Keep Facial Lines At Bay
Ive heard people used to use tape to lift your eyebrows and face at night before going to bed.
Choosing Foundation and Moisturizer for Mature Skin?
I am 67 (although my skin looks 10 years younger) and I love Cover Girl age defying cream foundation. Also like Bare Minerals foundation powder.
What is the Best Firming Lotion?
I like Olay Regenrist cream (in a red jar). Its the best for lifting. I get it through Ebay. Much cheaper.
Creating Your Own Diet Plan?
I have a problem with depression and when Im really stressed I reach for something chocolate. I feel like I deserve it. Any help?
Recommendations for Facial Concealers?
The concealing cream from Smart is the best Ive used, and I have serious undereye circles.
Throat Cream for "Necklace" Lines?
Use your best anti aging cream that you use on your face on your neck. works great!