
Cleaning Dog Urine Stains from Carpet

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
December 21, 2011

Sad looking puppy on carpetHere is a recipe to use on dog urine stains on carpet or upholstery.



Mix all ingredients together and fill shampoo bottle half full. Shake the bottle before using. Do not wet too much, you only need a thin layer of suds.

By coville123 from Brockville, Ontario



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 128 Feedbacks
March 29, 20133 found this helpful
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I think you will find that the baking soda, white vinegar & water are sufficent enough without all the extras as they do a good job on their own.

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27 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 7, 2009

I have two puppies. Every now and then I catch them peeing on the carpet! I try to clean it up as soon as I see it, but there are times when I don't catch them. The bedroom is really bad because they go at night when I am sleeping and cannot let them out!

It's making my apartment smell really bad! I don't even like to have company over because of the smell! Its horrible. I've tried everything! It just won't come out. The last product I used just made my carpet all stiff and hard, so now I'm trying to figure out how to fix that! Can someone please help me?




April 7, 20091 found this helpful
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Is it wall to wall carpet or not? Forget the over the counter stuff - good old white vinegar and some woolite. It takes some work and a lot of little towels. You also need to use a lot of water. If it is wall to wall carpet, soak it with water first. I soak one of the towels with a lot of water to get it into the carpet. Then get that water up with another towel. Then, use water with the soap (over and over again)...then soak it with water again, then use the white vinegar. I put it in a spray bottle mixed with water. I spray it down and wipe it about 5 times. Then, a fan on it until it dries. If it is not wall to wall carpet, then scrub the front and the back also. The stains go away. But, it take a bit of work (and a lot of towels - I buy them from thrift stores or discount stores in bulk, some auto stores/hardware stores have them also). Then, just wash all the towels.

April 12, 20090 found this helpful
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Soak spots with full strenght hydrogen peroxide. Let it work until it stops foaming. Blot up with old towels, or give it a good shampoo.

June 17, 20090 found this helpful
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While the spot is still wet press out the excess urine with paper towels. put on lots of baking soda/bicarbonate of soda on the spot (enough to soak up all the liquid). Try putting peppermint oil(which you can get at a health shop) in the areas that you don't want your dogs to use as a toilet. Thy won't go there as they don't like the smell. No need to crate if the pooch is properly house trained and if you use the peppermint oil in the places he/she shouldn't go then it will be easy to clean(ex.



Anyway, back to the cleaning; after the baking soda has dried you can just vacuum the spot to get all the powder out. The baking soda is easy to use and cheap. It soaks up the urine and eliminates the smell.

March 2, 20100 found this helpful
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I would like to inform people who need their pet stains out of carpets the way I did mine:
My sons room was so horrible from his puppy we got him, the puppy urinated all over his room, in every corner and all over under his bed, I tried all the pet odor carpet shampoo and nothing worked, I read up on the vinegar and water trick, tried it all and still didnt work so I made my own home remedy by mixing up other people remedies so here it is...


I put 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 1/4 of pet odor shampoo of any kind (but with a great scent), and the I added in 1/3 cup simple green (yes the stuff you clean counter tops with, if you read the back it says it works on pet stains) and I added a few squirts of dish soap (any kind really), I used sun sations apple scent with the oxy cleaning power. Then add it all into a gallon of water, spread it over the area in which is covered in pet urine, scrub it with a scrub brush, let it soak for about 20 minutes so it can work its way down in the fibres and pad, and then use your shampooer to get all the water and cleaners out! This really works! I am so relieved that my son can sleep in his own room again!

January 1, 20110 found this helpful
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We had old pet urine stains in one our guest bedroom. After trying everything under the sun, we found that using Tide HE with Fabrize got those pet stains out.


I spot cleaned the areas first then with the carpet cleaner did the complete room with the Tide. It got the spots out and made the room smell good.

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July 10, 2007

My little dog decided to pee in a corner of the room on my beige rug that I didn't catch so the stain set. It's yellow and its smells. I tried store bought cleaners like resolve and others but the stain is still there and it still smells.

Can anyone out there suggest anything to get this stain out and help the smell in the rug? Any help will be greatly appreciated!


By MP in Michigan (Guest Post)
December 29, 20050 found this helpful
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I have had very good results with pet stains (and the even worse stains caused by my kids' barf) using both the "Kids and Pets" and "Nature's Miracle" products. lately I've been using the K&P, which can be found at Meijer. The "Miracle" should be easily found in pet stores like PETCO.


Applied liberally to soak the stain, well blotted up, followed by rinsing out with water using a wet carpet cleaner (I have a Bissell) Some stains required several spot treatments, where I would liberally soak the stain and leave the cleaner on, allowing it do dissolve the organic stain. For severe vomit stains, I used these products as the detergent component, with hot water rinse, in the Bissell. That, and a lot of patience.

