
Washing Lettuce

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 555 Posts
May 1, 2019

Lettuce leaves in a mesh produce bag.I needed to make a salad and decided to use an empty netted veggie bag to do so. Simply insert greens in netted bag, rinse veggies under faucet and spin the bag!


I stepped outdoors to really make it a wild spin but you can do it over your sink or even in your shower stall, I guess!

A bowl of freshly washed lettuce.
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October 19, 2004

Lettuce keeps better if you store it in the refrigerator without washing it. Keep the leaves dry. Wash lettuce the day you are going to use it. By Peggy


April 21, 2002

Add 1/2 tsp. of baking soda to the water used to wash cabbage or lettuce and let it rest for 2 minutes.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 14, 2006

Today I bought some lettuce at the farmers market for the first time. My husband wants me to "disinfect" it because he says we can get "amoebas." What in the world is he talking about? I've never heard of disinfecting lettuce before. If I am supposed to disinfect it, how do I do that?

Allison from Kingsport TN


June 14, 20060 found this helpful

I grow lettuce and greens.I always soak them in slightly warm water with salt.I've been told the salt brings out the bugs.Then rinse throughly.

By Sam I Am (Guest Post)
June 15, 20060 found this helpful

There could be insects, but there sure aren't any "amoebas". Those live in bodies of water.

By Mo (Guest Post)
June 15, 20060 found this helpful

There was story on the local news recently about a young girl who almost died from e.coli poisoning from lettuce. The incident had taken place some years earlier but the affect was shocking. She required several surgeries to include brain surgery due to seizures. She also developed kidney problems and diabeties.


It was shocking and horrible to watch. I could only image what how the mother felt. She thought she was feeding her family a healthy meal. The lettuce was the pre-cut bagged type that claims to have been thoroughly prewashed. Right there on the bag it says additional washing is unnecessary.

The mother in the news clip now uses fruit and vegetable sterizilers. I found several commercial brands online but they were all expensive. The site below offers some homemade cleaning solutions. The most important advice is to wash everything.

By BeanTownSteve (Guest Post)
June 15, 20060 found this helpful

Your local grocery along with "organic" groceries and health food stores would carry something called "Veggie Wash" or similar. It is used to clean off pesticides and other residues on fruits and vegs.


It is NOT going to disinfect it, but I suppose you could wash it in iodine if that's what he wants. Does he think the local farmer's fields and workers are dirtier than those that sell to the regular grocery?

June 15, 20060 found this helpful

You can disenfect veggies this way:

Natural Veggie Wash

When washing fruits and veggies, white vinegar comes in handy. Fill a bowl with cold water and a few tablespoons of vinegar. Put the fruit in to soak a few minutes and wipe dry. I was amazed how much junk came off on the towel I used compared to the soap and water method, which I used to use. And there is no vinegar taste left on the fruit.


Linda from PA

By (Guest Post)
June 15, 20060 found this helpful

just before using the lettuce, rinse with a vinegar and water solution and spin or pat dry with paper towels.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
June 15, 20060 found this helpful

I use cold water and salt rinse and rinse again.
I saw the TV news program and it was SCARY about
PREPACKAGED ready saladas alot of people get very ill eating those. YOu can get that germ that comes in
raw or undercooked hamburger but cannot be cooked out in a salad...go to ER if you get sick after
salad (salmoneala ??) I will now try the white
vinegar (use this for lots of things) to rinse my lettuce.

By (Guest Post)
June 16, 20060 found this helpful

Your husband better not ever eat salad in a restaurant, as I saw one place (and I'm sure they all do) just dump spinach from the box into the bowl...eewww! I'm sure they all use salad in a bag as it is so very convenient.


I wash and spin that before serving. I am picky with my food, so most of it gets rinsed with either water or vinegar wash. I think vinegar is a natural 'disinfectant' and is safest to use.

By Grandma Margie (Guest Post)
June 16, 20060 found this helpful

Everyone should wash ALL fresh produce throughly! It's sad to say.........but there are workers who handle that food very carelessly. I believe some of them don't KNOW that things they do, or don't do, can seriously affect the health of the people who ultimately eat it............then there are those who really don't CARE!
One thing I've noticed is that most people do not wash and rinse melons before cutting through them. Anything on the rind of a melon is transferred to the inside of the melon when you run the knife blade through it! Field workers harvesting produce often urinate (and worse) right where they are in the field! If they splatter on some produce and it gets missed in the rinse process (if there even IS a rinse process!) you have the potential for some serious illness! I'm not saying all workers are like this! It only takes one!


