Carrot Mask
1 avocado, mashed
1 carrot, cooked and mashed
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 egg, beaten
3 tablespoons honey

It cleans skin and smooths it over, and also locks out oil but makes your skin silky. (12/10/2005)

By Amy

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

For better skin spread some honey over your face and leave overnight. (12/29/2005)

By Dr. Nash

Facial and hair stuff

These are great facials! I have some of my own.

Hair: Mayonnaise is a great moisturizer and helps with shine. Egg Yolk is a great shiner, it really helps strengthen and shine up your hair.

Face: Honey works as a good moisturizer. Steaming your face is a good pore cleanser and opener. Let a pot with water boil and stand above it for about 5-15 min. Egg white is a good smoother. Put an egg white on your face till it is dry. then wash off with warm water.

These I have all tried and the work amazing! Have fun with them! (01/10/2006)

By ~Becka~

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

I have made some really good lip balms a home all you need is some cherry kool aid and some hot Crisco and heat it in the microwave, and then let harden over night and there you go.

By Sarah

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Mash 1/2 of a banana add 1 tbs of honey and 2 tbs of sour cream. Rinse with warm water.

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

I know that this sounds weird but washing your hair with beer actually helps it get out grease but make sure you wash out the smell. (03/02/2006)

By me

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Oat meal and warm water mixed together makes a great facial mask! It really works good. (03/07/2006)

By Sara

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

One banana and a little honey works wonders! (03/11/2006)

By Kayla

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Hi here is a facial recipe that I have tried and its awesome!

1 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup of regular oats
2 tablespoons of honey

Mix and Gently apply and wash off with warm water.

By Madi

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Get ground cinnamon and add honey until it forms into a paste. Then put it on your face and gently scrub it. This works really well as a scrub. Rinse your face after and pat dry. (04/21/2006)

By Shideh

Awesome as face mask that left my face absolutely beautiful

Believe this, it actually works!
1 Tbsp. vegimite
1 Tbsp. honey
4 Tbsp. condensed milk
1 cup oatmeal
3 tsp. salt

Add 1 cup of warm water to mix the facial mask then apply and wait overnight and in the morning!
Voila! (04/22/2006)

By Bernang and Milkang

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

I saw a post that I really feel should be addressed. See quote below:

<quote>Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Bela (Guest Post) 2006-04-18

or those who have acne it seems to be caused by a very tiny worm who lives inside muscles and one gets them from dogs and cats. These worms feed from skin natural oil. Look for better responses at or in her book The cure for all diseases.</quote>

This is entirely wrong. please don't take this advise. acne is not caused by a worm at all and has nothing to do at all with muscles. see quote below from Milady's Standard Fundamentals for esthetics. Pgs. 196-198

<quote>Acne, a disorder of the sebaceous glands, is characterized by comedones (blackheads) and blemishes, and is a hereditary trait which is also triggered by hormonal changes. It usually begins to glare up when a person reaches puberty, but adult acne is also on the rise.

Causes of Acne
Causes of acne include the following:
-Clogged pores
-Cosmetics and products
-Triggers including hormones, stress and foods.

Clogged Pores

Clogged pores are caused by a number of factors. Retention hyperkeratosis is a hereditary factor in which dead shin cells do not shed from the follicles as they do on normal skin. Excessive sebum (oil) production over taxes the follicles and causes additional cell buildup.

Bacteria in the follicles are acaerobic. This means they cannot live in the presence of oxygen. When follicles are blocked with sebum and dead skin build-up, oxygen cannot treat the bottom of the follicle, resulting in bacterial. As bacteria and inflammation grow, pressure is exerted on the follicle wall. if the wall ruptures, it becomes infected and debris spill out into the dermis (a lower level of the layers of skin).

Redness and inflammation occur when a foreign object is detected in the skin and white blood cells move in to fight the infection. Papules are red, inflamed lesions caused by this process. Papules then become infected and pus develops, causing pustules (white heads) which are filled with fluid from the dead white blood cells that fought the infection.

Cosmetics and Products

Certain ingredients in product can aggravate acne. Fatty ingredients such as waxes and oils can clog pores or irritate follicles. Acnegenic products also cause inflammation. Products rich in emollients and occlusive products are too heavy for problem skin types. Makeup products are comedogenic, especially foundations and powders that are solids made with fatty ingredients. Some products for hair and skin can also trigger acne.

Other Acne Triggers
Hormonal changes, Stress, and certain foods

Male hormones (androgen) stimulate sebaceous glands. High levels of the male hormone testosterone cause an increase in oil production. These hormones increase during puberty, when teen acne is first evident. In females, acne is not as sever because there is less testosterone production. Adult acne is more common in females. Hormonal fluctuations from birth control pills, premenstrual changes, pregnancy, and menopause can lead to acne inflammations in woman. Hormonal acne is often seen on the chin.

Stress causes hormonal fluctuations and increased sebum production.

