Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
My all time favorite paint color for a kind of a peach/apricot. It is bright and cheery and if you add a plant or two as the previous poster mentioned it would look....fabulous! Have fun!
Revitalize Old Clothes
I have dyed favorite tops and sweaters for years and am always very pleased with the results. I have three favorite long sleeve T-shirts that never seem to wear out (I bought them almost 10 years ago) but the color does fade. Ive dyed half a dozen times and...
Building a Frugal Greenhouse in the Garage?
Yes a little electric space heater does the trick! I use one of those electric oil heaters and it works perfectly! I also keep a fan (the ones you can clip on anywhere) going for air circulation. We replaced the windows in our house last year, as did our neighbor...
Getting a Loan Modification?
Here are the facts, eligibility, procedures and contact info. Also, HUD has loan councilors who can direct you to legitimate and honest companies in your area at no charge. Good luck!
Store Salad Greens With a Paper Towel
Ive done this for years also. I wrap everything in PTs, radishes, broccoli, cabbage, celery, green onions, asparagus, just about anything. As soon as I buy but before I wash except lettuce. Even half used cucumbers, peppers get wrapped. Then I put them in ziplock...
Fixing Scratches on CDs?
Try your local video rental store. They have resurfacing machines. The store in my town resurfaces them for $2.00 a piece.
Bury Plastic Bottles for Garden Irrigation?
I have done this for years with 100% success! The difference being, I always use 1 gallon glass jugs. They are perfect! These jugs do not have to be refilled daily. You could go away for the weekend and not have to worry, and you will be surprised at how little...
Organizing Hair Accessories?
I bought one of those 3 tiered hanging vegetable baskets at the dollar store. You know the ones. There is a little one at the top, then a medium sized one in the middle, and a large one on the bottom. It works like a charm and I can put everything in it from...
Tying Ribbon to Cat Toys?
I create balls out of yarn. Just wrap a nice tight ball of any size and leave a long tail on it or weave in the end. Also tie them on doorknobs for more fun play.
Do You Need To Tip When Getting Take Out?
I am trying to remember when tipping for fast food and/or take out became the norm and/or even expected. Fast food/take out is very different from dining in as it requires a lot more work, skill and knowledge! I have worked my way up the ranks of the restaurant...
Full Dinners That Can be Frozen and Reheated?
I agree with and have done most of what has been already offered here and they all are great...however, one of my favorite frozen meals...for individual servings...take a chicken breast, sliced carrots, potatoes, zucchini, etc...any favorite veggie can be used...
Recipe For TNT Beet Soup?
This sounds like Borscht to me...origin is Russian and can be served either hot or cold. Follow this link and you will find about 45 different recipes to choose from! Enjoy!
Make Sure Ebay is Actually Making You Money
I have never used eBay but I have done quite a bit of shipping for my can get (i)free(/i) shipping boxes from USPS or UPS or FED EX. USPS has also has a flat rate Priority Mail box that you can ship anywhere in the US for $8.95 up to 70 lbs. I...
Recycling Weed and Feed Spray Bottles
You can also get rid of aphids and other pesky little bugs...earwigs...pill bugs, spraying your plants with the lease expensive red pepper sauce you can find...I found big bottles at the Dollar Store so dont waste your Tabasco! Mix it with water in...
Crocheted Knee High Boots?
In the pattern I use the boots dont come up to your knees but you could add more rows and make them any height you like! Ive made several pairs of these and I just everyone justs loves them! Enjoy!
Ziplock Yarn Keeper
Brilliant idea! Thank you! An old Quaker Oats box worked for me many years ago when they still sold the oats in the round cardboard containers. I still use the coffee can at home but now I will be using zip locks for on-the-go! Thank you again!
Rose of Sharon as a Teeth Whitener?
Havent ever heard of this plant as a whitener. The best teeth whitener I know of is a brush of baking soda followed by a rinse of peroxide. Check the ingredients on the high priced teeth will find one or both of these included. I have been using...
Cockroach Repellents?
I agree with Andi6...I managed resident hotels in San Francisco and Boric Acid is the repellent that was always used! It works!
Milk Jug Watering Tip
I live right on the coast so to solve wind problems....I use 1 gallon glass jugs as they have a neck on them and the little handle works as a brace to hold the jug in place. Simply fill with water, turn upside down and bury in ground directly next to the base...
Building a Rental?
A Good site for plans and ideas... Here is another alternative...pallet houses...