George Forman Grill Replacement Grease...
I lost my grease catcher years ago. I use a piece of aluminum foil doubled over and shaped to fit under the front of the grill. When done, toss it.
George Forman Grill Replacement Grease...
I lost my grease catcher years ago. I use a piece of aluminum foil doubled over and shaped to fit under the front of the grill. When done, toss it.
What Mixed Breed is My Dog?
Blue eyes? Looks like a mix of Catahula, Aussie, maybe Cattle dog. I have had all three breeds. Very smart, very good dogs.
What Breed is My Dog?
Here is a picture of my dog. He is a McMillian Catahula. Yours looks alot like mine.
What Breed is My Dog?
I have a McMillian Catahula. He is about 43 lbs and has blue eyes and web feet. Very smart and easy to train. His ears are huge, his face is not wide like a pit bull, and he is extremely energetic. He can run like a streak.
Front Loading Kenmore Not Spinning?
The drive shaft may be worn. Call the repair man. I have had that happen.
Cleaning Wood Paneling?
Pledge orange oil. It cleans, polishes, and smells so good. Or lemon oil. I like the orange better, it is not greasy.
Product Review: Keurig Coffee Maker - My K-cup
Walmart sells Mr Coffee Keurig for approximately $80. Buy the K-cup about $15 and use your own choice of coffee. I. Get two or three cups of excellent coffee every morning from one filling of my own K-cup.