
Disposing of Light Bulbs (Incandescent)

December 21, 2004

Disposing of Light Bulbs (Incandescent), A light bulb.Place blown-out light bulbs in a baggie before throwing them away. If it is accidentally crushed, the pieces won't tear the garbage bag.

By GrammySheila


Editor's Note: This tip is for traditional incandescent bulbs. Be sure to take CLF or LED bulbs for proper recycling.



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December 21, 20040 found this helpful

If crushed wouldn't the broken glass break the baggie too? Maybe put it into an empty box of some sort, for example, a macaroni & cheese or milk carton instead? I don't worry about it, I just put the light bulb in the middle of the bag of garbage and have never had a problem with it crushing and breaking the garbage bag.

By Debbie (Guest Post)
December 21, 20040 found this helpful

Instead of throwing your old light bulbs out, you can use them to make Christmas ornaments. I've seen some cute ideas for making Santa's and snowmen on some of the different craft sites.

By Cherie (Guest Post)
February 22, 20050 found this helpful

If anyone is interested in about 50 burnt out lightbulbs to use for ornaments, I have some. Thought I would get around to making them but I havent.

By C (Guest Post)
February 27, 20050 found this helpful

What happens to lightbulbs once they reach the landfill?

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