I personally spent many days in Intensive Care and several more in a regular hospital room thanks to some careless action by someone. What took me down was something "very similar" to e-coli. I was a tough, healthy old gal but this "thing" tried to kill me and seriously slowed me down! I hate to think what it would have done to a child or frail adult! It was the most frightening, painful thing I've ever had to endure!
Please, wash everthing before you eat it! You REALLY don't know where it has been or what has touched it!
Another reminder, any canned goods that you plan to eat without boiling first (for example fruit, tuna, etc.).....wash the top of the can before opening it with a can opener........and clean the blade of that can opener! Have you seen the nasty gunk on that blade?
I'll get off my soapbox now.....if someone would just hand me a ladder.........!

By Diana (Guest Post)
June 16, 20060 found this helpful

Any food grown where water could contain human waste is at risk for e.Coli, Hepatitis A, Salmonella and SHigella as well as other parasites and bacterial contamination. These are dangerous for a healthy individual but can be devistating and even fatal for a child or immunocomprimised individual.

Also, any party handling foods risk containating with human fecal materials when hand washing is not regularly or properly done.

Wash fresh fruits and vegetables under running water
Vinegar willnot kill the Hepatitis virus or an intestinal parasite or bacteria


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 263 Posts
June 16, 20060 found this helpful

When I got my book with my juicer, it said to run a sinkful of warm water. Pour into the water, lemon juice & salt to wash your fruits & veggies with. You'll be surprised at how much dirt and gunk you get off your products with using this.

I'd talked to a lady that owned a health food store, once. I asked what she used to wash her produce with, she mentioned about the "veggie wash", but said she just used liquid dish soap on her produce. Just to be sure to rinse very well. Or to buy organic.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 233 Feedbacks
June 16, 20060 found this helpful

I wash my fruits and big veggies (carrots/potatoes) with Basic H by Shaklee, it is organic and lifts the dirt right off! It doesn't disinfect, but it gets under the wax, dirt and chemical residue without ammonia or chlorates found in other dish soaps. You could try the Basic G, but I wouldn't suggest ingesting, because it has disinfecting properties like bleach! Just rinse rinse rinse! You only need a few drops in a quart of water!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 174 Feedbacks
June 19, 20060 found this helpful

Amoebas do not only live in bodies of water - they are definitely in the soil.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
June 21, 20060 found this helpful

I was told by a culinary professional to soak in salted warm water for 20 mins. - or not. The time is in question.

May 11, 20080 found this helpful

The main problem with bacteria and lettuce is that no matter how well you wash it, the bacteria can actually be within the cells of the lettuce itself. That occurs while the plant is growing in an infected field. But -- wash it anyway because that gets off the surface stuff that isn't good for you. And wash it well.

May 11, 20080 found this helpful

This copied from Truth or Fiction. I have been doing this for quite some time. I also like the use of salt in warm water. We used to soak fish in salt water and the worms and things came out into the water.

6. Use as a vegetable wash or soak to kill bacteria and neutralize

We don't know about the chemicals, but there are several credible references about the use of hydrogen peroxide on fruits or vegetables. Research published by the Journal of Food and Science in 2003 showed effective results of using hydrogen peroxide to decontaminate apples and melons that were infected with strains of E.coli.

By Cassie (Guest Post)
January 23, 20090 found this helpful

I'm a biology/chemistry major & I'll never forget the one lecture when this was mentioned, because my mother too is obsessive about washing lettuce. Your husband/boyfriend is correct in that the amoebas are what you're defending yourself against (cause ghastly GI problems). The solution: when you wash your lettuce, use salt, regular 'ole NaCl and plenty of it, and this kills the little creatures much like it is lethal to snails. Probably too much info, but could share more. So it's not how well you've washed because you could wash all day long with water alone, and if amoeba are present, because they're 99% water, they would be perfectly happy in their aquatic environment. Good luck and healthy heating.

January 23, 20090 found this helpful

Here is a recipe for home-made produce wash:

June 10, 20100 found this helpful

Back in the day when I was selling Nutrimetics, they made a product called Nutri Clean OLC. It's an all purpose household cleanser but a lady I know used it to wash her fruits and veggies. Just make sure you rinse everything thoroughly before eating.

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