
Uses for Plastic Bottle Caps

December 27, 2011

Uses for Plastic Bottle CapsMy nephew's elementary school collects all kinds of bottle caps and gets some kind of money for them. We always put our bottle caps is a basket and when we see Jacob we give them to him. They take every kind of bottle cap as long as it has a screw top, so I put in everything large or small from any bottles we use. Maybe you could check with your school to see if they know about this program.


By TheThreadLady from Eden Prairie, MN

Editor's Note: According to Snopes, there are no charities that accept plastic bottle caps, they are worthless. Some companies will collect them for recycling, such as Aveda. There are also recycling programs for bottle caps. Check with your local waste management company or municipal offices for more information.

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This page contains the following solutions.

December 14, 2011

Plastic bottle caps can be used to make fly and insect door curtains. Measure a piece of timber dowel the width of the door. Drill a small hole in the centre of each cap and string them together like beads, with knots along the string to keep them separate from each other.

A curtain made of strung bottle caps.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
December 18, 2007

My four cats were constantly losing their store bought toys under the appliances and furniture, and down the basement stairs. One day I realized they got the exact same amount of joy chasing a plastic bottle cap around.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
April 2, 2015

I lost the cap to my mouthwash. I didn't want to put it in a soda or flavored water bottle because moving being what it is, I couldn't find a felt pen to mark it with. So I found the next best thing.


A water bottle cap worked perfectly. Being the frugal person that I am, I didn't want to waste the bottle or have it spill. I hope this helps.


November 7, 2007

What do you do with the milk and soda caps nobody wants? I believe I pretty much covered before their use as game pieces. How about Holiday Decorations or just small vessels that can be used to decorate holiday decorations?


November 6, 2016

I was at McDonald's the other day, and I purchased three of their little bottles of milk. I immediately knew that they would be used as some kind of craft or toy or decoration at our home.


I decided to use them as a seasonal cat toy.

bottle cap with snowman picture inside

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
December 19, 2017

I often spend the night at my daughters house but sometimes it's not planned. And even when it is I can forget things I might need. Today, I made a nice care package (emergency kit) in a bag I seldom use.

Two soda bottle caps with earplugs stored inside.


July 16, 2012

Guess how many tops. Nearest guess wins a prize! This is a good game or any charity event: summer fete, Brownies, Boy Scouts, Christmas event, etc.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

December 5, 2007

I collect Coke plastic bottle caps for the Coke Rewards program. After entering the codes, I then have lots and lots of plastic bottle caps. Is there anything useful I can do with them?

Jean from Detroit, MI


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
December 5, 20070 found this helpful

If you have a problem with animals getting in your garden maybe you could spread them around. I don't think animals would like walking over something like that.

By Melody in TN (Guest Post)
December 6, 20073 found this helpful

An old preschool trick. If you have different colored caps, make spare checkers with them. Red for one team (Coke) and green (Sprite) for the other. You could even use small stickers on the inside or out for when a checker is "kinged" and turned over. These are easy for small hands (or older, arthritic hands, too) to pick up and you don't care if one gets lost!


You can use caps off milk jugs, too. These are great for car trips with a checkerboard/backgammon board made of a sheet of paper or large print checked fabric. Velcro the edges for a self-contained carrier, even.

December 6, 20072 found this helpful

If you have friends that sew, you can make mini pincushions as nice little gifts:

By Dumbo (Guest Post)
December 8, 20071 found this helpful

What will i do with coke bottle caps? Make a necklace and wear it!

December 11, 20072 found this helpful

You know those business card size fridge magnets we are always getting for free? Take some of those type magnets - our town gives big ones with the whole years recycling schedule on it - and draw around a cap to make as many as you need to glue them to the back of them.


Then take some nice stiff paper, draw enuf circles using a cap to make alphabet and numbers. Make sets of these to give to small kids you know to use on their fridge to spell and practice their numbers.

