Relieving Heel Spur Pain?
I have never wrapped my foot for a heel spur. Go to a department store or pharmacy and get a heel cushion that says its for plantar fascia. Insert it into your shoes and wear shoes as much as possible. It will take awhile, but you will find relief. You can...
Ideas for My Daughter's 14th Birthday?
2 Truths and a Lie (guests have to determine which of three statements is a lie as each guest has a turn at telling three things about themselves) Any Minute to Win It activities
14th Golden Birthday Party Help?
Take a cake decorating class together or make something like pottery or baskets. Go swimming indoors, dye t- shirts, take a tour, or visit a cool museum.
Weekend Activities for Teens?
Bowling, swimming, bicycling, dancing, skating, movies, camping, hiking, go to a zoo or park, trivia contest, Minute to Win It activities, board or card games, Kick The Can, dodgeball, scavenger hunt, clothing swap, volunteer, cooking fun.
Inexpensive Children's Christmas Gift Ideas?
I think your ideas for your son are fine. For your daughter, no makeup, but nail polish is okay. Perhaps a build-a-bear (if not too costly) or play dress-up clothes like a boa, a hat, colorful dress, etc.. If you want to make them something, I would suggest...
Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
A light, compatible shade of blue, a soft yellow, peach, sage green, rust or red.
Living Room Paint Color Advice?
I think you would get tired of all the walls matching the furniture. One chocolate wall is okay and maybe the rest in a creamy shade of white/tan/yellow. Get a chocolate paint sample chip and hold it up against various shades and see what combo you like best...
Parkinson's Disease and Sleeping?
Yes, I do believe they could get stiff. You are right about giving meds on a schedule, too, but more importantly, these patients need socialization with other people and not being left in a bed for hours on end. My dear dad had Parkinsons for 37 years.
Fundraising Ideas?
Any type of dinners go over well, such as spaghetti with and without meatballs, turkey, ham, chicken, fish. Have the main item, a salad or cole slaw, a bread, a dessert (or a choice), milk, water or lemonade, and coffee. Take part in a walk or run (or basketball...
Birthday Gift Ideas for an 11 Year Old Boy?
My son is very into Legos and Beyblades and they come in a variety of prices. Perhaps take him shopping and you can be sure he is happy with his gift, then maybe a movie and popcorn after shopping.
Paint Color Advice for Business Bathroom?
I would just choose another shade of gray rather than add yet another color.
Getting Rid of Centipedes in My Apartment?
Dehumidifiers get rid of moisture - humidifiers add moisture. So you actually want to get a dehumidifier.
Finding Furniture for a Family in Need?
You might get more help if you tell us the city and state you live in. Hang in there.
Determining a Cleaning Fee?
So where is this other cleaning person now? I bet they quit. If she was satisfied with their work and their price, why is she looking elsewhere if they are still willing to work for her. She is trying to intimidate you like another responder said. Stick to...
Name Ideas for Senior Citizen Group?
Our church has a wonderful senior group name which you might like. Its JOY (Just Older Youth)!
Tagline for a Family Day Care?
Where children shine Where children shine like the gems (jewels) they are
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Wife?
When she starts up with this talk, gather the kids and leave the house for awhile. So sorry you and the kids have to hear this.
Painting a Kitchen with Orange Cupboards?
If you could paint the cabinets, that would be ideal. But if you cant do that, I would suggest using a soft green, soft blue, or a ta or brown for the rest of it.
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
The answer to your question has to come from you. Do you love him and do you want to stay with him after so many years of verbal abuse? If yes, then why? I cant see as he has anything of worth to offer you. You knew he was like this before you married him and...
Bathroom Paint Color Advice?
any shade of brown from tan to a dark brown would go well or a shade of gray
Asking Mom to Shave?
I dont think I ever asked my mom but just grabbed a razor and shaved. I do recall getting about a half inch cut which did scar, but no big deal. If you have the money, why not buy some Neet or other type of hair removal cream/lotion and try that.
Getting More out of your Deodorant
Keep several almost empty containers, and when you have enough, scrape or plop the remainders into a bowl and micro wave for 1 minute to soften. Then take 1 container and lower the inner part all the way to the bottom. Use a spoon and scoop the softened deodorant...
Girl's 12th Birthday Party Ideas?
Remember the game show Minute to Win It? That would be fun to re-create some of those games for the group to try.
Behavioral Issues With Teen Aged Son?
Does he have a computer of his own to use? If not, could you get him one? If so, why is he using his sisters? Remind him that if he respects you, you will respect him. If he acts disrespectful, let him know that hes being disrespectful and remove a privilege...
Pets Now Sleeping With New Father's Kids?
I think you need to tell your mom you would like a family meeting or at least meet with your mom and step-dad. Tell everyone at the meeting that you are lonely since your pets no longer are sleeping with you. Ask for suggestions/ solutions to this problem. Good...
Oatmeal Snacks for Nursing Home Patients?
I was going to give you the oatmeal cookie recipe that I had posted on Thrifty Funs Recipe site, but somebody else already posted it here.
Toddler Kicked Younger Brother?
I think your daughter is jealous of the attention the baby is getting. Be sure to give her some one on one time. Also, tell her that the baby is her baby, too, and she needs to take good care of her baby. Then give her some ways she can help in caring for the...
Toddler Kicked Younger Brother?
One more thing, if your children do anything hurtful again to their siblings, really make a big to-do over the hurt sibling. The one doing the hurting doesnt want the other child to have all the attention and probably wouldnt repeat this behavior. Just make...
Wall Color Advice for Pink Tile Bathroom?
Pink and brown go very well together. I bet taupe would go, too. Gray and pink also look good together.
Summer Activities for Teenager With a Disability?
How about taking him to a place where he can swim or row a boat? Can he ride a bike or could he get a scooter or hoveround-type vehicle to ride on?
Teen Job Ideas?
Since you live in the woods, could you make something creative, crafty, or practical out of wood? You could then sell on Etsy, or Ebay or advertise and sell your products somehow. Can you tutor a student or do some childcare after school? How about doing some...
Early 90s Weight Watchers Program?
8-8 oz glasses water 2 servings fruit 3 servings veggies (1/2 cup) minimum 2 servings dairy 6-8 ounces protein 6 servings bread (slice) or pasta (1/2 cup) 3 fat (1 Tbsp.)