Veggie Balls
The recipe sounds great but what are the measurements kg? We use teaspoon, tablespoon. Also, never heard of moringa, not sure any grocery stores in the county carry it, & the two I did call had never heard of it.
What Kind of Snake is This?
If you have this snake contained, I suggest visiting your local veterinarian. Then you will know if the snake is poisonous.
Craft: Bible Quilt
Your Bible Quilt is very lovely. Do you or anyone know if the pattern can be found today? I would like to have one if possible.
Recommendations for a Reliable Nutritional Information Site?
You can get information from the USDA and sites for Child Nutrition Programs. Some of these sites will also list phone numbers. Hope...
Making Fleece Lap Blankets?
Annacakes reply is good. I have a male family member in a rehab / nursing home facility and lap blankets are great. Be sure that there are some for the men, and be sure you have some for the larger patients. If you are making for one facility, you might consider...
Preparing Okra for Freezing?
A neighbor told me of a new method she has tried and loves it. Just cut the okra, lightly wash and dry. Place whole pods in freezer bags and use as you need it. It is also great on the grill.
Butternut Pound Cake and Frosting
I have a copy of my grandmothers Butternut Cake and Icing (as she called it, not frosting). My Mother has made the cake for many years, but now we can no longer find the Butternut flavoring. I live in Alabama, so if anyone knows of a grocery common to the South...
Donating Quilting Scraps?
If you still have any quilt scraps left, I would be glad to take some off your hands and pay the shipping to my home. Two friends and I make quilts, lap robes, etc., for sick adults & children, for someone that has lost everything due to storms or fires, homeless...
Halloween Baby Shower Ideas?
I would never even consider attending a baby shower with this kind of theme. I feel sorry for the baby!