July 16, 20070 found this helpful
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Mix (any brands) 8 ounces hydrogen peroxide (brown bottle in 1st aid aisle), 1/4 cup baking soda (orange box baking aisle), and just two drops ONLY of hand dishwashing liquid. Mix this well in a bucket & put into a spray bottle or sprinkle can. Use liberally. Allow to dry, or blot up & reapply allowing to dry after blotting excess. This will cure the odor even for the pet, and remove the stain, even set in stains. Some might require re-treatment. This solution must be used within about 20 minutes of mixing, works from the byproducts produced, does not store well. Won't work as well if stored, no byproducts anymore. Can still use as an all purpose cleaner if left over. This has saved many mattresses & oriental type rugs. Be sure it gets to the padding of the carpeting also. Beware of damaging hard woods under carpet.

By Court (Guest Post)
October 22, 20070 found this helpful
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I used baking soda to get the stain out, wait 10 minutes, then vaccuum it up. any longer and it will stain the carpet white

By Parkersmom (Guest Post)
October 28, 20070 found this helpful
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Many cleaners will work but make sure you are using cool water. Since it's a protein based stain warm water will just cause it to set in faster!

October 23, 20100 found this helpful
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Try Fresh & Clean. They sell it at a pet store. It is amazing. It has peroxide in it. I use it when I volunteer at an animal shelter. Natures Miracle requires to much and very expensive.

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January 10, 2016

I have a brand new carpet that my dog has peed on. I tried treating the stain with white vinegar, but unusually used it neat. The stain is now bright orange. Any ideas?

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October 8, 2011

Does anyone have proven suggestion for removing dog urine from carpets? The stuff from pet store doesn't work and neither does Oxiclean. My old female dog (16 yrs.), because I left her home alone too long, and she had an accident(s).

I have tried everything. Hopefully you have had success and will pass it on. Thanks.

By Ginny R.


October 8, 20110 found this helpful
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The problem is often not the top layer of carpet but the bottom underlay. Can you lift it back and replace the section of underlay. You may find that bit is still wet even when the top layer is dry.

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February 11, 2014

The stain is set in. I have tried vinegar and water.

By Sandy

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April 12, 2011

I have a dog that has marked his territory on the bedpost in my spare bedroom. The carpet is an off white and I will lose my deposit if I can't get this out. It is dried and terrible. Please help!

By Lucy from Daniel Boone National Forest


April 12, 20111 found this helpful
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The odor can be dealt with reasonably, with an enzyme product you can get at the vet's office or at a big pet store. The staining may be a little harder, though. You could try the spot treatments, first. Be aware, however, that they may clean the spot so well, that you will end up renting a machine to make the carpet "match" all over. Work on the spot, and then worry about the odor. (Most of the enzyme products have you put it on, and leave it to dry.) Good luck! These fur kids are troublesome at times (but worth it)!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
April 12, 20110 found this helpful
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If the stain is too set in, you might try using a professional rug cleaning business. They have experience with stain removal and odor.

Have you thought of getting male doggie bands to prevent future urine spots on carpet from happening? You can also make them yourself with a few older wrapped towels and velcro to fasten. I did this with my male dog when he was younger and it worked though laundry loads were increased.

April 13, 20110 found this helpful
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I think I have something that will help. I have yet to find a stain it will not remove and it must also remove any odor because everyone tells me that they cannot tell I have four cats in my house. And it is very cheap to make. Buy a large bottle of peroxide. A quart is about a dollar. Also buy a quart of ammonia.........not sudsy, just plain. If you don't have a spray bottle, you will also need to get one of those. Then simply mix a cup of peroxide to two table spoons ammonia. Spray the area until it is fairly wet. Let it sit a few minutes. Some stains will simply disappear before your eyes. Have a roll of paper towels and blot, blot, blot. If you have a terrible stain, you can fold several paper towels together or use an old white towel and weight it down with something and leave it overnight. I have yet to find a stain it won't take out. I keep it mixed up all the time and love it. Also, it has never taken the color out of any carpet or upholestry that I have ever used it on.

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November 5, 2009

How do I get puppy pee off my cream carpets? I want to do this without a carpet cleaner.

By claire from Scotland


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
November 7, 20090 found this helpful
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Blot Blot Blot, then, Natures miricle or citra solv. Can't find citrasolv? Janitor supply Limonene. Some fabrics stain or fade with any moisture. Check before using.

November 7, 20090 found this helpful
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There is an excellent product call Carpet Details Spotter. It is a great! I have two little dogs and my carpet still looks great. Carpet Details Spotter removes stains, does not leave any residue on the carpet. It is excellent for stains on clothing too. You can get it at

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June 10, 2011

I have a dog about 8 months old, he seems to have picked up a habit of peeing in the hallway. It doesn't matter what I do or use in there he always goes back to the same places. Arm and Hammer used to make a powder that you put on wet or dry places and it actually absorbed the liquid and when it dried you would vacuum and all was gone. Does anyone make a similar product?

