
Remedies for Frizzy Hair

August 19, 2011

Beautiful woman with frizzy hair looking at her comb, with a pained expressionFrizzy hair is a challenge but shouldn't be the decision maker of what kind of day you are going to have. A good hair trim is where to start. Every 6 - 8 weeks the ends need to be trimmed. If you have one length all over, you may consider long, layers instead of just it all having same weight, as well as length.


Use shampoo and conditioner that doesn't have added toxins. Shampoo does not need sulfates in it. This just strips your hair of it natural oils and shine. Using a lighter weight conditioners are best. Just because it says for damaged hair, doesn't always means its better. Using less of a conditioner that you got on sale, is a great way to save money. After you shampoo, use a comb with conditioner on your hair to evenly distribute it throughout the hair.

Unless you are buying your product at the salon, they are basically all the same. Please keep this in mind when purchasing. It is true that the scent is different, how much water, or added coloring, etc. Just start by reading the ingredients.

Rinsing your hair in apple cider vinegar isn't a myth. It helps with build up of products, and helps leave hair shiny with added volume. So every 2-3 shampoos you may want to try this. If you can only have time on weekends then do it then.


Here comes my personal secret; I use the vitamin E capsules on my ends. What's left on my hands, I just rub throughout my hair. It's amazing, and you don't have to spend hardly any money. I can get 30 in a bottle at the Dollar Store. Read the bottle; if you take supplements you know there is are differences in the way vitamin E is made. In this case you are not ingesting it. You are taking a pin and squeezing it out of what may or may not be a soluble capsule. Vitamin E is so wonderful for your hair, and there is no need for those very expensive oils, that say it does the same thing.

I like to air dry my hair. Blow dryers just cause more damage. I do realize that sometimes this is not possible, but just try not over blow dry. Hot irons or straighteners damage the hair by the high amounts of heat. This causes breakage, and frizzy hair to become worse.


If you use hair spray, gels or whatever styling products, try to skip it all on days you are not going to work or staying at home. Put on a bandanna, and maybe some extra olive oil leave it in. Just let your hair be. An "off" day from all the heat, shampoos, and other products is very good for your hair. I also do the mayonaise or avocado treatments from time to time. Try them all and see which one works best for your hair.

I use organic everything which is what I recommend. I suggest you start by reading the labels, using the vitamin E, trying one of the hair treatments I suggested and letting your hair have some down time away from anything that destroys the hair shaft.

I will leave this with something you may laugh at but my brushes and combs are wrapped with a dryer sheet (unscented). It helps with static electricity and fly away frizzy hair.


Source: I was a model, so I got tips from people in the industry. It's a hit or miss kind of thing because everyone's hair reacts differently. The olive oil my mother had my sister and I do that every Sat. night. Vitamin E I did because it made sense to me. Then after all these years, I heard it on Dr. Oz.

By Luana M.

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October 30, 2004

Get the frizz in the winter? Look like Buckwheat by the time you get to work? Me too. Here's a quick, economical way to reuse your dryer sheets. Put one in your bag and a brush. Rub the brush with the used dryer sheet and viola!


August 26, 2011

If my hair looks really dried out or frizzy on the ends, here is what I do. I take hand lotion and rub it on my hands, and then I rub it on. Don't use too much or you will look greasy.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 899 Posts
August 15, 2011

Many times frizzy hair is caused by your hair being too dry. Harsh shampoos and frequent washing can strip the natural oils from your hair, causing it to be dry.


Switching to a moisturizing shampoo can help. You could also consider washing your hair every other day.


15 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

November 3, 2019

I have very frizzy, curly hair and about 3 years ago I rebonded it for the first time. Afterwards I kind of got addicted to it and rebonded my hair like every 5 months.

I had a baby 1.5 years ago and since then I've lost almost all my hair. The remaining hair is always a mess because half of the strands are straight and half are frizzy. It's just a few hair strands remaining now and I consulted a doctor immediately. She said that my hair is still growing fine from the roots, but the damaged hair is breaking and falling. So she didn't prescribe any additional medicine. But my hair is a nightmare now. It looks like a bird nest when I wake up, and I always keep it tied in a knot. I'm 31, but this hair style makes me look like I'm 50. Can someone please advise me on how to style my hair until it grows back? Or else, shall I curl all of my hair so that it's not uneven? Will it again damage my hair?


November 3, 20190 found this helpful
Best Answer

before you comb try putting some hair cream or hair oil
Before the bath or head wash put hair oil like mustered oil, coconut oil for some time then wash them with your shampoo and brush hairs before they dry. You remember to move your brush straight from top to bottom.

