Buttons and Tank (Miniature Schnauzer)
Hi Vickie: Buttons and Tank are so cute. Im writing because we had a wheaten-colored Cairn Terrier that we named Buttons. Now we have an adorable Cockapoo that we named Snuggles. I love dogs. They make such good pets! Enjoy your two! Sue
Homemade Conditioning Rinse For Shine
Does anyone know if this recipe can be used on colored hair without making it fade?
Keeping Bugs Out of My Face?
Dont use any shampoos, conditioners (such as Fructis), perfumes or colognes with a floral or fruity scent. They are attracted to the scent.
My Mom and Her Garden
God bless her! Her cannas are the largest I have ever see! She sure feeds them well. My mother is an avid gardener too at 82 and still going strong. It keeps their minds active and strong.
Yellow Spots From a Bleach Stick?
First of all, trying washing your capris in cold water to see if the stains come out. If the stains dont come out after washing, dry them in the sun -- the sun is a natural bleacher. If worse comes to worse, wash them again with bleach and dishwasher powder...
Decorating Advice for Seafoam Green Carpet?
We have seafoam green carpeting in our living room and our couch has shades of seafom and mauve. I like peach with the seafoam green also as the other person posted.
From Germination to Transplanting?
http://www.briansgarden.com/articles/000411.html Visit this website. Hope it helps!
Moth Infestation?
Buy Pantry Pest -- You get two in a box. Place in your cupboard or pantry. It is a lure for the males -- they are attracted to the scent. The moths stick to it and die, thus controlling their mating with female moths. Keep buying new ones every few months to...