Home Remedies for Gaulding?
I have a problem with this, too (although I did not know the name gaulding), and what works best for me is this - wash the area gently with soap and water, and dry thoroughly, then apply a thin layer of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. You can re-apply throughout...
Vinyl Record Craft Ideas?
My son-in-law makes really cool bowls with old LPs. He microwaves them for about 1 minute (until softened but not melted), then carefully drapes them over an upside-down glass bowl and shapes the edges into a wavy pattern. I have several, and they are very...
Preventing Knots in Dog's Fur?
I had a curly-haired mutt with this problem years ago. At first I used the commercial No More Tangles spray, and it worked OK. Then I tried a home remedy that works GREAT. After bathing your dog, spray him/her with a solution of 1T liquid fabric softner to...
Soap Scum on Shower Doors?
The best way to clean shower doors is with used dryer sheets! Just scrub them with the used sheet, and the scum comes right off, and stays off longer, too. Also, it smells great!
Freezing Vegetables?
No - most do need to be blanched, but not all. I freeze summer squashes without blanching, just slicing and freezing. Tomatoes can be frozen whole. This is an excellent way to have fresh-tasting sauces all winter, and the skins just slip right off once the...
Skunk Odor Remover?
Probably not, but it cant hurt. Try leaving a large bowl of charcoal briquettes in the center of the room for a few days - maybe that would help. Also, lighting candles might help to neutralize the odor.
Freezing Squash?
If its summer squash, like crookneck or zucchini, blanching is not necessary. Just slice or shred the squash and package. It will be somewhat watery when its thawed, but you can drain off the excess water and use the squash in casseroles or breads, and its...
Film on Dishes?
I would suggest a vinegar wash and rinse, if it is just a film on the glasses. It could be etching, which sometimes occurs, and I dont think theres a cure for that. If your Cascade packs have a rinse agent already in them, the Jet Dry is overkill, and that...
Brown Bag Sandwich Ideas?
Wraps are always good and easy to eat, too. Chicken or egg salad, ham and cheese, any cold cuts, or even leftover meatloaf or pot roast or roast chicken. I pack my husbands (and my own) lunch, and I do try to add some variety, like some fresh veggies or fruit...
Removing Pam from a T-shirt?
This is a tricky one - the only success Ive had (I sprayed Pam on a cotton/poly blouse) was to lay the oily area over a dish towel, soak it with Dawn, and use a toothbrush to work it into the stain. Let it sit for an hour, rinse it with warm water, and let...
Removing Green Algae from Concrete Steps?
We use a power washer with a weak bleach concentration in the water - works great! If you dont have access to a power washer, you will need to get a good scrub brush and use a solution of 1 gallon water with 1 cup bleach added and just scrub it off - make sure...
Keeping White Towels White?
It could be several things - first, check your bleach dispenser to make sure its not blocked. If thats not it, then I imagine the problem is that your towels have accumulated a soap film and need to be stripped. Wash the towels in HOT water with 2 cups of white...
Two Year Old Dog Pees in the House?
Has he been checked by a vet? Has he been neutered? If the answer to both is yes, then it is probably either a bad habit or an attention-getter. I would make sure ALL urine odor has been removed from where he is peeing - if hes peeing in the same spot all the...
Removing Button Hole Fluff on Clothing?
I dont know how to prevent this, but you can clean out the lint with a crochet hook. Just turn the button placket inside out as much as possible, then run the crochet hook behind the buttonhole.
Frozen Squash and Zucchini Got Mushy?
They got mushy because of their high water content. I freeze shredded zucchini and sliced yellow squash, and use them in recipes. You must thaw and drain them first. The texture will not be the same, but for zucchini bread or a squash casserole, they are still...
Treating Dog Incontinence?
Even though hes been checked by a vet, it sounds like it could be diabetes, a UTI, or some other disease that causes excessive thirst and loss of bladder control. I would insist on more tests to get to the bottom of this; hes obviously got something going on...
Growing Sunflowers?
Well, the obvious answer is full sun! We plant them near our barn so that they are sheltered from damaging wind, and make sure the soil is very loose and rich. A bumper crop every year!
Growing a Vine on an Old Swing Frame?
We used the metal frame from a trampoline to make an arched grape arbor, and it works perfectly. The metal does not get too hot, especially once the vines start growing on them (or at least that has been my experience). We also have gourd vines growing on an...
Frozen Potatoes Turned Black When Thawed?
I wouldnt eat them. The only way to freeze potatoes is to either cook them all the way through, or at least par-cook them, otherwise they will turn black, and the texture suffers, too. Sorry - I hate to waste food, too!
Storing Mushrooms?
I take them out of the grocery store container, if theyre in one, and just pop them into a brown paper bag, roll the top down, and stash them in the fridge. Theyll last a week or more this way.
