
Dog Pees in the House When Excited

May 9, 2006

Dog Pees in the House When ExcitedI have a 1 year old miniature dachshund that urinates every time my husband comes home. He wants us to get rid of her and I want to keep her. Any ideas?


jgl7777 from Cincinnati, OH


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 233 Feedbacks
May 9, 20060 found this helpful

That sounds like nervousness; is he rough with her, intentionally or not? Animals can sense when one doesn't like them....My husband is not a cat lover, and when he was home alone with the cat, she never came out, even pooped under the bed. My husband grew to accept her, and they formed a respectful dislike for each other. You need to dwell deep in your heart, and if you have a close friend or family to give it too, please consider.

By Cindy Adler (Guest Post)
May 10, 20060 found this helpful

Use Belly bands if it is a boy. Is your doxie neutered/spayed?
I agree with the nervousness. Perhaps your dog could be taken out for a walk around the time your hubby comes home? Then when you return, hubby is there waiting to greet your doxie! He should try to develop a positive relationship with the little one. Maybe giving treats and saying postive things when the doxie is good. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT


Perhaps dog obedience training would work?

The last resort would be finding a Dachshund Rescue to take your doxie. DO NOT SEND TO A SHELTER!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 214 Feedbacks
May 10, 20060 found this helpful

When he comes in does he bend over to pet her immediately? Our cocker used to squat and pee as soon as people came in the door, but they usually would pet her immediately. We were told to totally ignore her when coming into the house and then she wouldn't get so excited. It seemed that as we would bend over to pet her she formed almost a submissive stance and would squat and pee.

Try to ignore her as you come in...don't even look at her for a few minutes. Let us know if that works for you also.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 139 Feedbacks
May 10, 20060 found this helpful

My son and daughter-in-law's dog does the same thing when she's excited to see's always people she likes. Their solution has been to allow the dog to greet the person outside. It works for them....and she's actually gotten better.

May 10, 20060 found this helpful

It's a Doxie thing; mine is 4 years old and although it is much better than when she was a puppy, when she gets excited upon seeing someone she knows, she will pee alittle. As others before me suggested, don't bend down to greet her, just acknowledge her by name and go on with whatever you were doing.


It will get better, but may never go completely away. Don't get rid of her, there sweet personalities and fun-loving attitudes more than make up for the submissive peeing issue.

By jgl7777 (Guest Post)
May 10, 20060 found this helpful

Thanks for your suggestions!
My husband doesn't like her and yells when she pees so it doesn't help the situation.
She is very sweet and very funny and gets along very well with our sheltie. Both are females.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 233 Feedbacks
May 10, 20060 found this helpful

Animals will get nervous and exhibit behaviors like that, just when they expect the source. It's like a vicous circle. If he is okay with the sheltie, maybe talk him into building a relationship with her. My DH and late cat finally did, after a couple of years.


Sometimes the vibes we send out can affect animals, and we don't even know it! If it is excited pee, I agree with the others, but my big dog has had shock from repetitive loud noises where he trickled pee, and we had to take precautions for that.

By Carol in PA (Guest Post)
May 11, 20060 found this helpful

This animal KNOWS hubby doesnt want to keep her. Shes afraid. Thats why she wets inappropriately...

May 11, 20060 found this helpful

Poor baby...she is just so excited that Daddy's home! She loves him but then he yells at her :o(
Why not ,when you hear his car, bring her outside or in the garage so she does her tinkles there? She does not know what she is doing wrong if he yells and gets upset, she just becomes more upset herself. She is still a puppy.Give her some help. :o)


Or call your vet, I'm sure he has suggestions as well.

By Susan in Oregon (Guest Post)
May 11, 20060 found this helpful

I met a lady recently with a mini dachshund puppy. She was telling me that she has chosen this specific dog because those she'd had in the past had bathroom problems, mostly urinating. She told me that it was a genetic gene in dachshunds ( I didn't know that) and that she'd found out about her current puppies parents and their parents, if they had urinating problems, before she committed to a dachshund. This is probably a situation that the dog doesn't like either and is beyond it's control. Of course stressing the dog by knowing your husband doesn't like it isn't going to help either. Even if your husband doesn't like the dog, if the dog thinks he does things will be better. Thank you for loving your little dog!!

