
Dog Shivering Outside?

January 16, 2012

Gray DogMy dog constantly shivers when he comes in from outside. I have wrapped him in blankets, but he still shivers. What can I do?

By coolbeanwalker from west Sussex, north Yorkshire



January 16, 20120 found this helpful

My daughter has a Boxer that shivers, and she puts one of her husbands old sweaters on him. She puts his two front legs in the arms of the sweater and puts his head through the neck opening.


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January 17, 20120 found this helpful

Small dog? Cut sleeve of sweatshirt long enough to cover his butt. 2 holes for front legs, angle cut so plumbing parts can be used. Medium dog? Use leg of sweats long as it has a cuff. I like these better than jackets bought as they cover the behind parts.

September 3, 20150 found this helpful

Dogs and even cats can shiver no matter what the weather, first I would check to see if they have a fever, then if they do take them to a vet. Some dogs and cats will shiver do to being nervous as well or afraid of something.


If its cold out then put a pet sweater or jacket on them and pants for dogs and cats too.

June 8, 20160 found this helpful

He/she might be sick take the boxer to the vet

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