African Violet Growing Long Brown Stems?
Your african violets are just outgrowing their pot. This is called the neck. Just re-pot in a larger container, burying the neck up to the base of the bottom leaves and care for as usual.
Green Bugs on Dill?
Dill is good to let go to flower and seed for beneficial insects. Killing every insect you see just gets your garden out of balance. The green beetles are after the nectar. It will be okay.
Harvesting Collard and Mustard Greens?
Yes, your plants should be large enough by now. I always select a few leaves from the bottom and add to my salads, or steam the collard greens. Yummmm! You can also start new plants now to harvest throughout the winter months if your zone allows. I live in...
Tomatillo Plant Not Setting Fruit?
You need more than one tomatillo plant for pollination, they are not self-fruitful. You must have two or more plants to produce fruit.
Growing Buttercup Squash?
I grew this squash for the first time this year and it is amazing! She (Buttercup) has taken over half of my 60 garden, she even grew up on my fence and I have lovely squash growing everywhere! It is so yummy, just like sweet potato! Pick the squash when they...
Can I plant Wisteria pods?
First off, Wisteria pods/seeds are poisonous, so keep away from kids and pets. Yes, you can grow the plants from seed but it may take 15 years before they bloom.
Something Is Eating My Pepper Plants?
Is this a trick question? There is a picture of a tomato worm on the plant. It is being eaten by a tomato worm, just pick it off! Check your plants daily for these worms, you will notice little black pellets (poo) on the leaves below the caterpillar.