New Dentures?
First of all - the bite is extremely important on dentures - if the bite is off - then you can have muscular jaw issues and pain later. as far as taking care of them - your dentist should help you with this - call him if you have questions. But general guidelines...
Value of Disney Films and Records?
Check Ebay - even antique dealers use ebay to see what things are selling for - if theyre not worth much - consider freecycling them - theyll go in a second.
Whitening Teeth with Banana Peels?
Also - if you have no enamel - youll want to ask your dentist about treating your teeth with flouride treatment at home - it will help to save your teeth from deteriorating further. Ive sued it for a long time and its helped immensely. its in a tube like toothpaste...
Organizing for a Disability
Whether your disability is permanent or temporary - like after surgery - these are some great ideas. More: For your walker - make something with pockets to attach to the front of your walker - youll be able to keep items you need most in the pockets. Also - an...
Making a Netting Petticoat for Wedding Dress?
A crinoline - which is usually worn under the wedding dress is usually made in 3 parts - part 1 - an aline skirt of any fabric - usually something similar to taffeta - it needs some stiffness. Then, layers of netting starting at the bottom and going up - then...
Making a King Size Headboard?
In our old apartment we had huge bedroom. I took a king size sheet and just used tacks to attach it to the wall for our headboard. We had nightstands. I attached a curtain rod near the ceiling and then draped some fabric over it. It was really stunning. For...
Recycled Shoe Hen and Chick Planter
My mom did this for years! we still have a pair of my 25 year old nephews baby shoes. When my mom and dad passed away. I kept a couple pair of their shoes for planters too. I had to remove the hens and chicks for the winter season. So many in the shoes bloomed...
Saving Cards With Addresses
I forgot to mention that this is a great way to keep addresses current at Christmas time too! Linda
Dishwasher Utensil Basket for Scrapbook Storage
Great idea! its also usually long and narrow - so it wont take up much space at your work space!
Write Down Blessings To Change Your Mood
Lovely Idea! Id go one step further - keep it in a notebook or write it on slips of paper to put in a jar. The next time youre low - write one, read one. reminding yourself how fortunate you are is always a good thing!
Make Quilt From Old Sweatshirts
I did this with some of my late moms old sweatshirts and some of my fave tshirts. There are bunches of places online that will do it for you - for $200 or more. I did some research online and got a couple basic quilters books and did it myself. pretty easy...
Save Those Nursery Monitors
We did the same thing with my parents. Now that my husband and I are in the house alone and we have the basement and 2 other floors. Im thinking about how I can set them up so I can holler at him from the basement without calling his cell phone!
Keeping Track of Medical Information
Excellent suggestion. Ive done this for myself since 2001 - I had a medical crisis in which I was going to the er or the doctor a few times a week. I literally couldnt remember where I went and what they told me. So, I made a file with all the info listed above...
Another Use of Barbecue Tongs
I put a pair of tongs in the garden shed. When the soil is fresh from a rain or soft - I use it to pull weeds.