A step by step guide to make your very own handcrafted personal diary!
Approximate Time: about an hour
an old diary
scraps of cloth
thread and needle
buttons, beads, and other decoratives
Take a piece of cloth, a bit wider and more than double the length of the diary; it'll make for the base. Fold it lengthwise, place the diary on it, and mark out the top and bottom with a pencil, as shown. Then, cut along the marking lines.
Stitch the edges of the cut-out. Then, fold the cloth around the diary, as shown, and stitch the edges, forming sort of a pocket where the cover of the diary can slip in (this way, if the cloth gets dirty, it can be easily removed and washed).
Similarly, stitch the pocket covering the back of the diary.The base is now ready. Slide the diary inside it.
Stitch colorful scraps of cloth on top of the base to finish off the craft. ( I even stitched some buttons and added a pocket to keep my pen.)