Vitamin K Cream for Dark Under Eye Circles
What part of the store would you find this? With lotion or vitamins?
Refill Foaming Hand Soap
I make a big jug of it to refill my bottles. I mix 5 to 1. 1 cup soap to 5 cups water then shake till mixed. This way I have it ready to use.
No Shredder? Burn Your Personal Paperwork
My mother has burned up so many paper shredders that she now saves all her papers for camping season and thats how we get our firewood to start burning.
Reinforcing a Wedding Runner?
My sister is getting married the same day as you and is also doing the paper runner but she said at a wedding she went to a couple months ago did the same with using paper and when they walked on it their shoes never went through the paper. So she is not planning...
Frugal Wedding Flowers
Do you have any photos? I am trying to come up with some ideas for a wedding in may!
Establishing Credit With A Credit Card?
my sister was it the same position and i found this neat site that has all different offers and info on each one. it really helped her out with what she needed.