Duration | Entries |
May 1 - 31, 2015 | 53 |
I applied glitter polish on my toenails right before I started my yoga class and stained the back of my new workout leggings! I came here to try and find a solution, but we don't have any oven cleaner or acetone-free nail polish remover in the house. My husband made a mixture of dishwashing liquid and white vinegar.
I just wanted to share a recipe that I use for my five month old Shih Tzu puppies, Cooper and Bentley.
Living in Southern California during the worst drought the U.S. has ever seen is no walk in the park. You have to get creative about how to save water - something I almost never had to worry about growing up in the rain-drenched North East.
If you are going on vacation from four to five weeks this is a tried and true way to keep your potted plants, as well as large ferns in hanging baskets watered without depending on someone to tend them in your absence.
I have driven briefly on highway at 55 mph and on local city streets at 35 mph all over about 2 weeks. The film stayed on perfectly, kept the heat in the car and the cold out .