
Throwing a Neighborhood Garage Sale

March 6, 2012

Yard sale on the front lawn of a house.Here are several tips for a successful yard sale:

  1. Offer clean, usable items.
  2. Price your items - people do not like to have to keep asking.
  3. Advertisement

  4. Have change ready to close the deal.
  5. Display items up off the ground on tables. Do not display stuff on blankets on the ground.
  6. Be willing to negotiate a bit.
  7. Create contrasting signs, using big, black, clearly written words on bright paper.
  8. Advertise ahead of time in free papers, bulletin boards, Craigslist, etc.
  9. Invite neighbors to host a garage sale too to increase traffic.
  10. Be pleasant, treat customers in a friendly fashion.
  11. Keep your change bag with you (don't leave it sitting at a checkout table).


By Joyous from Knoxville, TN

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Catherine Forman
May 26, 2006

If you have kids, they probably have toys. A lot of toys. Heaps and piles of toys they've forgotten they had, or lost interest in, or just don't use anymore because they grew out of them.

Two pair of roller skates on table at a garage sale.


August 18, 2011

I used fluorescent dots from the office supply store. These work really well if you have large items to mark and they're really easy to spot by the shoppers.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 8, 2010

I am going to be taking part in a community yard sale that is going to be held in a church parking lot. Should I make my own signs? What can I do to make my booth stand out from the others?

By Karaoke Mama


June 13, 20101 found this helpful

Make a sign that says: Great prices and deals.
Make a freebie box with a smaller sign near it that says if you buy one item, you get to choose something from the 'freebie' box.


Be sure to replenish it every hour with more freebie items. Also, towards the end of the day, start packing up things you cannot part with away or segregate it from things you are willing to part with cheaply.

Start telling people that they can fill up a bag for x amount of dollars. More people will flock to your table, maybe purchasing the items that you segregated as well, smile.

June 14, 20100 found this helpful

Thank you! These are great ideas. I am going to use them. You Rock!

July 5, 20101 found this helpful

Over the last 20 years we've had nearly 60 yard sales including huge benefit charity sales. In my experience in order of importance:
1. Signs (large and legible) any any other available free advertising.


2. Clean items in good repair (a bit of touch up paint or glue can make the sale) well displayed (avoid putting items on the ground or leaving in boxes as many people are not able or willing to stoop down or rummage through boxes). Not enough tables? A box of like items (no breakable or sharp items) is okay placed on a chair.
3. Price every item beforehand (I do not overprice as in our area when an item is fairly priced very few people haggle).
4. Have plenty of change, bags, and newspapers (to wrap breakables).
5. Relax - have fun and enjoy yourself. Welcome/greet each visitor. Play some happy music. Wear a silly hat (mine is a Crown complete with fake jewels and printed with "Her Royal Highness Queen of the Yard Sale" and hubbies is a huge wide brimmed Mariachi straw hat).

Have something to give away to all the kiddos (even just a sticker will bring a smile to a small child). When a customer asks me for info on an item I'm not familiar with I'll cup my hands around my mouth and call out to my husband "attention, attention...associate to electronics" (or hardware/automotive, etc.) We have repeat customers at all our sales and I often see folks when I'm out and about who stop me and tell me they just cant wait, when is the next sale?
Hope you have a great sale, it's hard work but can be profitable and great fun at the same time.

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