Excessive iodides in salt, MSG, kelp, cheese, processed and packaged foods, especially fast foods and minerals obtained from an ocean source in vitamins, can irritate acne

Pressure or friction from rubbing or touching the face, phone use, or wearing hats can contribute to acne breakouts. Dirty pillows or makeup brushes can also transfer bacteria to the face. Keeping hands and items that touch the face clean can help keep the skin from breaking out more.</quote>

This information came right out of my Esthetics text book that every esthetician mush read to become an esthetician. We are all tested over the information in this book (as well as many other things) by the state government in which we wish to practice. This is no easy test to pass.

For those of you who don't know what and esthetician is we are all so called skin care professionals. you will find us in salons, medi spas, plastic surgeons offices and any place where your skin is a priority. We are not dermatologists and do not portend to be, but when it comes to aging, acne and just being beautiful we know what we are talking about. I myself am licensed in 3 states, and have taken extra classes to keep myself up to date in the field. I know my stuff.

Furthermore I looked at the web site state in the post and it has no such quote although I may not have looked hard enough, but the one thing I did find that further proves my point is I quote :"all information is for educational purposes. Dr. Clark's books have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Not intended to replace medical care, diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure disease. We believe in the individual's informed right to choose their own health care methods. As always, consult with a health professional before attempting any self health program."

If you go to the web site you will find this disclaimer at the top of the page. In fact the entire page seems to be one giant disclaimer. Well all I have to say is I would never use a product or a machine that has approved by the FDA on a client or myself. (05/02/2006)

By Christina, licensed esthetician

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

I found a great exfoliant recipe:
1 tsp. baking soda
2 heaped tsp. fine oatmeal [i found just using plain oatmeal works just as well]
Add water until its a paste. Presto you have an exfoliant for your face. (08/16/2006)

By xnay_on_the_name_k

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Here's a unique one I like.

Get 1 teabag green tea and put it in a container. Add 1 tsp. cinnamon powder and 1 tsp. sage (ground). Bring 1 cup water to a rapid boil and pour over the ingredients. Let brew for 5-10 minutes.

To apply: Tear sections of paper towel into pieces that will fit and align with your face. Soak one piece of paper towel at a time in your green tea/cinnamon/sage tea and stick it on your face (the wetness should keep it from falling off). Add pieces till you have covered the desired areas of your face. leave on until paper towels dry out.

:) (08/18/2006)

By Cy

Homemade Facials and Moisturizers

Avocado clay mask:

2-3 avocado pits (Allow to dry 48-36 hours, making sure they aren't too hard to grind. Then grind into fine powder in a coffee grinder, allow to dry for another 24 hrs.
3 Tbsp. White clay (clay can vary depending on skin type as certain clays contain higher percentages of certain essential minerals- EPK, also known as kaolin, can also be used)
1 Tbsp. honey

Mix all ingredients and add water until a nice paste is formed. Apply to face and let sit 10 min. rinse well scrubbing it off in circular motions. this is a great recipe because it doesnt have to be stored in the refrigerator and it isnt a one time use recipe! hope you enjoy! (09/07/2006)

By Mari

Homemade Facials (Your Own Spa: Part 1 of 4)

Here's a good one using strawberries and lemon and honey mix together you can have your very own pore reducer! Just pat it on your face and 8-10 minutess rinse it off! Your pores look like they go away! (02/25/2007)


Homemade Facials (Your Own Spa: Part 1 of 4)

Here a great one! use Strawberries lemons and honey you can make your own pore remover and it would also Brighten your SKIN tune! Mash the strawberry, lemon, and honey together then pat it on your face! Then after wait for about 8-10 minutes. Rinse it off and there you go! Your skin tone is way brighter than before, and your pores are slowly going away! (02/25/2007)


Homemade Facials (Your Own Spa: Part 1 of 4)

i got a acid burn from lemons from a facial recipe. Never do a recipe that includes lemon or cucumber because you are risking your beautiful face. (06/11/2007)

By Jessie

Homemade Facials (Your Own Spa: Part 1 of 4)

I am definitely going to schedule a spa for myself soon.

Here's what has been working for me, I have really bad skin- but it is improving.

1. Once or twice a day I make a hot apple cider drink. (1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar/1 1/2 tbsp. honey then add hot water and stir)
2. Wash face as soon as I get up with simple glycerin soap (VERY CHEAP) and anytime I sweat, and 3X wash/rinse in a row before I go to bed.
3. Egg whites smoothed on and left until dry once a day(major pore tightener)
4. Moisturize before bed, sunscreen after morning wash (spf 30 at least- specially made for sensitive face- was like $9)
5. Water!

Try these things out, I think you'll be impressed. (09/16/2007)

By Acne Sufferer

Homemade Facials (Your Own Spa: Part 1 of 4)

Try using this to moisten/soften your face:

Boil water, put 6 bay leaves in it
Add 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Put on a face cloth
Let sit on your face for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with luke warm water only!

By Miley

Health & Beauty Beauty AdviceSeptember 27, 2011
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