November 4, 20190 found this helpful
Best Answer

After having a child there can be hormone issues that can cause your hair to fall out if the hair was damaged before you delivered the baby. In this case it sounds like you could be experiencing some hormone issues and you may need to get some special vitimas for this. If you are unhappy with the way your hair looks it is best to just try and get it syleed in a cut that will allow it to heal and grow back.


Right now if you use a curling iron on your hair it can damage it further. You could try the old fashion rag curls or even rod curlers at night to make your hair look better.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
November 5, 20190 found this helpful
Best Answer

Make sure you take vitamins and biotin daily, but try to keep your hair as safe as possible by keeping it conditioned and very gently combed with a wide-tooth comb. Try not to mess with it too much, and don't tie it up as it will tug on it.

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July 24, 2010

I have curly/wavy hair. How do I deal with the frizz without using gels?

By Julie from Miami Beach, FL


July 24, 20100 found this helpful

Try Tresemme curl moisturizing shampoo and Tresemme anti frizz smoothing creme. Smooth creme over damp hair, not on the roots. Style and let dry naturally. Then use pick or wide tooth comb. Don't fuss with hair, the more you do, the worse it gets. Good luck. I have the same situation.

July 24, 20100 found this helpful

I forgot to tell you not to towel dry briskly. Instead, blot with towel, then with paper towels until excess water is removed. Never us a blow dryer. Also, sometimes a curling iron works on frizz as does finger curling. Again, good luck. Sun Silk products work for some people, too.

July 24, 20100 found this helpful

I have curly frizzy hair too :) The best thing I have found is TIGIs Catwalk Curls Rock shampoo and conditioner, they changed my hair! When they are on sale the big bottles are $10 a piece, usually around $20 when not on sale, but they last several months. But, in the name of being thrifty, a good natural remedy is castor oil. You rub it on your hands and smooth it over hair. Not a lot, just a small amount. As it dries the smell won't stay :) and it naturally fights frizz. Does amazing things for eyelashes too!

July 25, 20100 found this helpful

I don't have curly hair, but mine is coarse textured, and can get frizzy. I like the Biosilk brand of hair oil, just a few drops rubbed between the palms, and then over the top of dry hair, or worked through damp hair helps. It can be expensive, but salons that sell it have small sample size bottles, or you can get a similar product at Salley Beauty Supply stores for less than the Biosilk brand, even Salley's shampoo and conditioner that are similar to that brand works well for frizzing.
Best of luck to you!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
July 25, 20101 found this helpful

I would first try a glycerin solution, but definitely don't rub
with towel. Just wrap and blot. Glycerin is $3 at Walmart. Put about 8-10 drops of glycerin in 1 cup water and put in spray bottle. NOT squirts, drops. It's very concentrated and sticky if too much, but slippery and smoothing in small amounts. Or one can wet one's hands and put 2 drops into the moisture, rub hands together and smooth down the length of your hair. Glycerin is in all kinds of hair and cosmetic products; it's the moisturizing ingredient that helps make the products silky and smooth. Oil does too, but I don't like the feel of it on my skin.

July 25, 20100 found this helpful

I have extremely fine straight hair and in the Midwest humidity I look like a fuzz ball. The best thing I have found is Tate's Conditioner. It is all natural. Word of warning, don't use too much. It keeps hair hydrated but controllable. Look it up on the 'net. You may have to order it; I found mine in an electronics store that also sold natural products. Good luck.

July 28, 20100 found this helpful

Anything with silicone in it will help with frizzies. If it doesn't have silicone in it it may not work as well. The best thing I've tried that works, although not a home remedy, is Citre Shine Anti-Frizz Serum.
Buy at Rite Aid, or Rite Aid website. Cheapest, most effective serum. It works on wet or dry hair. It doesn't matter when I applied it it rocked my world! Try it and see. I'm amazed. It's about $7.
Home remedy: I heard if you rub dryer sheets through your hair (like a comb) that should take away frizz as well as static. Also, getting yourself an ionic hairdryer (if used) helps too.

July 29, 20100 found this helpful

I stay away from chemical based products because they can do more harm than good. I keep oil on hand, olive, sunflower, or coconut (which smells amazing), and run a small amount of it though my hair while it is still damp. It tames the flyaways, defines my curls, and doesn't weigh my hair down. Plus I rarely have issues with split ends.

So long as you don't go overboard, your hair won't look greasy but will have a nice healthy shine to it.

July 29, 20100 found this helpful

Coconut oil really works for me. I wash and condition as usual, then towel dry as much as possible. A small amount of coconut oil rubbed through, paying special attention to the ends and then I let it dry naturally. Elminates the frizz, my curls are more defined and my hair is super soft. Also has the added bonus of being affordable and natural.

