Home Remedies for Wrinkles?
Separate an egg yolk from the white, discard the egg yolk, squeeze a few drops from a lemon into the egg white and mix together. Put all around your eyes, even right under your eyes. Allow to dry and then wash off, pierce a vitamin E capsule and squeeze out...
Yellow Fingernails?
If you wear nail polish a lot, put on a base coat first before you apply polish. Sometimes yellowing can be contributed to aging, you can give your nails a light buff with a nail buffer this may remove some of the yellow color. Soak your fingernails in lemon...
Peeling Fingernails?
Soak your fingernails in warm olive oil for about 30 daily until you start to see results and then massage olive oil into your nails daily. Check out beautiful-healthy-fingernails.com for more info on how to have beautiful fingernails.