
Saving Money on Utilities

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 205 Posts
October 5, 2011

Saving Money on Utilities, Energy Savings Piggy BankMore and more of our utility companies are offering a low cost rate for X amount of time at a very good price to lure you into signing up for their service. Cable and cell phone companies are the worst.


Before signing up though, you need to find out what the cost of that service will be after that X amount of time expires. The companies won't want to give that information up, because the price after that time is so much higher than what it is during the sale period. But if you are persistent, insistent, and determined you will be able to get the answer. Whether you like the answer or not is an individual choice. But it's the only way to make an informed decision.

Before we signed up for the cable package we have, I forced them to tell me what the future cost would be after the initial sale period ended. It took a lot of arguing, but they finally told me what it would be.

Unfortunately we didn't do this when we got our cell phones. Initially we were paying a very low price and were extremely happy. But as soon as the sale period ended, wham! Our bill almost doubled. Then 6 months later it went up again another almost $15. It has gone up twice since the initial sale period ended.


So it's extremely important to force the company to tell you what the price will be after the sale period ends. That way you can make an intelligent informed decision.

By Cricket from NC

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Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
January 31, 2011

I spoke with my provider, AT&T, on another subject today, and learned something very useful in process. Because I am low-income enough to qualify for food stamps, I qualify for AT&T's Lifeline discount.


March 25, 2011

Looking to lower fees for your carriers, like insurance companies, TV, phones, computer, etc.? First, I bundled (calling one carrier such as AT&T to combine multiple services) which is a HUGE savings.


August 5, 2008

When washing your dishes in the dishwasher, set the control panels to use less water and less drying time. Using the most eco friendly settings your dishwasher may have.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
June 16, 2008

Some utility companies, such as water and electric offer 2 or more rate times through out the day. Check and see if yours does, and then act accordingly.


Try and run your appliances, during the times when the rate is the cheapest.


January 28, 2009

The high temp today is -5 (Fahrenheit) and falling toward -15. Fearing my face will crack, I'm staying in. I could set the thermostat at 72 degrees, but it's at 64. I don't need to be cheap, but I want to.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
January 9, 2014

Check with your cell phone provider to see what discounts you may qualify for. Most people are aware that auto insurance companies give discounts, but are not aware that cell phone companies do as well.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
June 21, 2012

In my area, the trash company and the wireless internet company are locally owed. In reading the fine print on the bills, I discovered some interesting savings.


Both, give one month free if you pay for 6 months in advance at a time.


April 8, 2014

If you know you are going to be away for more than two months, suspend your cable TV and internet. It will only cost $5 or $10 a month to do this, so you save a lot of money.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
January 14, 2014

Check with your electric company for savings you may be overlooking. This is especially true if you are on a co-op system, and often also true if you are on a town electrical system.


July 11, 2008

It seems that everyone is concerned with replacing their incandescent bulbs with the compact-fluorescents to save on energy costs, however the worst offender in utility costs is the WATER HEATER. It operates 24/7/365 and we're not talking about saving just a few watts (or BTUs) per evening :).


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
April 29, 2013

Today, I was able to go to my city's offices and pick up a landfill coupon. It will pay for a dump run for all the things I can't donate or recycle as I get organized this spring.


I get one every year, it is free to residents but the coupons are limited.


15 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 1, 2005

Tips for saving money on utilities. Post your ideas.


By dsbaby14 (Guest Post)
October 4, 20040 found this helpful

During the fall,winter and early spring, we heat mostly with our woodburner. Not only is it great for heat but make a kettle of soup on it is great.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
March 22, 20050 found this helpful

This past summer was so mild where we live that my husband and I only turned our A/C on a few days during the whole season. Since we are on budget billing for all of our utilites, I was curious to see if we had saved money by not using the A/C and using our ceiling fans at home. I also have cut way back on my usage of the clothes dryer so this helped too.


Our monthly budget billing on electrity was $70 a month and I just got our "settle up statement" form the electric company and we have a $167.00 credit coming! Woo Hoo! It really pays to be frugal!

