This is a great (and cheap) gift idea for kids. All you need is a towel and a washcloth. In a pinch, I have even used one of our old bath towels and wash cloths when I needed a last minute gift. The cloth and towel should match or coordinate.
Center the washcloth on the center of one of the long sides of the towel. Sew attaching it to the towel. Next, bring the loose ends of the wash cloth together and sew forming the hood.
This takes less than 5 minutes, and you only sew 2 straight lines. Great beginner sewing project. I bought a plain white towel at Wal-Mart this week for $1.20 and a matching washcloth for 75 cents.
You can then embellish your hooded towel with ribbon, rick rack, etc. I also took some scrap fabric and applied heat n bond to the back. I then took a washable marker and traced out my daughter's name. I cut out the letters, peeled off the paper backing and fused them right onto her towel. Similiar personalized hooded bath towels sell on other web sites for $20 - $40.
Beth from IA

Ruth Kennedy
Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 174 Feedbacks September 16, 20050 found this helpful
Hey that would make great b/d, Christmas presents too when money is tight.......good idea thanks
By malissa (Guest Post)
May 30, 20060 found this helpful
cool idea
By Alanna (Guest Post)
August 13, 20070 found this helpful
Thanks for the idea! I wonder if it would work well with using a hand towel instead of a wash cloth. I'll have to try.

March 19, 20080 found this helpful
I made a hooded towel like this before by attaching a washcloth but the hood was way too small for my 10 month old. If you have a larger baby I definitely recommend this site: it has sizes for small babies up to toddlers. Also lots of photos, I'm such a visual person really and need to be shown.
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