MagicJack Won't Boot?
I have had MagicJack for quite a while. The only problem I have is that I have to wait for it to do whatever it does and the dial is onscreen. And then I minimize it.I have never had any problem except it sometimes seems slow to load. I no longer have a land...
Organizing Photos Using a Shoe Organizer
As the oldest member of my family I just became The Keeper of the Family Photos. Eventually I want to put them in albums or scrapbooks. In the meantime I have to sort them. And this will work very well.
Scrapbooking Ideas For Old Photos?
I am in the beginning stage - collecting things for scrapbook. However I am not very artistic. My purpose is to preserve the history of my family. Instead of making a scrapbook OF my grandkids, I am making one FOR my grandkids. They will be in it, but most...
Do Fleas Cause An Odor?
Fleas do not cause an odor on a dog. I had only one dog that ever had an odor. i kept giving him a bath and it didnt help. Turned out it was gunk that built up in his EARS. Cleaning ears (carefully) regularly was more important than baths. Go easy on the dawn...
Elliptical Is Making A Loud Noise?
Could you explain just what an Elliptical is? Some kind of exercise equipment? Bicycle? I think that we here in US dont know.
Neighbor's Cat with Day Old Flea Ridden Kittens?
the post about calling Animal Control or a Shelter is absolutely right. The mother and the kittens will be taken care of. Which is the most important thing. And hopefully the owners may be held responsible.
Chatterbug Phone Service Reviews?
I found online that its a brand new technology. Connect it to phone and phone line. When you dial 1 to make long distance call it diverts it from phone co. to CB and call goes through them. Sounds really good to me. You might have to pay $20-$30 for the gadget...
Cat With Excessive Shedding?
I use a comb (any people comb) on my indoor cats. who shed a lot! And they seem to like it. btw, A carpet sweeper picks up fur just as good as vacuum cleaner and you dont have to use up all your vacuum bags. I wish I knew an easy way to get it off me but the...
Dishwasher Not Running Hot Water?
Dishwashers use either the water as it is from your hot water system or it can have an additional heater inside dishwasher. If the heater inside your dishwasher is not working (they do wear out) it has to be replaced. Its something like an electric burner on...
Well Water Tastes Bad?
I have city water but it doesnt taste as good as the spring water I used to have before I moved here. I took the advice I read somewhere: put a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water and it covers any bad taste. Then sometimes I put about half water and...
Getting Rid of Rotten Food Smell?
Years ago I acquired a refrigerator that was quite new but had been left as is and unplugged for 3 years. I got a few boxes of baking soda, opened the door and as quickly as possible sprinkled (threw) the baking soda all over and closed the door. Didnt open...
Miniature Dollhouse Dolls
I made dolls like these many years ago. They were beautiful. But a little simpler. I used pipe cleaners for arms (no holes to drill,just wraparound, I think. And I just painted on a little hair (m not good at making hair) and made pretty bonnets or hats to...
Magnetic Car Sticker Won't Come Off?
If something hot doesnt work try pouring ice water on it. That may harden the :glue so its not sticky anymore. I know I got pine tree sap off my car with handfuls of snow. But being in Florida you would nave to try ice water.
What Breed Is My Dog? (Golden Retriever Mix)
Ive had a few dogs over the years. All rescued and unknown mixed breeds. Not even Vets can always tell what breeds a dog has. One time I took my dog to a Vet and before I got a chance to ask, she asked ME what breed the dog was. I had other dogs after this...
Tips for Long Lasting Carpet
Well, Ive been around for a long time and thought I had heard just about everything. But not to go barefoot on carpet was not one of them. I would really have to check that out. I have always gone barefoot indoors (and outdoors too when I was a kid). I dont...
Removing BBQ Sauce Stain on Wool Jumper?
I agree. Right to the dry cleaners or whatever you call them there. Needs professional cleaning.
Use Wax Paper In Your Microwave
Flylady is a great help. If I remember it correctly her website is, not She has so much advice,etc. it may overwhelm you at first. Just select what you need.
Removing Water Marks from a Shower Screen?
Im not sure what you meant by screen but LimeAway takes hard water marks off most things.
Removing Endust Residue From Pergo Floors?
Does the manufacturer recommend a type of cleaning product for routine cleaning? If not check where you purchased it. Corn starch will probably soak up the oily residue. But then you have to clean that up. Probably by hand with soft cloth.
Inexpensive Toys Made in the USA?