I have cut back on soooo much and it really has not been painful. In fact it has been a relief! I love this site as it give me so many great ideas on saving money and TIME which is just as important in this day and age!



Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
March 22, 20050 found this helpful

Wait until you have a full load of dishes or laundry to run the machine. You'll save water, detergent and energy costs.

By cynthia conley

March 22, 20050 found this helpful

In the evenings when there is not much going on here we have night lights and candles. Unless very necessary we do not turn the lights on. Our power bill is high but i need new appliances so much.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
April 22, 20050 found this helpful

To keep your power bill down, use your electric clothes dryer as little as possible. Either hang your clothes outside, or hang your clothes on hangers in your shower to drip dry or get a clothes rack (this can be set up both, outdoors or indoors). I hang most of our clothes and let drip dry in the shower. Also, I use the nails I put up on our deck to use for hanging Christmas lights to hang clothes on hangers to dry in the light summer breeze. We sure can tell a difference in our power bill if I forget and toss a few loads of wash in the dryer!

By Terri H.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
June 1, 20050 found this helpful

Use only cold water to do laundry whenever possible.

Shut off the breaker to the hot water tank before you leave for work so it doesn't heat water all day while no one is there to use it.

Editor's Note: You can purchase a timer for you electric hot water heater at your local hardware store.

By joni514

July 5, 20050 found this helpful

Our local electric company has a special time of day meter. This allows you to use electricity for 1/2 price at night and on the weekends. I do laundry and run the dishwasher at 9:00 at night. This also helps me keep up with laundry doing a load or two a night. Our family of four was able to cut our electric bill in 1/2 by not "wasting" electricity during peak periods. We also installed a programmable thermostat that helps especially during the day when no one is home.

February 7, 20121 found this helpful

I have noticed that we don't turn the heat up as high as usual when we run a warm water humidifier in the winter. The warm steam in the air puts the humidity back in the air that we lose from running the furnace,. This puts the moisture back into our skin, and back in the leaves of our plants. It also has health benefits. No more winter dried out noses, and sore throats.

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January 4, 2010

Does anyone have suggestions for ways to save money these days? I am particularly interested in saving on power usage.

By drew from Piedmont, AL


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
January 4, 20100 found this helpful

Use as few lights as possible. Don't leave your PC on when not in use.
Set your thermostat lower when gone for the day.

Use a slow cooker instead of a stove whenever possible. Even a hot plate is better than a stove.
Hang clothes to dry instead of useing a dryer.
Hand wash dishes instead of a dish washer.

Turn heat down at night and add more blankets. Most people usually get up once early in the morning for natures call, you can turn up the heat and go back to bed so it is fairly warm when you and others get up for the day.
You can keep your heat lower and let your faucets drip to prevent pipe freezing.

You really have to look at your habits for using energy and figure out how to cut back. When I was crunched for money I made a point to read a book every other night instead of watching TV or using the computer.
I cut out cable; it was cheaper and more entertaining to rent movies or borrow from my neighbor who had every movie ever put to DVD (or so it seemed).

Turned off my phone (land line) and went strictly cell phone.
Cooked in mass to cut down one multiple use of the stove. Meaning when I cooked I cooked many helpings of something and then would freeze or refrigerate in appropriate portions. A microwave is way cheaper than a 220v stove, and faster too.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
January 4, 20100 found this helpful

More use of a radio over tv and computer time would help deter cost.
Use energy saver light bulbs in lamps or lower watt bulbs.
Put up thermal drapes/curtains on windows to help with winter/summer temperatures.
Close off rooms when not used instead of having heat/ac in them. Put rolled up throw rugs or old bath towels under the doors to keep heat/ac from escaping.

Do laundry when peak hours are over.
If you have to go outdoors, try to get several chores accomplished so the door isn't being open/closed often when home causing furnace to kick on more frequently.
Hot water heaters really use the energy, so turn the screws after removing the panel to lower the water temperature. Be sure both screws are turned equally.

An electric blanket is good to warm up the bed at night prior to slipping under the covers, but there's something about cancer causing attributes, so turn off after the bed has been warmed.
Unplug electrical appliances not in constant use such as toaster, microwave and blender/mixer. The same for lamps, tv and stereo, computer, etc. There's current in the wiring whether it's in use or not and this will help lower monthly electric bill.

