Finding Free or Low Cost Dentures?
I would assume you have Medicaid insurance to cover dental care? I would suggest you call the phone number on the back of the card if you do. They usually provide dentures for those in need.
Replacing Dentures with Implants?
My sister had a couple of implants recently. Each one cost $3000.00. One of them gets food caught underneath of it and the gum becomes infected. If you needed all of your teeth done I believe it would cost something like $100000.00? I would suggest you call...
Help After a House Fire?
I would suggest you contact your local Department of Human Services office and ask about shelters to stay in until you can locate housing.
Help With Home Repairs?
If you have Medicaid call the phone number on the back of your card. They provide transportation to most medical appointments especially if they are in a different county than you live. If you could save the gasoline cost that would be plenty to buy a pane...
Divorce Taking Too Long?
Id check with your attorney. I dont know what your wife is thinking but in some states this child will be your legal responsibility and financial since you are still legally married. That of course would mean she could collect child support from you.
Need Extensive Dental Work?
Some areas have dental clinics where you pay on a sliding fee scale depending on your household income. Id suggest you call the Department of Human Services or you local health department to see if there is one near you.
Tiny Black Biting Bugs in Bed?
If your bites are on your upper body and in a straight line, Im afraid they might be bedbugs. Look in the seams of your mattress (on the edges of it). Also, on your sheets youll see black dots which they leave. If they are bedbugs, you might be better off getting...
Perm Left Hair Very Dry?
After washing, put your conditioner on, but dont rinse it out. When you towel dry your hair, most of it will be removed, but enough will be left on your hair to condition it and able to comb.
Getting Rid of Fleas in House, Bedding, and Hair?
Usually, fleas dont get into a persons hair. If they bite, its usually on your ankles, and they dont stay on people. If your head is itching, check for head lice You will see small white dots which are their eggs. Look above the ears on each strand of hair...
Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
It would be safer if you were away from him. Please call the womens shelter in your area and get some advice. Maybe theres a way you and the children can stay in the home and have him move out?
Finding Free Help With Home Repairs?
You might also check with your city of county offices. Sometimes they have home rehabilitative programs.
Child Support and SSI?
I dont think your husband can collect from your SSI as that is a payment for someone who doesnt have the work credits to qualify for Social Security disability payments. However, if youre living with him and your children, I believe you could be in trouble...
Finding Christmas Help?
I would think you could find a suitable gift for a 5 year old at one of the dollar stores? Maybe even something your son would like. If you look at your states website, they should have Rehabilitation Services offered. This is an office who works with employment...
Tips for Preparing to File for Social Security?
Have you looked into income based apartments? Contact your city/county offices and they should be able to provide a list for you. Most states also offer a voucher program for scattered house options in the community. To lower your TV bill, you would need to...
Receiving SSI?
People receive SSI when they dont have enough work credits in the past 10 years to qualify for SDA. SSI is a set amount you receive, and Ive only seen people who get it receive the same amount. Here in Michigan, the amount if $674.00 per month. SDA is also...
Free Home Weatherization Programs for Energy Efficiency
Most areas have Community Action Agencies in each county which get grants to provide weatherization services to low income households.
Where Can I Buy Government Surplus Type Cheese?
The free government cheese is still available to low income seniors and children who arent involved in the WIC program. To find out if you qualify for the food commodity program, contact your local Community Action Agency.
How Do I Keep the Shower Curtain From Blowing in and Sticking to Me?
If you splash some water on the wall of the shower, and lightly press the shower curtain to it, it will stick.
Finding Temporary Financial Assistance and Housing?
Are you able to work? Maybe you could find a job during the times that your children are in school and your husband can watch them when they get home? There are many websites that have employment opportunities listed. For Christmas for you children, they are...
Garden: Hollyhocks
Beautiful flowers! I would love to have some seeds to plant in my yard. Please let me know how to reimburse you for postage. Thank you. Cathy
Can I Use Dish Soap to Get Rid of Garden Pests?
Get a hot pepper, such as habenero, cut it up and boil seeds and all. Put into a spray bottle and spray your bean plants. The bugs dont like the hot pepper taste and it wont hurt your bean plants. Of course, after a rain youll need to spray them again.
Is Utility Management Association a Scam?
Call your states Public Service Commission. We had a scam in our state a few years ago with one of the natural gas providers. The other company who enrolled people for lower rates were scammers, and they worked out a deal with our local provider.
Washer Fast Spin Cycle Not Working?
My washer did the, and it wouldnt drain the water. The repairman replaced 2 belts on it.
Shampoo For Hard Water?
Ion purifying solutions Hard Water Shampoo. Made by: Professional Products, Inc.
Big Bear (Chow Lab Mix)
Big Bear is sending you all Big Bear Hugs! Thank you for the compliments. Hes quite the ladies man! :)
Insulating a Mobile Home?
Call your local Community Action Agency. Ask about their Weatherization Program. If youre income elegible, which it sounds like you are, they will inspect and insulate your home for free! Its my belief that all of these Non-Profit Agencies have been given more...
Dog Digging up Plants?
Try putting dog doo around the pot, Hell be repelled by it, and stay away. This also works if a dog is digging under a fence, or wherever. They wont dig in it, so I think it might keep him away from the pots in the same way.
Psoriasis on the Scalp?
Dont scratch it, or rub too much. That was the advice that my sons Dermatologist gave us when he had the same condition. It wouldnt go away with all of the shampoo, salve and oil his MD had given us. I was making it worse by scratching it for him!
Wedding and Reception Locations in Macomb, MI? beautiful restored barn in Melvin.