Removing Sharpie from a Cloth Doll?
Wow, what a bummer that they did that! Ive had luck before with getting permanent marker off of plastic by using a dry erase marker in the same color by tracing over the writing and wiping it off. It takes a few times though, and might just make it worse since...
Mock McRibs
Hi, Melanie here, Ill admit Im one of those pinch of this/touch of that cooks who doesnt always measure. But to be close for our malts: I fill our blender with about 2 cups of milk, add 3 heaping tablespoons of Carnation powdered malt mix, add about 4 cups...
Mock "Ice Cream" Blizzard
The recipe should have said 20 mini candy bars-sorry for the typo... Melanie (chocoholic here 2 would never do:)
Caring For Stainless Steel Kitchen Center?
You can keep stainless steel clean by using a dry wash rag with rubbing alcohol on it and then just buff clean and dry. I started using this after I saw a Dr. clean his sink with the rubbing alcohol. If its good enough to kill germs on my skin or at a Dr. office...
White Gel Pen for Christmas Cards
Ive done this for awhile now at Christmas time, I even send my bills this way through the post office and no problems. The pens Im talking about are very bright white and actually contrast very well to be seen on the green and red envelopes. For my bills in...
Cheap Outdoor Holiday Decorations?
Buy some white PVC pipe and cut into 3 foot lengths (may have to use white paint to touch up the printed sides of the pipe) then use red duck tape or red electrical tape to put the red swirl on your new candy cane sticks. Can line your driveway or walkway with...