Duration | Entries |
September 1 - 30, 2012 | 48 |
A good thing to have when you are grilling is to go buy a empty squirt bottle and when you get home fill it with water. So when you are grilling you can squirt water on the flames to keep them down. It also comes in handy if you want to steam some food.
I stopped using chemical sprays to get rid of bugs when I found that mint works just the same. It's very effective and super cheap. Here are a couple ways to use mint as an insect repellant.
Mancala is considered one of the oldest games in the world and is played just about everywhere nowadays. When my students played, they used dried beans and empty egg cartons.
I could have used this tip so many times, I have broken so many flip flops. Next time you do just attach a bread tag onto the bottom of your shoe, it will hold it in place.
I use a plastic Coke bottle to get the perfect size portion of pasta. For adults, use a 2 liter plastic bottle, fill it until there is no room left at the mouth of the bottle. This will give you a nice hearty portion, and you won't waste anything.
The following tip appeared in our recent condo newsletter. I had not heard of this before, but it sounds like a great idea for women undergoing chemo:
Use Windex and coffee filters. The fibers in the coffee filters help get handprints and other things off stainless steel much better than a paper towel and dries clean without leaving smudges.
I have clipped coupons for over 36 years now and I have saved thousands of dollars in grocery costs! I fondly remember one shopping trip I took where the total was $300 before my coupons and $30 AFTER! It felt fantastic!
Cut off the elastic tops of your tights and stockings before throwing them away. I use the stocking tops for hair bands and scrunchies. I use the elastic from the waistband of tights to secure my rubbish bag around the bin and also to keep the cat litter bag in place.
I was trying to figure out what to wear to my girlfriend's birthday party when I realized none of my skirts or pants were fitting, not even close! I looked in the mirror and was shocked to see I suddenly looked 9 months pregnant. I was very bloated.