Tell Businesses of Your Interest
We only have a Captain Ds and would LOVE a Long John Silvers because the Captain doesnt cook very thoroughly. How do you find the corporate address/e-mail? Thanks in advance!
Links: Print Your Own Graph Paper
I was looking for something just like this Fri. when I wanted to map out and try color combinations for a quilt idea. Thank you!
Saving Magazine Articles?
Its an investment, but the neatest and easiest way to organize would be to place each in a plastic sheet protector. I have my quilt patterns organized this way and it cuts out all the clutter!
Changing Bulbs Saves Money on Electricity
We recently heard on the news that the flourescent bulbs have mercury in them and you have to be very careful and thorough about the clean-up. As clumsy as I am, I immediately decided not to ever buy them unless no other options were available to me. Thinking...
How to Find Out-of-Print Sewing Patterns
Thank you SO much! I had a couple of patterns I really loved, but couldnt find in my current size any more. Now I might be able to
Tips to Curb Cigarette Cravings?
The more water you drink, the less cravings you have. I hope you arent trying to quit chocolate or something else at the same time. Quitting cigarettes is enough for now. Remind yourself the cravings will pass in just a few minutes and go on with your life...
Health Advice For Fatty Liver?
When we consume milk and sugar at the same time (like when eating ice cream or most cakes) it has the same effect on our liver as if wed been drinking alcohol. Avoid this combination and you will see a big improvement.