Its true that everything in Dollar stores are cheap. The point is we now want to buy toys (and other things) Made in USA. You would have to check the packaging very carefully. Many churches have fairs in December and members often donate handmade things for...
Looking For Review of Hydroderm?
I almost tried it.(smile)I was supposed to get a free trial. When it came I discovered that it was free for a month and then I was to be billed $69.99. And it was automatically renewed every 3 months. I sent it back unopened. They charged me the $69.99 anyway...
Garbage Bag Made From Newspaper?
I used to make plant pots (to start seedlings) out of newspaper. You could probably make larger bags the same way. I dont remember where I found the instructions but Im sure it was on the Web, Im sorry I dont have the info any more. But it just required folding...
Uses for Old Phone Books?
I get 2 huge phone books where I live. Plus a small local one. I do have one use for the large ones now. I have a cat who has to stay in now because some coyotes have moved into the neighborhood.(Much to my dismay.) I can put the phone book on the floor and...
Repairing a Torn Vacuum Cleaner Hose?
I cant believe that duct tape isnt the first thing that comes to your mind to fix anything! LOL It even comes in lots of different colors now.
Artichoke Birthday Cake
It certainly a novel idea And probably good if you start with young children. My sons favorite food was banana. Even that would be a challenge for me. However, I must say if I tried that now my family would definitely have me committed.(just a joke), but everyone...
Joints Cracking While Doing Yoga?
Keep on cracking.:) When i was yung my knees cracked so loudly when I was walking that I was embarrassed in quiet places. But I kept on walking,etc. Now my knees are 69 yrs old,quiet,and painless. Several of my friends my age have had 1 or both knees replaced...
Removing Moss From Rock?
You didnt give enough information. All I can say is I believe moss only grows where its damp and doesnt get any sunshine. If your rock isnt movable you could try boiling water.
Effective Homemade Cleaners?
I have to disagree abut bleach. It is not safe (or natural?). Vinegar or hydogen peroxide are safe (and good)_ Baking soda doesnt disinfect but its a very good cleaner (not on windows) stain and odor remover. Some people use amonia but I wouldnt even have it...
Recycled Envelopes and Note Cards
I like this idea but - I cant understand the instructions. I think I know how to use the common style envelope as a template, But I would like to try this different style. Anywhere I can find a template for the style you are doing? Or maybe describe a trifold...
Chemicals for Weeds?
If you can reach the weeds apart from good plants you dont need to use chemicals. Salt will kill a lot of things. Also plain boiling water poured on will kill plant and roots. If you are talking about a very large field, I dont know. I prefer to stay away from...
Clean Out The Fridge Before Garbage Day
When I lived in rural NH I composted food. But how can I compost in a suburban setting with very strict rules about everything? My neighbors probably dont even know what composting is.
Budgeting With Envelopes?
I dont use the actual envelopes. I just write budget on paper and keep track of spending. But I thought you might use this jump-start on a budget. Dont spend any money for one week(or longer if you can). Eat food you already have. Pack lunch for work. (Its...
Travel Tips for Boston, MA?
Everyones tips are good. But having lived in both Boston and San Diego(my favorite place) I thought maybe you should be warned that the weather in Boston in March/April may be quite cooler than SD. Also, Im sure the citiy of Boston has free tourist pamphlets...
African Violets Damaged By Cold?
My mother used to grow beautiful African Violets. I remember that she was always pinching everything dead off the plants. btw, if it helps, she never put them in direct sunlight. Always a little ways back from South windows.
Dog Afraid To Come In The House?
Patience! If hes 2 years old then he has 2 years history. Maybe he had bad experiences in a house. Or may have been outside all his liife and beaten if he tried to go into house. Coax him and make sure he knows that its OK for him to be in the house. (Praise...
Determining How Much Food To Prepare?
If you are brave enough to try it Im sure youll figure it out. I think the lasgne,etc. tip (freezable stuff) is good. I just want to wish you good luck. I was born in Oswego and had many relatives there. We may be cousins!
Crafts Using Formal Dresses?
If they are really pretty you can hang them on your bedroom wall (or anywhere youd like). This way they are decorations until you decide what you want to make out of them.
Tendentious in the Achilles Tendon?
You could search on the internet for Achilles Tendon or Tendonitus (Im not sure of that spelling, but its closer than yours) I do my medical searching on WebMd. Good Luck. Pam in RI
Stubborn Lilacs?
Im not sure either but I think lilacs need a cold winter. Are there other lilacs growing around you? Ask their owners what they do (people love to give advice). Or find out if you need a particular type of lilac for your climate. I know that lilacs grow easily...
