Duration | Entries |
September 1 - 30, 2016 | 43 |
If you craft a lot, then you most likely own a hot-glue gun. If so, you are surely familiar with the nasty burns that inevitably come with using one! Hot glue is very painful and continues to burn your skin for several minutes after contact. I always keep a bowl of ice-water within easy reach on my work surface.
The bottle tops with their lids make perfect bowl covers for the refrigerator. This particular one is from a white vinegar bottle.
Spaghetti squash is such a nutritious and low calorie substitute for pasta. Many recipes call for baking. I have found that after cutting the squash lengthwise, scooping out the seeds, and microwaving cut side down for about 10 minutes (depending on the size), it is perfectly done. The added bonus is that the seeds can be saved for planting. I simply wash the seeds and leave them out for a few days to dry, then store in a paper envelope.
When you're doing some online shopping on Amazon, this tip can help you find the biggest savings on whatever you're searching for. In this example, I'm looking for paint brushes. When the search results come up, go to the url and add the argument "&pct-off=90-99" (without the quotes) to the end and hit enter. This will bring up the most discounted items in your search. (I marked the url change and discount shown in red.) If you change the argument at the end of the url to "&pct-off=50-99" it will find you items discounted from 50 to 99 percent. Adjust accordingly. :)
If you enjoy watching a robin splash about in a birdbath and want to help our feathered friends to a cool drink during these hot summer and fall days, you don't have to spend a fortune on fancy, high-priced garden store models.