Often if you are renting a beach cottage or the sort, the longer you rent, it the higher the savings. If you know someone that takes vacation near the same time you do. You can split.
When you rent the home, rent it under both parties' names. For example: one family uses it 2 weeks, another family uses it 2 weeks on a one month rental. You will be surprised at the money you will save!
You just need to be sure the total number of people listed on the contract/agreement is going fits into their total occupant policy. For example: the house will allow 10 occupants - one family has 4, other family as 6.
Take out the rental under 10 occupants. If you go over the occupancy rate, you won't be able to rent that unit. Because there is usually only in/out cleaning service, the first family in has to be sure to leave it cleaned up and ready for the 2nd families use.
By tracey v from Santa Rosa Beach, FL