Tips for Itchy Skin and Overall Health of Dogs
This is more relative to the fleas than the itchy skin. I have discovered diatomacious earth as a flea repellent, and given internally (mixed with their dog food, and a liquid such as water) is a natural dewormer. This is one of the best kept secrets I have...
My Frugal Life: What My Mother and Grandmother Taught Me
I love it, and was thrilled to see you are from MI too. My parents also taught us to be frugal as well. Unless an item is on deep clearance at a regular store, all my clothes are purchased from a thrift store! It is not because I can not afford to buy clothes...
Cleaning Pet Hair From Furniture and Floors?
We have a golden retriever and when his hair is long, he sheds terribly! We started shaving him, (not super short, but quite short, about 1/2) and it helps tremendously! Plus he stays a lot cooler. We also have 2 cats, which I also shave down. There are wire...
In Memory of Sammi (Yorkie)
We had a yorkie too that we lost about 4 years ago. His name was Rocco and he took a piece of my heart with him when he disappeared. We now have a shitzu mix, and a golden retriever and I love them dearly, but they will never fill the void that Rocco has left...
My Cat Is Always Hungry?
You may want to check with your vet. It sounds like he could have a tape worm or something? Have a spray bottle of water, and spray him when he jumps on the counter. Also, I read somewhere that if you lay tin foil on the counters, they wont go up there. Another...
What Breed is My Dog?
He is a very cute dog. He could be part golden retriever, but definitely chow too. We have a golden with a black spot on his tongue too.
Uses for Dog Food Bags?
I use them in my big freezer to store food for longer periods of time, particularly when we are gone for 4 months during the winter. It adds extra protection for all my frozen foods, and I can get tons in the big 40 to 50 pound bags.
Save Money on Freezer Bags
Use the insert bags in cereal boxes to add extra protection to your frozen goods. For example, put 2 to 3 individual packages of meat into a cereal bag, for longer keeping. (Do not remove from original packaging) You can add several months to the freezer storage...