Use only the lighting in the room you are in and turn off the rest.
Use nightlights that automatically shut off at daylight and come on at night.
Use outdoor motion sensor lighting around the home to not have a bulb burning hours while gone.
Bundle up in layers of clothing when home and turn down the thermostat.

January 6, 20100 found this helpful

Check out the pie chart below of what percentage of cost go to each category. Notice how almost half goes to heating and cooling so concentrate your efforts at reducing there. Hot water heaters also take up a big chunk.

There are a lot of energy saving tips in the category to the left at this page:

Check the bill and inserts (or the website) of your utility companies. They have tips and some have rebate programs.

Some cities, libraries or rental companies will loan or rent a device like the Kill-A-Watt:

So you can check to see what appliances use the most energy. Anything with a clock or light or standby mode (like tvs, vcrs, dvd players, most microwaves, etc) use power even when not in use:

Wash clothes in cold water. Keep the freezer full even if if means filling a container or milk jug with water. Keep the fridge full but allow enough room for some air to circulate. Vac the coils on the back or underside of your fridge so it isn't having to overwork itself. Open the oven door when you are done baking to let the air heat the room. Use the micro and toaster ovens more instead of the oven. Use CFL light bulbs. Shorter showers instead of baths.

When the sun goes down close the blinds and drapes to keep the heat in and open them up on sunny sides of your house in the winter to let the sunshine in. Do the opposite in the summer: close drapes during the hot part of the day.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 228 Posts
January 6, 20100 found this helpful

Replace seals in doors & around windows.
Block drafts.
Close vents in unused rooms.

Change from spring/summer window treatments to fall/winter which are heavier, possibly lined.
Use power bars & switch off when not in use.
Install dimmer switches.
Switch to lesser wattage bulbs or to newer more energy efficient.

If your kitchen is cold, try baking cookies or a pie or bread to take the chill off.
Plants (they say) help reduce energy use by putting moisture in the air.
An hour before bedtime pull your bedding back so the sheets can warm.The difference is surprising!
Use candles!

A bathroom or hallway,entryway even dinner can be much more delightful with candles flickering!
(shop for them at the end of season sales when they are making room for the next seasonal items!)
Pour your coffee from the pot into a thermos- it will stay hot a long time so the coffee maker can be turned off ! (+ the coffee won't scorch & taste bitter!)

Timers can be a help too.Especially if you are getting home after dark at night or have to leave the house in the morning before daybreak.
(+the timers give the appearance of someone home when they aren't)
find other ways to thaw meals other than the defrost setting on the microwave! try sitting it in a cold basin of water while you are out for the day.

Sit leftovers out a little while before you plan on heating them. You then will warm food that isn't ice cold, saving a little energy to reheat!
Open the curtains & blinds to take advantage of natural light & don't have lights on that you really don't need!But take care you do have enough for reading or close work- you don't want to ruin your eyes for the sake of a few kilowatt hours.

Don't dry your clothes all the way in the dryer. Stop it mid-cycle & hang them on hangers or a rod & let them finish air-drying.
Apply the same to foods you warm in the oven.Turn the oven off midway through the bake time & allow it to finish on the heat that's already in the oven.

Do more outdoor cooking.Any season is a great time to grill or use a roaster.There is also "solar cookery" You might research that a little to find things you can successfully sun bake!

try entering "frugal", "save energy", "save money" on YouTube. People are good about sharing ideas that work with the rest of us!

January 9, 20100 found this helpful

Does your utility company have a time of use rate? This allows you to buy electricity when it is cheaper, and run things like a clothes dryer, electric oven when it's less costly. Here in CT we have more than one utility company to choose from, so i found the cheapest rate. Look up smart meters on line. This will explain a lot of what is happening in the world of energy. Get a copy of time magazine from jan. 09, Read the article by Michael Grundwald. In it he tells of all the energy we waste "each day" in the USA, enough to power the country of japan for a day. Look into energy storage www.Mrelectricity.Com to see such a system. We need to use all the energy we create each day, rather than waste it.