July 30, 20100 found this helpful

Rinse your hair in vinegar after shampooing it makes it really soft, then after you are done toweling your hair dry, use a dab of regular rinse out conditioner and put through the ends and top of your hair, not much and don't rinse it out. Let your hair dry normally. No more frizz. Works great!

July 30, 20100 found this helpful

I use the SunSilk shampoo and conditioner for curly hair,then spray my hair with a leave in conditioner (1/4 conditioner, 3/4 th's water in spray bottle, shake before using) and I love the way my hair look's and feel's. SunSilk product's are relatively cheap and can be found at most major retailer's.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
August 1, 20100 found this helpful

I discovered this by accident last time I washed my hair. Another Thriftyfunner had posted to use a 1:4 ratio of white or cider vinegar and water as a rinse to remove conditioner buildup and "refresh" your hair and scalp. (That's one part vinegar to 4 parts water. I used white, cider might smell better.) I prepared the mixture ahead of time in an empty, clean milk jug and had it ready next to the tub. I washed my hair as usual and poured the mixture, little by little, over my head. I worked it into my scalp and hair as I went, all the way to the ends. I didn't use anything else, no conditioner or anything. Hubby told me the next day how nice and un-frizzy my hair looked. I think I'll do this about once a month now. :D
One caution: don't get the vinegar/water mixture in your eyes!

August 9, 20100 found this helpful

I use nutrient spray in my hair. it makes your hair lie down and shine. It also gives your hair nutrients, making healthier hair.

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September 29, 2008

My hair has become frizzy right at the roots not at the ends. It looks like I have a fine layer of frizz all over the top of my head. Its embarrassing and nothing I have tried for frizzy hair works. Not even the expensive products. I have long hair. It's blonde and fine. Please help me, I'm desperate!

Liz from Dallas, Texas


September 29, 20080 found this helpful

It sounds as though some sort of chemical or hormonal change has taken place, making this an internal, rather than external issue.

Are you peri-menopausal? Changes in hormone levels can certainly affect hair. As women age our hormone levels drop and every part of our bodies are affected, including our hair.

Have you been on any kind of medication (or changes in medicine) for a while now? Some meds will definitely affect hair (and nail) texture and growth.

Have you changed your eating habits? Sometimes, in an effort to lose weight, people reduce their fat intake to levels that don't provide the necessary oils to maintain healthy hair, skin & nail care.

Perhaps you should speak with your doctor about the change since it's of some concern to you. It may be there's an internal medical reason you both need to know about.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
September 29, 20080 found this helpful

Try going into the afro sheen product section of your store they have a clear tube called curls. It is a gel saves your curls removes ALL frizz. I have very thick natural curl hair and I have to use this during humidity season it works. Another quick thing to do is have a conditioner and put some in your hands when your hair is dry and just apply to ends and frizzy areas it will help. Good luck


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
September 29, 20080 found this helpful

Take a close look at others with your hair type. It's normal to have some short stuff popping up. You could glue it down with gels and whatnot, but first see if it's normal.

By (Guest Post)
October 14, 20080 found this helpful

It sounds as though your hair is growing out already damaged. Try not to wash it as often to give it a chance. I have found dove shampoo and conditioner to be the gentlest. I buy it from Sam's club. I only shampoo every other day and use conditioner every time I wet my hair. Do you take a multivitaminor fish oil supplements? Those help with hair regeneration. Also, are you dyeing, perming or heat drying/straightening your hair? That can cause a lot of damage. Try and find a style that works well with your natural texture.

July 28, 20100 found this helpful

Trim your hair regularly. It sounds like you've got split ends from whatever hair treatment. Once a split end starts it is easier for it to "grow" up the hair shaft. Think about a crack in wood. It will keep cracking if not taken care of. Hair grows back so trim that hair!

If you can't live without blow drying, try blow drying from the roots to right above the start of the frizz. Add a treatment suitable for your hair type and leave the frizz alone. If you add the right product, it should dry straight enough to be manageable.

Hope this helps!

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April 19, 2011

I have a problem, I was born with thick, frizzy hair and I hate it. I straighten it nearly everyday, but then it goes frizzy and my hair goes big after a week. If I wash it, it's horrible. Please can you help?

By Amy from Wolverhampton


April 20, 20110 found this helpful

Try using olive oil or hair care products designed for black women, they are very effective on frizzy hair, additionally it helps not to wash it every day, 2 to 3 times a week allows for natural oils on your hair to replenish them selves, this makes your hair healthier and helps to prevent breakage when using straightening irons, also a good straight iron for frizzy hair needs to be at least 450 degrees, Wal-mart ones will not work.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
April 21, 20110 found this helpful

A Chi might get hot enough. But, your life will be much simpler if you can get a hair style that complements your hair type. I could suggest a chignon or a bun on top of your head, but these may not be appropriate for your age or lifestyle. I did the bun on top of the head, saved a bundle on hair cuts. Spent a bundle on nice hair accessories.