Canned Milk As Glue
Im sure this is Condensed milk. Not evaporated milk (which we usually call canned milk). I havent tried it but I wouldnt be surprised if it works. Elmers Glue is made from milk.
Growing Lilacs in the Mountains?
Lilacs prefer cold climates. Look around for some growing in your area and find out just what kind they are. I know they grow good in the mountains of NH (like the other post said in VT).
Cigarette Smoke on a Suit?
Hang it up outdoors, overnight if possible. This is old-fashioned remedy and usually works.
Collecting on a Debt in Australia?
I dont know either how things work in Australia. But I wouldnt give up no matter what it costs. Just on principle. Too many men do things like that. Hire a lawyer (attorney, barrister?). Or, do you have Private Detectives there? Yes, I have been a victim also...
Dry Callused Feet?
My mother taught me the easy and cheap (and safe) way to keep feet soft. Baking soda in some warm water. Sit down, put your feet in the water and relax. I dont have todo it very oftern any more. Those plastic pans that you take home from hospitals are just...
Back to School Organizer Made from Towels
She IS tryng to sell them. But I think with some folding and sewing they wouldnt be too hard to figure out. For the grommets, you have to by a little gadget to put them in. Or use your imagination and make a casing on the to go on curtain rod, or clip on to...
Faded Spots on Clothing?
I live in an urban area and often the water company has to put in a lot of chlorine to make it safe. Some pwople have complained about white spots in their laundry. Of course, this doesnt solve the problem. Just wanted you to know what it could be. Pam p.s...
Packaging Quick Meals
I must be behind the times. What is Glad Press?: I live alone and like to freeze meals for another day. (b)Editors Note:(/b) Its a kind of wrap, like saran wrap only it sticks to the container, press and seal.
New Uses for Video Cassettes
Could you explain the plant stand table a little more for me? (please) I just couldnt picture that one.
Fabric Softeners?
Ammonia is rather dangerous. Even though its a common houselhold item. Or used to be. I would avoid it if possible. I never keep it in my house any more.
Thrifty Living Advice From World War II Survivors?
I was a small child during WWII but I do remember that everyone who had the least bit of backyard grew vegetables. It was called a Victory Garden. My MIL told me how she saw a sign in a restaurant about putting sugar in your coffee. Something like Use just...
Which crockpot brand name is the best?
Just a note why most people preferr Rival . Rival actually has the copyright on the word crockpot (because they nvented it)so the others are copycats and have to call themselves slow cookers.:)
Cooking When the Power Goes Out?
If a gas grill is too expensive just to have around in case of power outage you can use a charcoal grill or Hibachi. Also for outdoors but can be used just inside the (open) garage door. My mother had to do this for 10 days after hurricane Carol in 1953
Keeping Mayonnaise Fresh
My guess is that the cardboard/paper would attract the moisture in the jar and that would encourage mold to grow on it. Pam in RI
Poll: How hot is it where you live?
Im not sure just how hot it is in RI.. But being near Narragansett Bay and the ocean it has been extemely humid also. And the a/c in my (old) car died. An anecdote -if you dont mind- July 31,1969 my son was born in Calif. We lived in Santee. It waa 110* for...
No Bake Peanutty Granola Bites
I have been looking for a recipe similar to this (I lost it when moving). It had peanut butter, oatmeal, and ??. Other than that all I remember is that you melted chocolate, add other ingredients, on the stovetop. Then mixed together into cookies and let cool...
Heartworm Shots?
Heartworm is a very serious condition. You have to know your veternarian (sp?) and be able to trust that his charges are fair. Dont delay. Get that dog cared for. Maybe the spca or some other organization could give you an idea of how much they usually cost...
Craft Uses for Old Clothing
I took a long-sleeved shirt (it was a little too small for me) and sewed the bottom closed. Then just put it on a hanger and hung it up in the bathroom as a decorative hamper. Good for small items and/or childrens laundry.
Craft Uses for Old Clothing
I took a long-sleeved shirt (it was a little too small for me) and sewed the bottom closed. Then just put it on a hanger and hung it up in the bathroom as a decorative hamper. Good for small items and/or childrens laundry.
Hurricane Preparation Tips
I have been in several hurricanes and power outages but have never lost water. Is that because you have a well that you need power for water? As I said I have never lost the water, that is,_city_ water. And having gas stove to cook on helped too. That never...