By Susan in Oregon (Guest Post)
May 11, 20060 found this helpful

Too bad you're in Ohio and I'm in Oregon. I'd love to have another mini doxie. Mine died a year ago at 17. They are wonderfully loving little dogs with huge personalities.

By Ellie (Guest Post)
May 11, 20060 found this helpful

I agree with the answers you have already. Dogs can pee because they are excited/happy to see someone, or because that someone makes them feel unpleasantly nervous! It's sad that your husband doesn't like her,she of course is aware of that and she sounds so sweet.


I hope some of the suggestions help.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
May 11, 20060 found this helpful

She probably thinks he's the alpha dog.

"Submissive urination is the ultimate show of respect and deference for higher rank. It occurs frequently with young puppies who have not yet learned and perfected other social skills and means of showing respect."

When he pays attention to her, she wants to show him she is submissive. The best thing for him to do is not pay attention for the first few minutes after he comes home. Also, keeping her outside when he comes home or somewhere where it won't hurt if she pees would be good and have him greet her there.

Tell him, it's because she adores him and thinks he's the head honcho, that might help him understand it.

By Lois (Guest Post)
May 11, 20060 found this helpful

My Chihuahua done the same thing she would get so excied to see people she loves everyone and is very sweet ,after she has got older she no longer pees when people start paying attention to her.I have heard that some dogs will pee when someone they really love comes home they are so excited to see them.Give the little Dog time to see if she will over come this problem


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 233 Feedbacks
May 11, 20060 found this helpful

All of these suggestions are great, but I just remembered, dogs can hear their owners cars from at least one mile away, maybe longer depending on other sounds (sorry, lack of) so keep track of her behavior at certain times, or talk to hub on cell phone when she acts "off." My dog perked up and ran to the window when my husband was two miles from the house, when we lived in the country. That was at a time after major traffic went through, so it was quieter. He also gets home on a regular schedule, and dogs seem to sense that too. I "hear about it" if hubby comes home late, too bad it's at 6 am! Off the subject, I stayed at my mom's farm for a month, and my youngest son (6 months at the time) remembered the sound of my mom's car and started getting excited and looking at the door when she would pass on the road and turn into the driveway! AMAZING!

May 11, 20060 found this helpful

Hope this is of help to you.

From your question, I'm not sure whether this is submissive urination or excitement. Submissive urination is made worse by punishment--and that includes any form of disapproval from you when the dog does it. It is a nearly involuntary reaction on the part of a submissive dog, in the presence of a person the dog perceives as dominant. If the person shows displeasure at the urination, that makes the dog even MORE submissive to that person, hence the problem gets worse.

If that is the situation, you need to ignore it when the dog does it, and try not to greet the dog when you first get home. You just keep walking and walk the dog straight outside without stopping your feet, bending over, or talking to the dog. After the dog has relieved outside, then you can greet.

Whether or not this is submissive urination, it can involve a urinary tract infection. When a dog has a tendency to submissively urinate, an infection will make it happen more easily, and can make the problem persist past the time the dog would normally outgrow it. When a dog has a urinary tract infection, control can be more difficult, and urination can happen from excitement, too.

So, look at how you are handling the dog as well as what is happening when she has these accidents. If she ever wets when she is asleep, that's another sign of infection. Frequent urination can also be a symptom of infection. That can be checked by taking the dog to urinate on leash, then as she starts to go, slipping a clean pie pan or soup ladle under her to catch it. Pour the urine into a clean jar, and take to the veterinarian for analysis while it is still fresh. This is less expensive than a sample collected by the veterinarian, and less stress on the dog. In some cases it will not be sterile enough, but in many cases it will be adequate to determine whether or not the dog needs to be on antibiotics.

It takes time to clear up these infections with antibiotics, and often they are discontinued too soon. To give you an idea, I had a dog with a urinary tract infection who took 4 to 6 weeks of antibiotics, and had about six urine checks. The veterinarian changed the medication twice, when the lab work indicated the antibiotic was not working. She did not have a recurrence of that infection. Often dogs who are given one antibiotic for a week or ten days will have a recurrence, and if the owner doesn't bring the dog back in, serious damage can result.

