Wedding Gift Ideas for the Couple Who Has Everything?
Goodness, what a pickle! I agree with several of the posters here. A card which expresses your good wishes to the couple and perhaps a donation in their name to a worthy cause. (also, enjoy seeing the rest of the fam!)
Inexpensive Chair Mat Ideas?
My suggestion is to put some under carpet mat under the chair pad. I believe the prongs under the mat will anchor the pad. Good Luck!!
Uses for Sour Milk?
Making biscuits and pancakes is a good use for sour milk. Also, if you mash potatoes, it is fine to use this. Even a casserole (such as would need milk) Other than being a little yucky to drink, sour milk can still be used for cooking. :)
Cake Mix Cookies
Thanks so much! Ive been trying to find just such a recipe. Ill try it this week. Weve got all kinds of fall fair stuff going on this weekend. Thanks again! VTMama
Sources of Sewing Material Scraps?
I agree with keeper60, Freecycle is a great resource for people who would prefer to give something away than throw it away. I checked online and there is aparently a freecycle group in Birmingham, AL. Good Luck! By the way, it is a Yahoo group.
Making Your Own Butter
Whats fun and even simpler is to have a class full of 5/6 graders, several quart jars 3/4 full of almost frozen heavy cream and have them take turns shaking it. These kids were hilarious! After they made butter, they dared each other to try the liquid. The...
Banned from Freecycle?
Not knowing your situation, please dont think Im saying this is you. I know in our area theyve threatened to ban people who always posted wanted or kept giving heart rending explanations trying to be the one who the object was given to. (You know, like just...
How Do I Make a Plus Size Water Resistant Apron?
Thanks! I appreciate all the replies. (And I never thought of using a flannel backed tablecloth.) The counters in our house are high for me and Im a little short. You get the point, Im sure. Thanks again!
Christmas Oven Mitts and Hot Pads
Thanks Pattral, I needed something rather inexpensive and homemade to do for folks for Christmas!
What Breed is My Dog?
What sort of a tail does your dog have? Also, how old? These might go far in telling what the breed is.
13 Year Old Girl Party Ideas?
They might like to make their own pizzas. Have all sorts of toppings ready for them with small crusts. Perhaps a build your own sundae thing, also with toppings ready. My daughter wanted a Hawaiian theme for a party and we got it all at the $1 store. It seems...
Using Aloe Vera For Hair Regrowth?
Sure, you can use Aloe Vera directly on your hair/scalp; but it might be better to get it inside your body as well. You can get stabilized aloe vera at Walmart in the pharmacy section. It is ok to drink it plain (it tastes sort of green) but I usually put it...
Reusing Old Sheets
Mine is also a rug craft; I split them into strips (especially flannel sheets) and make braided rugs.
Caring for a Sick Mouse?
I see that your post was on July 1. I hope your little friend is still around. You may know this, you may not, but mommy mice rub their babys belly from the top down after they eat, as (for some reason) their bodies cant get the poop out otherwise. This would...
What Breed is My Dog?
At first sight, Raider reminds me of a Basenji. They have ears that stand up like that, as well as the firm muzzle, although their tales curl up. You may want to look them up on Google. Good luck finding his origin. From you post, though, it is obvious you...
Craft: River Stone Birdhouses
That is really cool! Is the whole thing wood and then covered in stones or is it all stone and just a wood roof? It is amazing to look at. Are they heavy? Thanks for showing us!
Make A Freezer Pac With Rice
This also makes a great portable heating pad when microwaved for 2-3 minutes. I did this with my Brownie troop last year.
Getting Cats to Stay Off Kitchen Table?
One smell cats dont usually like is lemon. An inexpensive solution might be to go to the $1 store and get a table cloth for the table and paper towels for the chairs and spray lemon juice on them. As soon as the cat jumps up on the lemon saturated table or...
My Frugal Life: Make It Do Or Do Without
Im very happy to see your advice. Unfortunately, I was raised with the attitude that waste was no big deal. Now Im pulling against 40-odd years of that attitude and learning frugality and attempting to be green at the same time. Please advise us! Thanks, Viv
Bead and Sequin Ornaments (Grandma...
Thanks so much for giving visual instructions for this craft! Im a visual learner! This is exactly what Ive been looking for! Yea! Merry Christmas!