
Finding Time To Exercise

April 2, 2012

People ExercisingExercise each time you use the microwave. If it is going for 3 minutes, do leaning push ups against the counters. For 2 minutes, do squats. For 5 minutes, you won't believe how long 5 minutes can seem, try alternating lunges or tree pose from yoga. Most of all have fun and realize how those little pieces of time are like fabric scraps one creates a marvelous quilt out of, in other words they add up!


By Robin from Needham, MA

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 418 Posts
August 29, 2017

I have enjoyed these cool mornings and have started walking our country road for 30-45 minutes each morning. This makes 4 weeks that I have been doing this daily. When I wake up in the morning, I'm ready to hop out of bed and go for my walk before breakfast.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 205 Posts
April 6, 2010

Like most of us, I have some extra weight that I've had trouble getting off. I can't afford the cost of a gym, and even if I could, I probably wouldn't go.


July 28, 2011

I find the best time for me to exercise is early in the morning before I do anything. First, I make sure my exercise routine is already planned the night before.


May 1, 2007

Exercise without really trying. I hate exercising. To stay in shape I "keep moving". This means chores (they are a great source of calorie burning), playing physical games with my toddler (games running through the house), dancing to my favorite tunes and best of all: talk while you walk!


June 16, 2008

I get at least 10 minutes of workout during commercial breaks when I watch my favorite TV shows that span for an hour or more. All I do is run up and down the stairs till the commercial is over.


June 15, 2005

It seems as though everyone has a hobby, but it can be dangerous to your health. Yes, especially for the people who sew, or create something while sitting.


Even for young people sitting for too long at a time can cause blood clots in the legs. You need to move around and take breaks.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
July 29, 2011

I have found that the best time to exercise is first thing in the morning, that way, I don't have to find time throughout the day to try to get some exercise. I set my alarm to get up 30 minutes earlier each day.


Susan Rutter
October 2, 2002

We all do, even me. We blow off working out. We don't have time. (That's my big excuse since having a baby.) We don't like doing it.


We're intimidated. Or, it just doesn't seem worth all the effort.


January 21, 2020

To increase your daily activities, make an exercise jar from a recycled food jar. List simple exercises on Popsicle sticks and them place in the jar. These quick and fun activities help keep you on task.

Exercise Jar - write the exercise on each stick add a dot or line to one end

March 19, 2005

Mow your own lawn, rake your own leaves and shovel your own snow. You save paying someone else and also on gym memberships!

Health & Beauty Fitness ExerciseJuly 21, 2011
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