Fresh Linen Drying On The Line
I have been using my clothesline forever! No dryer here! There is something wonderful about the smell of clean clothes coming in off the line! More folks should do this.
Make Tealight Candles From Leftover Candle Wax
This is a wonderful idea. Where do you get the tealight making supplies?
Reuse Disposable Vacuum Bags
I am living on a very, very tight budget and this is a brilliant idea. Thanks.
Breadmaker Tips
Brilliant idea re: pre-measuring for future loaves. There are times that I wanted to make bread but was too blah to get everything out to measure, etc. Today I got three of my recycled Folgers coffee containers and set up for future loaves. I figure I will...
Recipes From Bisquick Box?
The bisquick site has TONS of awesome and easy recipes! You should check it out.
Product Review: Knifty Knitter Spool Loom
When I was a youngin I used to make area rugs using this... get hold of some rug yarn... make a REALLY LONG tube and then sew it concentrically..they are really neat and pretty mindless to complete! Can be as big or as small as you wish! Good luck!
Father's Day "Beer" Mug
Cool.. you could use this idea for many things! Keep the marshmallow topping and put chocolate candies or cocoa packets in the glass! Very Clever!