Freezing Tomatoes?
If I dont make sauce, I freeze them whole. When I want them, I run them under hot water and the peels slip right off. They can then be chopped or smashed for sauces or whatever. They taste very fresh this way, and are so easy to peel its amazing!
Removing Odors from a Dishwasher?
Another way is to run the empty dishwasher with Tang (or the generic store brand). The citric acid in the drink mix is great for removing odors and stains. I use about a cup full of drink mix, and only buy it when its on sale and I have a coupon, so its cheap...
Cleaning Window Blinds Without Removing?
Endust is the wrong product here -- the blinds probably have a somewhat greasy buildup, which the Endust adds to. I mix a mild vinegar/water solution, and just take a rough cloth and clean each slat, then wipe with a soft dry cloth. Dont saturate the slats...
Can I Freeze Cucumbers?
I make freezer pickles! There are lots of good recipes on the internet, just pick the one that suits you. Most state that the pickles are good for 3 months, but Ive opened packages from last summer, and they were still crisp and good.
Stain Remover Left Stains on Clothes?
Try rubbing the spot with a wet bar of laundry soap (like Octagon or Fels Naptha), then wash in the warmest water the fabric will bear, with an extra rinse. This works for fabric softener stains, too.
Freezing Squash?
The short answer is yes, you can. I freeze zucchini and yellow squash every year. The squash will be watery and soft when thawed, but is still good for casseroles and breads, just drain off the excess water. This year I froze both shredded and cubed squash...
Freezing Turnips?
Turnips are somewhat like potatoes, in that they have a high water content. I would boil and mash them before freezing -- if you freeze them whole, they will be a wet mush when thawed. This has worked well for me with lots of summer veggies like squash, too...
Making Triangular Steam Mop Covers?
I have one of these steamers, and I made a cover for the steamer head from an old towel and some elastic. Just cut out the towel in a triangle shape big enough to hem, and thread the elastic through that hem. I used some old, stained towels, so it was very...
Making Fabric Flowers?
The easiest way is to use wide ribbon, and sew a long running stitch down one edge, then just pull the edge until the short ends meet, instant flower! If the single layer flower isnt enough, make several and sew them together at the center.
Removing Yellow Stains from Stored Clothing?
I have successfully removed rust stains by saturating the stained area with lemon juice and setting out in full sun for a few hours, this would probably work here, too.
Protecting Shower Tiles from Hard Water Spots?
I use a used dryer sheet to clean my shower doors, and it keeps the hard water film off of them, maybe it would work on your tiles, too? The slightly abrasive sheet cleans off the scum, and it leaves behind a very light film of the softener, which repels new...
Bissell vs. Hoover Carpet Cleaners?
I love my Bissell steam cleaner. I disagree with the previous poster. The cleaning solution is expensive, but it lasts a long time, and I can clean my carpets whenever they need it, or just clean one room or the hallway. I had a Hoover cleaner years ago, and...
Musty Smell on Laundered Towels and Wash Cloths?
I would try a thorough wash in hot water with some vinegar in the rinse. If that doesnt work, try another hot wash with about 1/2 cup of baking soda in the wash cycle (or even in a soak cycle).
Cleaning Glass Shower Doors?
Hi! Im from J-ville, too! The very best way to clean shower doors is with a used dryer sheet. They are just slightly abrasive, and leave a nice smell, too. I have also found that they doors stay nice and shiny longer when I use a dryer sheet.
Treating a Child with Constipation?
Id talk to his doctor first, but I can suggest that you make sure hes getting enough water. Once a baby starts eating solid foods and not taking in as much water (via formula) they may become a little dehydrated, which can lead to constipation.
Cigarette Smoke on Leather?
I think I would contact the seller and complain, first! You can to try to get the smell out, though. Put the handbag in a garbage bag with crumpled newspaper for a few days. If the smell remains, back into a garbage bag wirh some charcoal briquets. If it STILL...
What is the SPF Value of Olive Oil?
Olive oil should not be used as a sunscreen, it will merely intensify the sunburn you are bound to get!
How Much Solution to Use in Bissell Spotbot Pet Machine?
The cleaning solution tank should have fill lines on it, fill almost with water, then top off with solution. If it does not, I would use a 5:1 ratio. 5 parts water to 1 part solution. I just measured out what my Spotbot uses for you. I love mine, and use it...
Why Do Tomatoes Have a Hard Core in Them?
I think it depends on the type of tomato, and how ripe it is. My garden tomatoes dont have the hard core; tomatoes from the store often do.
Toilet Roll Fire Crackers?
I dont think you can make firecrackers out of them, but you can make Christmas crackers by placing small prizes inside the empty roll, then covering with some wrapping paper. Tie the ends off with ribbon. Two people each take hold of an end and pull, the one...
