
Saving Money on a Baby Shower?

June 17, 2008

People attending a baby shower.My daughter and I are hosting a baby shower for my niece. I have mini-baby things (blocks, bottles, pins) that I purchased at a tag sale and would like some suggestions on how to make shower table decorations with them. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The shower is June 8.


Mary from Bedford, Kentucky


June 17, 20080 found this helpful

Oops--Shower on June 8 & you posted this today, the 17th? In case you meant JULY 8, let's see: are we talking' one table here or more? You could get a tree branch, base it in a weighted box or jar [wrap in white tissue or a diaper w/pins maybe?] an' hang the items from branches with pastel ribbons [or pink/blue of you know the sex], maybe scatter a few on the table? How many item do y'have? 'Favors' could be little somethings tied in a 'bundle' of tissue paper, again w/the pastel ribbons. Cheeze, I wish I could chat more atcha--wish I was there! More info would help me[us] help you. What date is it really? GOOD LUCK!

June 17, 20080 found this helpful

A diaper cake is a beatuiful centerpeice for the table.They are easy to make. You can search on- line for instructions..The first one I made turned out beautiful.

By (Guest Post)
June 18, 20080 found this helpful

For the gift table, get a sturdy branch and secure it in a weighted coffee can. Put diaper pins or mini clothes pins on the branches for guests to hang their cards on.


Party favors/candies in little diapers, cloth napkins (or any inexpensive fabric) folded in the shape of a cloth diaper. Just spreading the decorations around on the cake table is a great decoration idea too.

By Karen Lawson (Guest Post)
June 19, 20080 found this helpful

There are so many things you could do! How about a tree branch potted in a planter to look like a small tree. Hang the pretty things from the branches with ribbons. Or you could use an umbrella and set the pretties under them.
Good luck!

May 25, 20090 found this helpful

You could make a diaper cake with those things or a diaper wreath

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May 25, 2014

I need ideas for a large baby shower with very little money. The shower would be for at least 60 people. We don't even have a location picked out yet. Any ideas you can give me would be most appreciated.

By GoodAndCheap


May 27, 20140 found this helpful

The Dollar Tree Store (or any Dollar Store or Dollar General) is excellent for Tableware, Nick Nacks & Plastic Tablecloths in many different colors to help you decorate. You can get ideas by just looking around different stores.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
June 1, 20140 found this helpful

This time of year, a public park is lovely and free. Just make sure everyone had proper sun screen and pest repellent. Nothing ruins a party like those pesky critters.


Make it a salad pot luck. In the shade of at least one tree, or a covered table, you can keep things cool with coolers and such. Everyone contributes a little so no one person has to fit the bill. Cupcakes are also great as you can have a variety and there is less waste.

The dollar store tip is great too, as you can get plates/utensils/cups and so much more. Also gift bags, food and favors.

I hope these tips helped. Have a great time!!

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