April 21, 20110 found this helpful

I used to have super frizzy & course hair, it would get even worse on rainy days!!!! I was complaining to a friend, whose sister was a hair dresser, she told me her sister always recommends a loose curl body wave!!! I know it sounds crazy but it worked!!! She used next to the largest curling rod with the perm and I said goodbye to frizzy hair over 35 yrs. ago. It changed my hair structure just enough that I've never needed another one!!! My hair isn't stick straight either, it still has enough body to fix anyway I like, & I do like my hair..........Good Luck.......TGU

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June 16, 2009

I have really dry, frizzy hair from dying it too much. What do I do now?

By Brianna from Eureka, IL


June 16, 20090 found this helpful

Use a flat iron to straighten it and use a good conditioner so it won't dry out.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
June 17, 20090 found this helpful

Me too! (mine is naturally curly/frizzy). As you know, air drying is best if you can. After talking to many women that come into my business that have nice hair, I ask them their tips & they all have one thing in common: They only wash their hair with shampoo once a week & then they use a mild shampoo like baby shampoo & on the other days they need to clean their hair they comb conditioner through their hair paying close attention to combing or massaging the conditioner on their scalp then through the rest of their hair then rinsing it ALL out.

You'd be surprised at how clean you can get your hair using only conditioner & no shampoo! (Look for a conditioner that has the words "Stearalkonium Chloride" in the first 5 ingredients) This is one of the best ingredients for quality hair conditioners. You can usually find one of these at a dollar store. Also, use a spray-in product made specially for heat & blow-drying. It will help protect your hair!

---> 3 Products I can't live without:
1) Infusium 23 leave in hair treatment. (Don't leave home without it!)
2) A moisturizing finishing lotion (comb in a dab then leave in hair)
3) & just for the ends, a dimethicone based de-frizzer like "Frizz-eze" or Citreshine de-frizz serum... (Just look at the ingredients, the first one should be dimethicone)

You could use a deep conditioning pack once every 2 weeks. You put the deep conditioner in your hair then either sleep with it or heat a towel in the oven on 200 for 10 minutes then when it's cool enough, you wrap the hot towel around your hair to help the conditioner soak in.

---> A tip that may help you: When looking for quality products for frizzy hair that don't cost to much, look in the area for Black & Ethnic hair. They sell lots of great products for frizzy & damaged hair in that section of the drug store.

June 20, 20090 found this helpful

Use the infuser attachment to your dryer! I had the same problem until I started using the infuser. Trust me. do it and start using some biosilk. Its a little expensive but you only use a dime sized amount so it lasts a while and it smells great! You can find it on ebay for like 5-10 dollars. Alot cheaper that in salons.

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February 6, 2015

Yesterday I got a perm and it was really frizzy and didn't reflect the large rod patten. It was really out of control, with very tight curls. Today I gave it a 30 minute conditioning which helped and I took a curling iron to a lot of it. It looks so much better. Did I ruin this because of what I did?

I am not sure what this will look like when I actually shampoo it. Advice please.

By Lynn S


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
February 6, 20150 found this helpful

If you continue to have problems after you wash your hair, I suggest you immediately return to your hair stylist for help. Your stylist is responsible for providing proper treatment and styling for your hair. The stylist may have left the perm treatment on your hair for a longer period than is appropriate, used an incorrect perm chemical mix for your hair-could be many reasons. You should be pleased with the results, not frustrated with difficult to maintain hair.

February 8, 20150 found this helpful

Do not use shampoo on your hair, just "wash" with conditioner only and you should soon get it under control.. Some people with very curly hair never use actual shampoo only conditioner to wash their hair. All perms take a while to "relax" or they don't last as long as you would hope. Good luck.

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November 3, 2014

I have wavy hair which is quite frizzy and difficult to manage. The front fringes don't look good because they turn wavy and look really weird moreover it is very difficult for they are rough. Please suggest something coz I have tried a lot of shampoos and conditioners and nothing works. I do not want to get rebonding done to my hair.

By Ashi

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

April 19, 2011

Here's a good trick from a professional salon for people who are plagued by frizzy hair, especially in humid weather or after damp drying it.


July 24, 2010

When I was younger I dried my hair everyday and where it would frizz I straightened it, too.


February 1, 2010

I'm really desperate for some hair tips. I feel like I've tried every product out there or natural solution for frizzy hair.


July 10, 2009

I have extremely dry and frizzy hair. The only way I can keep the "frizzies" away is by using gel or mousse on it, which makes my hair curly.

Health & Beauty Beauty Hair Tips Frizzy HairAugust 10, 2011
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