By Allie M. NZ (Guest Post)
December 12, 20071 found this helpful

RE:What to do with coke bottle caps.
Cut out a Christmas tree shape from card board.Approx 12" high
Cut out circles of Christmas print material scraps big enough to cover caps.
Using needle & thread make running stitch around circle,secure at back of cap. Poke in ends.
Then with craft glue stick all onto tree shape to cover.
Hang up & kids will love it.

By sandy (Guest Post)
December 20, 20073 found this helpful

they work good for seniors in the nursing home to play bingo, instead of the small bingo chips, easy to hang on to.

By Mom of three (Guest Post)
March 6, 20082 found this helpful

Christmas Tree Ornament/Kid's Craft Project.
My daughter's 3rd grade teacher did this as a craft project: Hot glue caps together in any shape really ( she made a circle like pattern: 3 caps across the 1st row, 4 the 2nd, then 5, then 4, then 3). Glue glittery craft pom-poms in each of the "holes" of the cap. Hot glue ribbon to the top, and use as a tree ornament. They look cuter than it sounds!

By Sarah (Guest Post)
May 15, 20083 found this helpful

Put 50 of them in a recycled plastic jar (maybe from licorce or the pretzels in a jar) Give it to a local 1st grade teacher. Children need visuals to learn counting, adding and subtracting.

September 30, 20081 found this helpful

Make a square piece of cloth or felt maybe 6x6 can be larger, cut 4 pieces of zig zag trim the length ot the fabric you've cut, with this make a tic tac toe lay out- by gluing the trim (lines) onto the fabric. Now gather those bottle caps for a game of tic tac toe. The color of the caps determines the team.


Makes a good travel game for in the car going to grandmas house for holiday. You can glue the fabric or felt onto a surface if you want to make it a board. I just spray startched mine let it dry then fold and put it rubbermaid container with the caps.

July 26, 200910 found this helpful

i have a pattern for a wind chime using bottle caps if u would like to have a copy. my email address is biskitbrnr AT email me and let me know if you would like it.

February 17, 20160 found this helpful

Yes I would love the pattern. My email
is. chey AT Thank you Sharon H.

August 23, 20161 found this helpful

I live in the UK and found the Coke bottle top fits the trigger spray bottles (sanitiser and shower spray) perfectly. I simply take off the trigger spray and replace with coke top reducing the height of the bottle for easier storage.

September 20, 20160 found this helpful

Yes I would like the pattern my email is genie 4922 AT Thank u very much Sharon H.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 145 Feedbacks
July 19, 2011

In the last few years, Aveda Cosmetics started recycling plastic soda bottle caps. They made a strong case for the fact that land and marine animals suffer when the mothers mistake these things for food and feed them to their young, accidentally killing the babies. Unfortunately, Aveda stopped taking these recently. Not all recyclers will take these small things.

Any ideas as to where these can be recycled or how they can be used en mass? Please, can somebody give me a workable solution to this almost unaddressed problem?

By Jacquelyn Valentine


July 20, 20113 found this helpful

If you go to and search for where you can recycle the lids, you'll find an answer! (I'm an environmental educator, and applaud your willingness to recycle - when you find out what litter does to our land and habitat, it just breaks your heart, so thanks for being so responsible!)

Another option is to reuse the lids as decorative pieces (glue several pieces and sizes, all the same color or different, into a frame) or game pieces, or donate them to after-school programs and encourage kids to make things for Earth Day ("snakes", bugs, etc.); the activity could also include some education about the need for recycling!

July 20, 20110 found this helpful

You can also check with your local waste company, they may not take the tops with the bottles, but you might be able to put them into your general recycle bin.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
July 20, 20111 found this helpful

If you can't find a recycling place to take them, put them in your trash. As long as the trash goes to a landfill no animals or sea life can get to them. It is the ones thrown by the wayside or into the ocean and lakes that cause the problem.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
July 22, 20111 found this helpful

I so wish that Horst Rechelbacher would never have sold his Aveda company to the conglomerate Estee Lauder company. :-( As soon as Lauder took it over they slowly began becoming more and more unsustainable and that's why I quit selling Aveda products in my salon (and my salon was a Concept Salon) before I retired.

