I always had trouble with these words; super and supper, diner and dinner, desert and dessert. I couldn't remember which words had the double letters in them.
My daughter, a 5th grade teacher, told me of a easy way to get the spelling correct. Supper, dessert, dinner: you always go back for seconds! I never spell them incorrectly after that tip from her!
Source: Donna, my daughter.
By dorothy wedenoja from New Creek, WV
Editor's Note: Do you have any other tricks to remember how to spell words? Post then here.
This page contains the following solutions.
Use blocks or Megablocks (Legos) for spelling and reading aids for young kids. I used white surgical tape to create a white surface on blocks, then wrote words on them with black marker.
Sew tat ewe dont maek speling mistaiks ore tyypoz wen ewe pozt tipz, ewe can tipe your tip intwo an email and run a spellcheck. Kopypaste the Korekt vershion onto the tip spase and everywon wil think ewe did it perfecktlly the furst tyme "GiggleGiggleGiggle" U^u^U
When my kids need help with spelling, I just think of all the words that start with A-Z and write them all down. I cut each one out and put them in a hat.