Besides the handling mentioned above, and checking for infection, giving the dog positive, reward-based obedience training will improve her confidence. That is an excellent antidote to submissive urination.

If she were older, another possibility would be the urinary incontinence that sometimes happens to female dogs. But that's not likely at her age.

By MAD (Guest Post)
May 12, 20060 found this helpful



Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 696 Feedbacks
May 14, 20060 found this helpful

I shouldn't say this but I laughed when I read that! It just struck me very funny! Sounds like a bad problem. If you can't figure out a way to stop it, I'm with your husband. I could not tolerate something like that for very long. We had cats for many many years before we adopted 2 beautiful children. We had a cat that started peeing in the house. It was just the pitts to say the least. I loved her and would not have gotten rid of her and altho I was sad when she died, can't say I miss her peeing in the house!

May 15, 20060 found this helpful

Thanks everyone for all your help!
I will keep you updated on how we are getting along.
So far I am trying to be outside with her when HE comes home (LOL). I think I will also check on the kidney infection to see if that is a problem.

By Claudia- Baltimore (Guest Post)
May 16, 20060 found this helpful

I also have owned 3 mini doxies (LH). I agree that this sounds like submissive urination. One of my males still does this if I pay too much attention to him when I say goodbye before I go to work. My other male flops on his back to show submission. At first, I thought these two rescue dogs had been abused in their former homes, but others tell me that is not necessarily the case. It's just part of establishing/respecting the 'pecking order.'

Like Cesar Millan says, "No touch, no talk, no eye contact, no affection" until she settles down. Good luck- This is a great breed!

May 16, 20060 found this helpful

i have a mini doxie who does the same thing (hes an outside dog tho) but anytime me or my husband comes out the door he gets so excited he pees all over the place. our other 2 doxies dont.

By Sue (Guest Post)
May 19, 20060 found this helpful

It could be submissive peeing.I had a cockapoo that did the same thing.We found that with him if we kept him in another room where it was quiet until after the "daddy's home"excitement it was much less frequent. They also sell 'Belly bands"that help in keeping the floors and furniture dry (they are washable")

By Aline (Guest Post)
May 23, 20060 found this helpful

My dog pees when we are outside and someone, ANYONE pays attention to her. Why is that and how can I stop that. It's kinda embarrassing.
Can someone email me at alley_107 at with help, thanks!

By Lyndal (Guest Post)
January 28, 20080 found this helpful

My dog has exactly the same problem. She is an Australian Terrier and pees whenever my husband walks in the door. When I come home she doesn't as I ignore her for quite sometime after I get home. I tell my husband to do this but he forgets. She will also pee if she knows I am going to take her for a walk or to put her outside. She will pee if strangers come over and bend down to pat her. I always put her outside while visitors are here for that reason. It can be quite frustrating and sometimes I do yell at her, but I know that she can't help it. I am taking her to vet anyway to see if there may be something wrong with her medically. For now I just have to know her triggers and work around it.

By Jamie (Guest Post)
June 4, 20080 found this helpful

My mini doxie did that when we came home because she would get so excited. We ignore her for at least a few minutes when we come in the door. After she settles down we can pet her and she won't do it then.

By jonelle. (Guest Post)
November 7, 20081 found this helpful

My dog, she is a black lab, about 6 or 7 years old, has peed in my room a few times now. I always yell at her and today she was walking and pee was dripping down from her tail. Also, when she was sleeping her whole area was wet. Is she sick or just getting old?

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 3, 2010

My 14 week old Chi-poo puppy gets so excited when my dad gets home that she pees on the floor. She only does that to him. Any idea's how to stop this from happening? And will getting her fixed help this problem too?

By Loni from Bella Vista, AR


May 4, 20100 found this helpful

Saw an episode of the Dog Whisperer concerning this. When you first enter your home, ignore the dog. Do not give him/her any attention until they are relaxed and no longer excited.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 121 Feedbacks
May 5, 20100 found this helpful

Get her fixed no matter what the problem is with her peeing. You do not want a litter of puppies and then wonder what to do with them. All dogs should be fixed.

