We should all be givers. By that I mean donate to organizations. It does not have to be hundreds of dollars; $5.00 several times a year helps.
Last year, I donated to the March of Dimes and Veterans, what I could. They have sent me hundreds of labels and calendars. We have labels running out everywhere. So you are helping an organization by giving some money when you can and they are giving you something back in return. Any little bit helps to them. I probably have enough labels to last 10 years and I am serious!
By Chris from Locust Fork, AL
This page contains the following solutions.
When you get a letter in the mail, neatly cut off your name and address and you have free address labels.
To waterproof address labels, just rub a candle over the text. You will also save on sellotape.
I receive more address labels than I can possibly use from a variety of charities. If you donate by mail, you will likely be inundated with requests, many of which will contain a free gift of labels.
When mailing items, if you're using plain white address labels, you can stick onto either side of the address label your own choice of small or tiny decorative stickers.
To avoid having to buy those adhesive shipping labels from the store try recycling old index cards or any other type of paper to put addresses on boxes you are mailing.