In any event, if you can't find a recycling center that will take them in your area you could call around to retirement homes and assorted types of schools who most likely would be more than happy to use them for crafts.

March 17, 20131 found this helpful

Our waste/recycle collector will accept the caps if they are ON the bottles/containers, but if they are off, I think the automatic separator separates them as trash. Check with your Township recycling person.

May 28, 20133 found this helpful

You can go to and sign up to mail your caps in. They will take anything from deodorant dispensers, to toothbrushes, to even cigarette butts. You can print a mailing label from the site, then you can get credits that you can redeem to help charities that you choose :D


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 111 Feedbacks
February 18, 20162 found this helpful

Seems to me they could be great educational toys, for kids old enough to not put them in their mouths. They could count them, add and subtract them, and if you have an assortment, they could group them by color or size.

May 11, 20165 found this helpful

Google "buddy benches". We collect bottle caps @ work as part of a (university) campus-wide recycling initiative. Once we've collected 400 lb., we turn them over to a company that recycles them into benches &/or tables for schools. They take pop/water bottle caps, cottage cheese lids, laundry detergent lids, etc. Our building alone has collected almost 150 lb. in the past 6 months! The campus has already collected enough for our first bench, which has gone to the on-campus childcare center.

December 25, 20160 found this helpful

I love Terracycle, but you have so many pounds of recyclables before you can mail them to them. It's best to ask your friends and family to also participate and then it's a win win for everyone.

December 25, 20160 found this helpful

I think the issue is that sometimes even if they start out in the landfill, they can eventually end up in the ocean. And plastic bags are really bad for the animals too. I saw a documentary about it. It's sad. :(

April 29, 20170 found this helpful

I use the water top to play bingo with my students.
Also to write vocabulary that they have to learn


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
June 1, 20170 found this helpful

You would have to look for a site in your local area. You could try asking our members by submitting a question directly to them. They are unlikely going to notice this feedback on a years old question.

Good luck, and let us know if you find one in your area and would like to share the location with us.

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November 10, 2019

Where can I find someone who is accepting water caps for cancer? There was a friend's ex-wife who was doing it, but I was told no longer.

Anyway I had my church friend helping me out in this area. My mom, one of my sons had died of cancer and I myself have cancer.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 11, 20191 found this helpful
Best Answer

Snopes says that this campaign was false:

That said, if you are looking to do something useful with them other than recycle, they do sell on eBay. The SOLD amounts are not high, but you could then donate the cash to your favorite cancer related charity.

Over 1/2 of the last listed packages of tops sold. They average $8 in sales PER lot (lot means sold by the pound or a select number like 1000 pieces and most often sorted by color).

Here are examples of sold auctions if you want to go that route:

Prayers for you and all affected by cancer.

Answer this Question

November 23, 2018

Our recycling center has requested that before bringing plastic bottles, that the caps be removed. Geeze Louise, now I have a bag of caps. Does anyone have a suggestion for what can be done with them?

Thanks for your ideas.
Take good care!

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October 16, 2016

This is a page about plastic bottle top container. Reuse a bottle top and 2 caps to make a handy pocket container.

Plastic Bottle Top Container

May 23, 2017

The caps off of milk bottles are just right for use in making an impromptu palette for your next craft painting project. This is a page about how to make a recycled milk bottle cap palette.

Recycled Milk Bottle Caps Palette - paint in bottle caps on lid palette

May 23, 2019

Turn your ordinary caps from plastic bottles into handy nozzles. Just use a metal skewer or other thin metal implement that can be heated.

Plastic Bottle Cap Nozzles - nozzles created on caps

May 16, 2019

Plastic bottle caps, stickers and gems can be hot glued to make a fun necklace for your little one. This is a page about how to make a bottle cap necklace for toddlers.

How to Make a Bottle Cap Necklace for Toddlers - finished necklace with a dog on the front

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