Home Remedy for Restless Leg Syndrome?
Tonic water has quinine in it that may help. Magnesium helps also.
Reviews of E-Book Readers?
I have recently bought the kindle and I love it. They have a new version which came out this week 4-14-11 that has commercials on it so it costs less. Check it out. You will not be disappointed.
How Do I Remove an Oil Stain from Ceramic Tile Floor?
Lestoil found at Kroger grocery stores. ACO hardware store. Maybe your local hardware could order it for you.
Removing Skunk Smell From A Dog?
I used Messingels douche liquid. Tomato juice did not work. The hardest part to get is their snout which absorbs the smell. It will take longer to get that part clean.
Conditioner Makes Hair Fall Out?
Change the kind of hair color you are using. Do not use Color Silk by Revlon it will ruin your hair. If this is not the problem, have your thyroid checked. The symptoms you are saying sound like low thyroid. Good luck. By the way another poster suggested only...