By Loretta B.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
June 10, 20110 found this helpful
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If you have a carpeted hallway with padding, the pee has seeped deeper and the odor is still there, that's why your dog continues to use the same places. To remove the lingering odor you will need a professional cleaner to get down deeper to the problem area (the padding) and will probably need to have it done more than once to get rid of the urine.

Get a black light and use over the area where your dog is urinating. You can see the intensity of urine how much is remaining even after you've done your best to clean it.

OR put doggie bands on the dog. I bought an older cocker spaniel female who was used as a breeder and she's lost some bladder control, so I bought her several pairs of doggie panties and she's doing great in the house. You put a pad in the panties to absorb the liquid and replace as needed. If you're good at the sewing machine, you could make the dog some for a lot less and for a male dog, it's much easier to make than the panties. Just remember to remove them before taking the dog outdoors for potty breaks. I kept forgetting to do that when she first began wearing them.

June 10, 20110 found this helpful
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I use SPOT-SHOT aerosol. I have totally white carpet throughout my home and have used this for several years. Follow simple directions on the can & it will remove it all !! No odor, no stain & no return to the same spot by your pet. You can get it at WalMart cheaper than anywhere else I have found. I have even used it to get spots off clothes when nothing else would work. Before I lost my dog, she was having bladder & kidney problems which had traces of blood in the even removed all of that!

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April 14, 2011

I am curious to how to remove dog urine from carpets and hardwood floors. I have tried several things already like a steam cleaner, Lysol, dish soap, bleach, and even vinegar and none of that has worked. Can you please give me some kind of answer to what I can use?

By angel from Philadelphia, PA


Bronze Craft Medal for All Time! 52 Crafts
April 15, 20110 found this helpful
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Try a product called Spot Shot. A lot of the dollar tree stores have a smaller can of it so you won't spend much if it doesn't work. It's a great product. Just spray it on and it's almost like it raises the stain to the top and then you dab at it with a sponge. It hasn't failed me yet! Good Luck!

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May 13, 2011

My male pit bull marks his space all around the house. I have a dark colored carpet and where my dog pees it is like a light brown almost green. I have cleaned the spots over 100 times with all kinds of carpet cleaner and it does not take out the smell or stains. I have not tried a Rug Doctor because I am kind of scared that it will bleach it. My question is how do I get out these nasty stains out with out ruining the carpet?

By Kim


May 17, 20110 found this helpful
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The reason the area has turned to light brown almost green is because the dogs urine has already caused it to bleach out. Permanent damage has already been done, the discoloration is not going to go away. Your only solution would be to dye the lightened areas to try to match the rest of the carpet.. I'd done so using tea or coffee as my source of dye because you can vary the shade by adding water. I start with what I think looks close and can then darken as needed. Sorry I don't have better news for you. Good luck.

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April 7, 2013

When applying the 50/50 Downy and water after the fact, how does one clean the mixture up off the floor?

By Rachel M

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May 21, 2011

I have a Chihuahua that gave birth two weeks ago. She has made several "boo boos" of urine on our off white carpet. I just can't seem to get the yellow/orange stain out completely. Please help.

By Carole C from Salt Lake City, UT


May 27, 20110 found this helpful
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Use a 50-50 solution of warm water and hydrogen peroxide. Sprinkle table salt on the stain, spray it with the solution and wait a couple of minutes then scrub. Make sure to test this in an inconspicuous area first.

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September 16, 2010

I need suggestions for cleaning dog urine out of my carpet.

By Barbara from St George, UT

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November 11, 2006

What can I use to remove a dog urine stain and smell from a persian carpet?


November 14, 20060 found this helpful
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this link has some suggestion but not sure about the persian rug

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September 10, 2018

I am trying to remove a dog pee stain on a Berber carpet. I tried vinegar/baking soda, carpet cleaner, etc. I cannot get the yellow stain out. Suggestions?

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April 2, 2017

To use the homemade remedy with peroxide, etc. for cleaning dog urine stains, will it work to use a pressure washer on outdoor carpet on porch?

Thanks for your help.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
April 3, 20170 found this helpful

Yes, try a concoction of baking soda, white vinegar, dish soap and peroxide. Make sure to blot dry.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

April 12, 2011

With a older dog in the house we are having some potty problems on the carpet. Any help with the stain and smell?


November 1, 2010

How can I get dog urine stains and smell out of carpet?


September 16, 2010

How do I remove dog pee and stains from carpet?


November 5, 2009

I'm in dire need of help. We have a 12 week old Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy and it pees and poos everywhere and I can't remove the stains. Some one please help it's urgent.



November 5, 2009

How do I remove dog urine stains from a carpet?

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