Cleaning Sticky Vinyl Clad Wire Shelves?
I would try straight ammonia, be sure to use a mask and gloves and rinse well. It sounds like a greasy buildup, and ammonia will cut through it.
Repairing a Sofa Seam?
I would use a good strong thread, like quilting thread or even fishing line, and begin at the end closest to the front of the cushion. Use a stitch like a cobbler uses on shoe seams, so that thread is on both sides of the seam.I recommend doing small sections...
Tomato Relish is Too Salty?
Maybe you could add sugar to the jars as you open them, to counteract the salt, or just add chopped fresh tomatoes to the relish. It could also be used in cooking, in a dish where the saltiness would be spread out over a whole casserole or something. Just dont...
Dishwasher Continues to Run After Cycle is Complete?
Not sure what you mean by it still running, is it rinsing? Doing a sani-rinse cycle? If you are sure your cycles are done, and it is still running, I would call the brands helpline to see if there is a problem. Then a repairman might be needed, hopefully, it...
Removing Black Mold from Window Sills?
The ladies on the BBC show about cleaning use a much milder bleach solution (1 part bleach to 4-5 parts water), then dry well and wipe with a tea tree oil solution (1 drop oil to 1 cup water) to help prevent recurrence. I think the danger of bleach on black...
Planning a Frugal Wedding Reception?
My daughter is getting married in May, and she is holding her reception in a local large aquarium -- they supply the decorations and table linens for a great price. I second the potluck idea, or even a cake and punch reception. No need to spend a fortune on...
How Do You Remove Sticky Labels?
Acetone works well on glass; baby oil works well on plastic. Let either soak in and then just wipe the label and stick residue right off with a paper towel. I find that the hot water still leaves the glue-y stuff.
Removing Wallpaper Border?
It depends on the type of wallpaper, the kind of wallpaper with the glue already on it can be removed easily by wetting it down well. It will slide right off. If it is the kind that has paste applied, then you might need to use a steamer. You can buy a small...
Best Dinner Plate Color for Someone With Vision Difficulties?
I think more important than the plate color is the contrast between placemat, plate, and food. Maybe a very dark placemat, white plate, and dark foods; or a white placemat, dark plate, and light colored foods. The idea of food placement is an oldie but goodie...
Inexpensive Ideas for Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?
When my DD was in high school she made a scrapbook of their year together for her BFs birthday. He loved it, and it was very special without being very expensive!
Repairing a Dooney and Burke Bag?
Find your nearest shoe repair place, they can usually repair/refurbish leather items. I had a leather coat that had a rip, and my shoe repair place fixed it for a song, it looks like new!
Washing Machine Not Spinning During Wash Cycle?
If the safety pin is working, and it sounds like it is, you probably need a new belt for the drum. The fact that the tub spins once you start it means the belt is still there, but may not be tight enough to generate the friction necessary to start the spinning...
Cleaning a Stain Off a Mattress?
This takes a while, and is kind of drastic, but it worked. I have a SpotBot, and I set it on a terrible blood stain on a mattress and let it run through a tough stain cycle. then put a fan over the bed until it dried (2 days). If you dont have a spotbot, I...
Refurbishing an Old Wicker Crib?
I would have to suggest not using a crib that old for an infant, you have no idea what kind of paint was used, or anything. Also, wicker can harbor bacteria and could have splinters. Maybe a new crib? Or a borrowed one if its a short term thing?
How Do I Keep a Knit Scarf From Curling In?
I agree with the first poster, slip stitch the first stitch if you are knitting short rows, if you are knitting it the long way, you must use garter stitch (knit every row) to keep it from curling. If you have finished knitting, you can do a simple crochet...
Refrigerator Water Line is Leaking?
At Lowes or any home improvement store you can buy a kit to replace the plastic tubing that is your water line, it will have the connectors you need. The one I just bought had a universal connector, and it worked perfectly.
Getting Smell out of Couch Cushions?
This is a toughie, cat urine is almost impossible to completely get out. Try the Natures Miracle, a gallon will last years, and then set the cushion outside in some sunlight and fresh air for as long as you can. Good luck!
Frugal Hair Rinse
I not only use vinegar as a rinse/conditioner, I use baking soda for shampoo! It works great! Mix 1 T baking soda to about 1/2 cup water for shampoo; then rinse with 1 T vinegar (apple cider vinegar) to 1-2 cups water for conditioner. My hair has never been...
Old Dirty Dishes in Dishwasher?
The absolute best dishwasher cleaner/deodorizer is Tang powder, the citric acid in it degreases/cleans/deodorizes like nothing else! Even store brand orange drink mix works great! Just put one cup of the powder in the bottom of the dishwasher and run it on...