Value of Lawnmower?
If used, I think this mower would be worth $450.00. I used to have a mower like this one, not in as good shape but I ended up selling it for dirt cheap. If new, its worth a lot more, up to .
The Smallest Fairy Garden
Thank you, what a great idea! Im going to get started today. Im a fairy freek.
Leave Pets at Home When Traveling
I have had to do that same thing twice in 3 months. I arranged for a neighbor to care for the cats and it was a win win situation. The cats were so happy when I got home and so was I!
How to Dress Up a Chain Link Fence
Thank you so much, I cant wait to get started! I planted Clematis last year and its taken off like a rocket! Now I can fancy up my whole yard.
Caring for Your Aging Dog
Thank you for your suggestions, I very much appreciated it. One other thought, the same problems arise with cats. The ramps, diets, changing food are very important, as well as the vet visits are all necessary for a longer, happier life. Thanks!
Organizing Your Bedroom Closet
I have so many things in my closet that almost fit and cant bear to part with them because I know those extra ten pounds are going to come off. What should I do with those? I couldnt be the only woman out there in this position, help please!
Garden Benches
I love it and have been dreaming of doing it for years. I have the place, the plan but not the chair. Thanks for the tips re wood and treatment, that helps!
One Size Doesn't Always Fit All
I love your post and agree with you totally!! I am living in the same situation you are, except I have Netflix, and love my life!
Make Your Own Butterfly Feeder
I love it! This is something that I start this weekend with my five year old grandson, Thank you!
Your Cat's Body Language
Wonderful article, and how true! I have 2 and know know them so well through the things you brought uo. Thank you