
Saving Money on Phone Cards

February 4, 2002

Cell Phone User Making call with CardThe minutes 'do not' expire, and there will be a surcharge for calls made from pay phones, however, I think this is standard on all phone cards. This makes a nice gift item to include in greeting cards to friends and relatives. If you have someone in the hospital that may want to make a long distance call, they are stuck because you can't charge the call to your room.


My mom really appreciated this when she was in the hospital! Sam's Club sells a bubble packet of individual wrapped AT&T PrePaid Phone Cards of Fifteen 45 minute cards for $23.42 which breaks down to $1.56 per card. This is a total of 675 minutes that you can share among friends. You may want to keep one in your own wallet for emergency calls ... not everyone has a cell phone!

By Syd Barr

Editor's Note: We recently signed up for for long distance because we got tired of the monthly service fees charged by the long distance services and being slammed even with PIC freezes. We finally set our phone to "no long distance".

OneSuite offers $10 "cards" (although you need to print out the information to take with you) with 400 minutes (2.5 cents a minute). Make sure you sign up for the Zip Dial that way when calling from the registered numbers (home phone number) you do not need to put in the account number which is long. With no monthly charge and preprogramming the dial up number into our phone we've already saved a bundle. You can recharge your account when your minutes run out. We've been using this about 2 weeks, so far so good.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 30, 2004

I would like to know what is the best pre-paid phone card for local long distance, or where can I go to find information about all the phone cards available. I used google but there was so much info that is was very hard to find what I am looking for. Does anyone out there have any suggestions on how and what to look for.



By (Guest Post)
August 30, 20040 found this helpful

The best phone cards I have found were at Costco. You do have to be a member or have a friend that is but they have prepaid cards that are $0.029 (2.9 cents) a minute.


It comes in a 660 minute card and then you can add more or buy a new one.

By Tawnda (Guest Post)
August 31, 20040 found this helpful

I just came back from visiting family in Oklahoma and Dollar Tree had a 20 min. phone card for $1.00!! The only limitation it had was you couldn't use it for cell phone minutes. Quite the deal!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 696 Feedbacks
February 3, 20060 found this helpful

Yes, I had seen the 20 min for a buck phone cards at Dollar Tree. It breaks down to .5 per minute which is more than what I pay per min for an A T & T card at Sam's Club; however I think it makes an excellent little gift....tuck one in a card for a friend or relative or even use as teacher and bus driver gifts. Twenty minutes isn't long to talk tho but hey, it's a very cheap gift!


I am not a member of Costco but was thinking of joining. I'll have to check out their cards. Right now I am trying to finish using minutes on an 800 min card I bought at Sam's. Used to be there was no exp but I guess they got smart and now you must use the min's up within 24 mos! With email, I don't do much long distance calling these days!

By Cajun (Guest Post)
April 4, 20080 found this helpful

Don't buy an AT&T Pre-paid card for use in Florida. Recently AT&T charges 5 minutes per each 1 minute of card use. (ie., a 1500 minute card is only good for 300 minutes in Florida. I purchased them for my retired Mother in Florida, so I can speak from experience. The FTC, FCC and Florida Public Services can't do anything about it :). I've switched to Walgreens (Verizon): 1500m for $60 (4¢/minute)

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