May 6, 20100 found this helpful

Please don't ignore her; most puppies do this when excited. Don't worry, she'll soon grow out of it; just enjoy her:-))

May 24, 20100 found this helpful

I had a Pomeranian who use to pee when people came in the room. This is a very submissive way of saying "please don't hurt me, I'm friendly". I would gently put my hand under her tummy and lift her tummy and that would make her stop peeing. It didn't take long for her to understand that no body was going to hurt her and she stopped peeing. Hope this helps.

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January 16, 2012

We adopted two wonderful Poms from a shelter/rescue center. One of them took to the doggie door immediately while the other one is still not there. The problem we are having is that one of them pees when he is happy or gets excited (which is all the time)! What can I do to fix this? I am distraught at this time and if we are not able to get him trained to not pee all over my house we will have to give him back. This is be terrible for both our Pom as well as ourselves as we already love him so much. Any suggestions or have any of you gone through this with success?



January 17, 20120 found this helpful

I have heard that it works to turn your back on them when you come in; totally ignore them til they calm down. I just need to remember to do it. I just love it when Fifi is so excited to have me home! Thanks for reminding me! :o)


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
January 17, 20120 found this helpful

I would certainly ask your Vet. It is a common problem. I had a friend with a puppy with this problem and it eventually went away. She is a Vet and considered it a sign of a submissive dog and was very pleased that the dog had that personality type (easier to train).

January 21, 20120 found this helpful

My little Pomeranian use to pee when anyone would come into the room. This is a dog's way of saying "I'm friendly, please don't hurt me." When my little pom would start to pee I would gently put my hand on her tummy, and lift her tummy. She would stop peeing. Do not use words, just stay very calm because dogs pick up on your energy.

Do not scold your dog cause that will make matters worse. She quickly learned that no body was going to her, and she stopped peeing.

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August 16, 2011

Is it normal for a Jack Russell to pee when excited? He will pee if you pet him or even talk to him. I do not know what to do, and we have carpet in the house. He jumps on the bed when the grandsons come over and pees on the bed, and gets on the furniture and pees too, what can I do? I love him to pieces but am so very frustrated

By Cindy B


August 17, 20110 found this helpful

He is showing submission when he does this. They do make doggy diapers if all else fails.

August 17, 20110 found this helpful

My little Pomeranian use to pee when anyone would come into the room. This is a dog's way of saying "I'm friendly, please don't hurt me." When my little pom would start to pee I would gently put my hand on her tummy, and lift her tummy. She would stop peeing. Do not use words, just stay very calm because dogs pick up on your energy.

Do not scold your dog cause that will make matters worse. She quickly learned that no body was going to her, and she stopped peeing.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 138 Feedbacks
August 17, 20110 found this helpful

My dog used to do this, usually when we come in the house and she was excited that we came home. We learned to ignore her, no touch, no talk, no eye contact, for maybe 10 minutes, then she would be calm enough and didn't pee.

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March 29, 2015

My Beagle pees anytime I try to remove her from the couch or bed. I tell her come, but she doesn't move and if I go towards her she pees. What can I do?

By Dennis


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 3, 20170 found this helpful

Anytime a dog wakes from a nap, especially if they are a puppy, they will pee. You are going to have to keep the dog off your furniture and contained in a certain area in your home. Watch the dog closely and take the dog out for regular walks. This is all you can basically do is house train your dog. Or your second option would be to put down a puppy pad when you remove the dog from your bed. Put the dog on the pad and let it pee.

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August 15, 2013

My Dachshund is a 2 year old male. He keeps on urinating when he gets excited or if we scold him? I had asked a doctor about this problem and he told me it would go away when became one and a half years old, but it still didn't stop. Please help me.

By Ayush


August 17, 20130 found this helpful

I had a Pom that use to do this. While she was peeing, all I did was gently put my hand on her tummy and gently lift her to her feet. It didn't take long for my little girl to stop peeing.