January 16, 20100 found this helpful

Suntydt has most all the ways down to a science. It took my low income at retirement to shock me into getting more serious about saving money properly by not over-using. Of course if there are several living in the home, each one needs to be taught, made to cooperate if not too interested since they" don't pay the bills". Habits of turning off lights, not using dryer/ dishwasher/ stove are the best, and I'd add, to shut off the A/C vents and shut the doors to rooms not fully occupied. I watch videos/DVD's rather than TV and save tons in all these areas.

It takes consistency and commitment, but is well worth it if every dollar counts as much as my pennies do for me. I also use double insulated windows and curtains lined against weather. I keep only one light on in each room, turning it off when going to another, and use a programmable thermostat for AC/furnace. I have the luxury of exhaust fans that vent house odors into the attic then to outside via turbine vents on roof. I also have the advantage of a cathedral kitchen and entry which store a lot of heat in summer, and then helps in winter when I reverse the ceiling fan switch to blow warm air downward until summer.

I had to lower my standards about ironing everything, buying more poly/blended cotton clothing I could hang, and accepting towels/sheets air dried.

I'm eliminating all things I don't use or need and plan to get flooring that takes no vacuuming. I have Zeriscaped
flower beds, mulch the lawn rather than dispose of leaves with blower/bags.

I watch the curbs for usable items and/or parts needed for repairs to appliances, and vacuum/steam half as much as
before, using cold rather than hot water to wash clothes, warm for dishes and baths. I'm healthier, wiser, surviving
instead of drowning in debt and low cash flow, seldom ill, and use all knowledge I have to make things go, with God's help and grace.

I use a land line with a one hour free long distance, which is much cheaper than a cell in this area. I cut my family's hair, including my own, with scissors, and eat fast food dollar menu items exclusively, finding it cheaper than grocery shopping/ cooking/ storing/ cleanup. I take vitamin/minerals daily (DG brands are very good/ cheap, and help keep me out of doctor offices.)

I have a small water fountain in the entry which keeps the air moist for me, plants, and pets. Plants breathe out extra oxygen and breathe in my extra unneeded Carbon Dioxide, making for a type of Biosphere environment.

The cats keep the mice and water-bugs away, the two pet chickens in cages lay eggs added to the bunny who provides extra fertilizer for the outside.

I double and triple recycle everything possible, and repair all that is repairable, seldom tossing things. The home library is most worthwhile, and I keep a good supply of basic candles/ lamp oil and lamps for emergency power outage.

At night I sleep with proper clothing/ linens, and wear the same clothing twice. I use paper towels only on intolerably
greasy spills/ germy surfaces and items/ and paper and plastic products should anyone seem ill. I also buy CVS
bargain sale toothbrushes, changing often, using only one
drop of Fiesta Sensitive Dishwashing liq. on the brush, covering with an old dryer sheet between uses.

Sale paper/plastic items recycled twice after we use them is MUCH cheaper than washing with elec./detergent/ elec. drying. Liq. dish soap is MUCH cheaper than "antibiotic" hand soap, and works just fine.

Bathing half as much is a boost to the hot water heater usage/cost. Taping with masking tape over door cracks and around windows that don't seal well. God bless and help you. : )

April 8, 20100 found this helpful

I purchased a small convection oven that doubles as a large toaster oven. I just set it on top of my microwave, so it doesn't take up any counter space. Much less electricity is used when baking items that go in an 8 x 10 pan or smaller. And it doesn't heat up the whole kitchen as the standard large oven does. I hardly ever use the large oven anymore!

As some others have mentioned, I was shocked when I went to the website of my local electric company and found out how much electric the hot water heater uses! In my small apt, it uses more electric than my heat pump does for providing heat in the winter!! Not only am I going to lower the temp, but I'm going to look into getting one of those blanket wraps for the HWH. I'm hoping they're not too pricey.

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Many don't realize that our basic utility bills provide the perfect money saving opportunity for practically every household. Here's some great tips to save on utilities.

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