Bean Soup
My husband uses a larger pressure cooker, though an Instant is a pressure cooker too. It is not necessary to soak the beans, there is absolutely no gas in the beans when you pressure cook. You may like to try bean soup that way.
Securing a Roll of Stamps
Use a plastic pill bottle with a snap on lid, make a vertical slit in the side of the bottle to pull out a starter stamp. Roll the stamps to a smaller size that will slip in the container. Works great for me.
Securing a Roll of Stamps
I made holder for my roll of stamps many year ago from an 1-1/2 in tall black plastic container (I think a roll of film came in it), I cut a wide enough slit in the side to pull the stamps out. Works like a charm.
Clean Oven with Bottled Water
Why use bottled water that costs more than using cheaper tap water? Syd
Locating Source of Smell in Living Room?
More than likely, a mouse fell down in the wall & couldnt get out & died. I had this happen in my new home years ago, my daughter heard scratching in the wall then it died & smelled, short of tearing a hole in your wall, the odor will go away. In our attic...
Minimize Car Air Conditioner to Save Gas
I read that with the car windows down creates a draft on the car that causes you to use more gasoline. Syd
Removing Gel Ink from Paper?
Have you considered going to the place or person that you got the certificate from and them issue you a corrected one?
Cleaning a George Foreman Grill?
When you finish cooking, immediately put a wet paper towel on the grill & close the lid, it will steam & loosen any particles. When finished enjoying what you cooked wipe the grill plates down with a clean wet paper towel, it will come clean.
Growing Hair Longer?
If you have fine-hair and perm it I found that it will seem like it doesnt grow because it breaks off rather than growing longer hair. Once I gave up perming my hair it is healthier and does actually grow! Syds 2 Cents
Dilute Full Fat Milk Instead of Buying Skim
First off I dont like watered down milk. For people that dont like milk may go for this, but not a true milk lover. For me, I buy the skim for the reduced fat. For the powered milk, that may be OK for cooking, but being a milk lover, could never like the taste...
Watering Plants While on Vacation
I over-wintered my outside asparagus fern pots for four years. I cut them all back (not to the ground) before putting them into the zippered plastic comforter bags and occasionally opened the bags to check for dryness & added some water and zipped them back...
Blue Stain in Sink?
You can try getting a small container, sold in hardware stores, of white enamel touch up paint for just for this purpose for chips. Syds 2 cents
Keep Purse with Shopping Bags
I always keep reuseable bags in my car, as well as a cooler in the trunk, (in hot weather I take frozen juice bottles with water) and my coupon pouch in the car, so I always have everything I need. No forgetting! Weekends I sort my coupons putting in and deleting...
Removing the Discoloration on Pants From Hanging?
Try wetting a pressing cloth with white vinegar & press the crease. I have used this method on skirts when I let the hem out. Syds 2 cents
Cleaning Old Aluminum Siding?
The key to painting aluminum siding is preparation and priming. All of the chalkiness must be washed and scrubbed off, and any flaking paint removed. In a nutshell, you need to start with a clean palette. Once everything is clean and dry, youre ready to apply...
Removing Sticky Label Residue from a Mirror?
These are both very good, GooGone and Goof Off. If the mirror is mounted vertically on a wall rub some on & dont let it run down. Let it sit and see if you need to rub a little more on it. If you can lay it on a flat surface would be better. I got a small bottle...
Use Binder Clips to Secure Garbage Bags
Take a wide piece of elastic and stitch closed and put that around the folded over bag on the can. Much simpler I think and use it over and over. Syds 2 cents
Filling Zip Top Bags
I take my leftovers and put them in saved plastic rectangle containers for a quick freeze, then when frozen pop into my Food Saver vacuum seal bag then store in either in big freezer or my cross top fridge freezer. Syds two cents worth.
Why Is Dawn Detergent Recommended So Often?
I have added some ammonia to better quality dish soap, it cuts oil & grease. I think that is why they recommend Dawn. Dawn label said not to add a bleach to dish soap! Ammonia & bleach dont mix! Syd