Do not scold your little dog. In doggy language they are saying, Please don't hurt me, I am friendly." Believe me this will stop if you do it gently and with much love.

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December 5, 2012

I have a 7 month old Dachshund that pees every time someone comes over. He also pees most of the time when he is spoken to. How can this be stopped?

By Karen


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 360 Feedbacks
December 6, 20120 found this helpful

Submissive urination is a dog's uncontrollable, instinctive reaction to the presence of another dog or human that they feel is superior or is intimidating to them. It is a subconscious response that cannot be controlled. It is not a housebreaking issue, although it is more likely to happen when the bladder is full. It can often be a reaction to a specific action such as putting a leash on the dog or simply leaning down to stroke him.

Excited urination is different in that a puppy will usually grow out of this reaction. Submissive urination, however, often has to be overcome though training. Dogs read body language extremely well and we, as owners, sometimes give off the incorrect signals, resulting in the dog offering submissive gestures such as urination. Fear, lack of confidence, sensitivity, confusion and nervousness can result in submissive urination in older dogs as well. It can also be triggered through inappropriate punishment, although this does not always have to be the case.

You should never punish submissive urination. It will only make it problem worse. It is important to remember that your reaction and body language to the problem can intensify it, so be sure not to cause fear or anxiety for your dog.

There are many things we can do to minimize submissive urination. The main training goal is to build confidence and to redirect the dogs mind to other actions than urinating when concerned or excited.
Here are a few things that can help.
Dont punish your dog for urinating.

Don't attempt to reassure your dog or reinforce his actions by saying Its Ok or talking in a sweet voice. Keep quiet but relaxed. Ignore his body posturing behavior.

Familiarize him gradually in small stages with noises, people, and other dogs.

Dont rush him into situations and experiences. Move closer to situations that may concern him only as he shows confidence. The same with noises or any other stimulus that may concern him. Build up gradually.

Do basic obedience training and do it in a way that is not confrontational. Make it fun and confidence building.

Use a crate when you cannot supervise or when you are away. Put his crate near a door that allows him quickly outside to an enclosed area. In this way you can get him outside to go to the bathroom with the potential of avoiding an accident.

Take him out regularly to do his business so his bladder will not build up pressure.

Do not go straight to his crate when entering a room.

When arriving home do not go straight to him and let him out. Allow him to calm down first.

If he has been out to do his business and is once more back in the crate, smile and wave at him in the crate occasionally as you walk past.

When you go to the crate to let him out do so quietly and don't talk to him.

Bend down at the knees to undo the crate and do not lean over it or your dog.

If he urinates dont say anything, get him outside and then clean up without him seeing you do this.

When out in the yard, do not call him up to you but walk slowly around with him. Give him a command to urinate and praise him calmly using voice only when he does.

Do everything slowly and work at making your body language calm and unconcerned. Keep verbal volume low.

Be non-threatening. Dont lean over him but get down to his level kneeling or sitting on the floor. Dont stare at him or show displeasure no matter how you feel. If he is a naughty dog and is not very obedient, put him on a leash the moment he has urinated outside. Find ways to avoid him doing wrong and help him to do right so he can be praised and then gain confidence in you and himself. If you can avoid the situations where he does wrong and put him in situations to do right then you can build more praise into the day and his confidence will grow.

Spend time sitting with him by your side on a leash.

Take him for walks where he can gradually be exposed to the situations that trigger his urination.

Train friends and people you meet to train him. Ask them to only calmly smile and slowly wave. They are to remain calm and quiet, dont stare, stand sideways to him (do not directly face him) and talk in a calm voice with you. If they have dogs, they should keep their dog under control and at a distance. Their dog does not need to greet yours.

Avoid situations and people that you cannot control until your dog is learning to control himself and gain confidence.

Submissive urination is annoying and frustrating, but exhibiting these emotions to your dog only makes it worse. With a little planning and adjusting your attitude, you can minimize and overcome the problem.

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September 15, 2009

My neighbor has a blue heeler mix and everyday when I go over to her house, he will pee everywhere. I'm guessing he gets excited. It's not just me, everybody, even when she pets him.


August 7, 2007
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